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How Can Anyone Believe In God? by Neil Southern (5)
"We never know God's mind." -- J Harris.
"Reviewing some of your other postings as well, it's obvious you don't believe in anything positive. A tough way to go through life. I have no doubt there is a God. I've given up trying to analyze His master plan for all of us. I just hope I'm somewhere on the upper level of the curve when I leave this life. " C'mon Purgatory!" " -- Richard.
"Thanks for the comments Richard. However this is a writing site remember, not my diary! I draw from many sources in an attempt to provoke thought! I respect your faith and your time taken to read my work. Hey! I'm just learnin! " -- Neil.
"I really like this one. This is a commonly asked question when people are in certain situations. Don't worry about the religious advocate posts. I get 'em all the time. " -- Devin Salinger, Sevierville, TN, USA.
"Your poem bought back the time when my members of families died, at the time the only question, "Why"? At the moment of this dreadful time, it is like testing time in ones faith either you are drawn closer to God or one is drawn away. I personally think that when one is drawn closer to God - is when one finds loving peace and comfort that no human can give at times like this. Than through my own personal experiences l find that l can also help comfort others. Not a nice subject to write about but should be written about." -- Amy, Hayes, UK.

Father, What Hath Thy Done? by Chris Lockley (1)
"OMG what a piece of crap! Jesus! Youre work sucks my dick" -- Aimee Friedland.

Your Daughter by Cody Lee (1)
"OMG what a piece of crap! Jesus! Youre work sucks my dick" -- Aimee Friedland.

You Gave In by Cody Lee (1)
"OMG what a piece of crap! Jesus! Youre work sucks my dick" -- Aimee Friedland.

Years Later by Audrey Kohout (2)
"OMG what a piece of crap! Jesus! Youre work sucks my dick" -- Aimee Friedland.
"k I just had to submit something to get credit for a class. Screw you" -- Audrey.

When The Time Comes by Neil Southern (1)
"More meaning to each line would do the trick." -- Jahri, Jamaica.

This Is Love by Bk Kinsel (2)
"Its really honest and sweet. Im sure it would make the girl you wrote it for smile. " -- Liz, USA.
"This is so heartfelt and real, and I'd love being on the recieving end of this poem!!" -- Alison Reed.

Third Nerve by Sinfonia (1)
"OMG what a piece of crap! Jesus! Youre work sucks my dick" -- Aimee Friedland.

Things Have Changed by Neil Southern (1)
"what a terrific poem, the ending line in each stanza summed up the story so well." -- curious.

They Live Within Me by Brian J Hankins (1)
"It's true. It's spooky. Good write. Thanks for sharing." -- barfield.

The Hill by Neil Southern (1)
"Look beyond this life to Jesus (John 14) and you will realise your life is only just begining. Eternal life lasts a very, very, long time. One day in His courts is as a thousand elswhere!" -- anngordon.

The Dead Finally Died by French (1)
"Your poetry is pale and forsaken-leave your pocket Ezra Pound behind the bushes......" -- Franklin, WV, US.

Senses by Jaymie N Dillon (1)
"Wow! simple yet deep." -- Jahri, Jamaica.

Remembering The Night by Michael Perry (1)
""OMG what a piece of crap! Jesus! Youre work sucks my dick"" -- Aimee Friedland.

Reasons For Happenings by Elise Simmonds (2)
"i really like it, i think it would be a great song too!!! I was reading it and i made up a really god beat, im sything it now!!!" -- Alison Reed.
"Elise, no experience of life is wasted with God because He loves you so much. Trials are sent in love to strengthen us for helping others. Sometimes it is the devil but Jesus can work everything out for your good when you put your trust in him alone. Regarding angels, read Matthew 18 - they are there to protect us, not harm us. --Thankyou for sharing your thoughts with us. As the song goes 'I get knocked down, but I get up again'. Best wishes." -- ann gordon.

Poem 1968 by Michael Potter (1)
"I like this" -- Neil.

My Writing Lately by Carla Thomson (4)
"Everyone has mix emotions and feeling don't alway make sense. A lot of the stories I write don't make sense either. " -- Jeanette.
"I was drawn to this piece.I totally relate to this. Nothing seems good enough but in some ways the download of thoughts is the best kind of writing. Keep it up!" -- Neil, UK.
"Your writing Rocks! and your coool." -- Matthew Mark@, USA.
"OMG what a piece of crap! Jesus! Youre work sucks my dick" -- Aimee Friedland.

In An Instant by Neil Southern (4)
"I really like it!!! You could probably put a beat to it and it would make a great song!!! I'm imagining synths and rhythms that I can put to it!!! I'm weird like that!!" -- Alison, Newport, Rhode Island, U.S..
"Thanks Alison, I am sure your not weird!" -- Neil.
"OMG what a piece of crap! Jesus! Youre work sucks my dick" -- Aimee Friedland.
"Well nobody else would..." -- Neil.

If The End Is The End by Neil Southern (1)
"Probably the oldest and most unanswered question ever thought about or uttered by mankind. Atheists and agnostics are eager to defend their disbelief by lack of evidence. Noone, they argue, has ever returned or confirmed to the living, that eternal life after death exists. A simple answer to this argument is to realize that if God permitted such indisputable evidence to manifest itself by feedback from those in the afterlife, we would all become immediate converts. He is infinitely wise and part of His grandiose plan for mankind obviously does not include making it so easy for us. " -- Richard.

I Hate It When... by Latoya Maracinno (1)
"I love it." -- jacky, Stockh, Sweden.

Hidden Treasures by Seema M Salman (3)
"beautifully written and explained the hidden treasure within, Iloved your writting of the 3 verse.We all have faith and love it just needs to be awaken within us all to realize it, around us is misery and hate but within us is God's love and faith. really enjoyed this peice of poetry." -- jacky, finland, finland.
"Beautiful of hidden treasure" -- bay, sydney, NSW2560, australia.
"OMG what a piece of crap! Jesus! Youre work sucks my dick" -- Aimee Friedland.

Ghazal by Aatika Noor (1)
"Asalamualikum to all respected readres. This is my pleasure taht u serve your time in reading my words. I will be really obliged if u also comment in few words Aatika" -- Aatika, Karachi, Pakistan.

Faries On An Ordinary Day by Dg Williford (1)
"Very interesting, a little confusing though, not sure there was much point, but then again, maybe that was the point... anyways, check your spelling! but nice job anyway. Keep writing!" -- Halle, OR.

Desire by Seventh Star (1)
"Excellent! " -- Michael W., Manteca, CA, United States.

Deceit by Neil Southern (1)
"Ah, perhaps we do envy their honesty, and maybe they're thinking the same of us. The longer it goes on, the easier it gets. Nice work. " -- rae.

There are 25 title entries with reviews on this page.

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