Behind The Dark
Paris Cooks



                                                       Behind The Dark
Before you begin your true journey, that inevitable search for who you really are; you’re true being. Know that the outcome matters. Weather its health or wealth, in order to achieve this you must always remember first! (Embrace what you are now!) Conquer the world you live in now! Pay homage to the world you come for now! Become the world you live in now! (Turn your living hell into a heaven now!) Only then you will clearly see the Universe work in your favor. (Does god punish us for being who we really are? Does he punish the homosexual for being gay?)Answer the questions in this letter, and discover what your soul knew before your existence.
When looking into a mirror, do you see a reflection of yourself, or does your reflection see you? Do we look into a mirror, or are we looking out of a mirror? Was Human kind recreated out of a web of lies? After Adam and Eve sinned their way out of the Garden of Eden, (true story or not) does anybody actually owes us the truth? Will a lie become all Humankind knows as truth? If so, the realization of pure truth will be the only true best kept secret. Shall we be punished for speaking true truth, or shall we be rewarded for discovering the key to its enigmas, like a rat in a maze sniffing out a chip of cheese?
Is your child really a chip off the old block? Or compared to this new block, are you just a chip? It was said that, an apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. But the only true fact is, apples do fall from a tree. Are we really made from darkness, is the light a lie? These are the questions we as Human Beings should be asking ourselves, or we are afraid of the truth, and will not admit we ask ourselves these questions. Does time really exist? Or when we, cease to exist, so will time? Should we fear what is, and not fear what we do not know?
If god really love us, will he hate us for asking questions? Will we be chastised, or cast into a pit of fire for reading the wrong books? Are we a product of our own product? Is go Man, and is Human kind an artificial intelligent of his/her creation? Are we computers to god? Is Human Kind off button activated when we sleep, and deactivated when we awake?
Are we conceived at the beginning, and birth at the end? Or are we birth at the beginning, and conceived at the end? Exactly when the spiritual being of a person does really comes into existence? A life of a child, or animal does move in the womb. Roots do grow from underground up. did god really created the world in six days, and rest on the Sabbath, should the Sabbath day not exist being that god rested on that day, therefore there was no creation on that day? Or should rest be accounted for? Perhaps god rested on the first day, and created the world in the remaining six days? Should we rest for six days, and create for one? Is one seven and seven one, as to first last, and last first?
If god rested on the seventh day, did he continue to create on day eight? What if god really finished his creations on day nine? Instead of 24, are there really only eighteen hours in a day, nine days in a week, three weeks in a month, nine months in a year, and two hundred and seventy days in total? Are women really meant to give birth at the end of the year as a representation of being pregnant for nine months? Are we as human beings born wise as we grow ignorant? What makes a women attracted to a man heroic bravery, and why was she less attracted to that same man 1 minute earlier, when told her she was beautiful, and how he would love to get to know her? Do you really have enemies? Or is your only and true enemy, your inner me?
When we close our eyes to fantasize, doesn’t it almost seems real? If a spirit close its eyes to fantasizes, would it seen real? Could that explain the cross of paths between the dream world and the ghost realm? Could that be the thin line between real and reality? If people walked through windows instead of doors, would it still be a considered a window, or would it be a door that resembles a window? (Define Door) The more you love someone, the more they dislike you? The more you are attracted to someone the less they are attracted to you. However, it is most likely that you will never know, because the truth is hiding. The truth is hiding in places of your mind being occupied by its manifested reality of lies (example: I know she loves me, everyone has soul mates, and she is mine) love is blind but hate is seen to clearly.
Perhaps the best love is often mistaking for hate. The kind of love that made you believed your parents hated you because you was not allowed to stay out to late on a school night. (Life is like a huge scattered puzzle, and the objective of the game is to put the pieces in the right places) love hate, truth lies, two planets in one, or a parallel universe that somehow intersect. We live in a world where the explainable is unexplainable and the impossible is possible. However, we may not accept any definition of truth if a part of us knows what real truth is. How could the eyes not lie, and mankind be unfamiliar with truth? (This is why people are still asking the same biblical questions)
Is planet earth two planets in one? When we wake up during the day, is that considered planet one? And when we sleep during the night, and dream, is that considered as planet two? When we say we want, are we really saying we do not want? Or should we say what we do want at night, and what we do not want in the morning? Do we live only once on planet one, but live many times on planet two? As a result to life’s puzzle of confusion, are we really moving backwards in life? Is the past the future, and is the future really the past? How does History repeat itself? How do we explain coincidence? How do we explain dajavu? Is it an intersection of our parallel universes crossing paths? Or are we just reincarnated? Shouldn’t dajavu fell more like a vision instead of an actual event accruing? Why is folk called folk?
If yesterday does not exist, and tomorrows not promised, then the only truth we know is should be considered as the present. Thus we as humans only know what we are told or being taught. In order to know the truth, do we not search for the truth? However, it does not mean we will find truth. (It may only mean it is possible to find) save yourself from yourself, praise yourself for yourself, shield yourself to protect yourself. Life is a mystery to a cold locked away in a secret volt, that only you know the combination for. Should we think about what we do, or what we think about?
Do we have to pay to get into heaven, is there a fee? Is it free admissions to hell, or are we paying to get inn through our sins? Is it better to manifest, then think, instead of think in order to manifest? Doesn’t it seem like all the good things we like are bad for us, and the things we consider bad for us really good, or is that coincidence? Are electron and protons subatomic particles that is also an interpretation of the forces of good and evil? Good people and bad people, good souls and bad souls, good things and bad things. How could an evil person be happy if he/she goes to heaven? Wouldn’t heaven be like going to hell for that evil soul? Wouldn’t hell be an evils person heaven?
Should we really see it to believe it? Is what is in visible clearly visible? Is what we do not understand clearly explained in front of us? Do we see blind, and do the blind see clearly? Are we not warm blooded creatures, swimming in a huge ocean of H2o? Are birds really swimming? Was the promise land really promised? If the world waits for no one, and time does not stop, shouldn’t we be inpatient instead of patient? Are we starting from the top working our way down to the bottom, or should we start from the top and work our way down to the bottom? When we work from bottom to top we can only fall, and when we work from top to bottom, we can choose to stay on top, or work our way down to the bottom (it is your perception of going up, or going down, that makes it into a positive or negative)
When one is stopped, should he/she continue to go? When one hears yes, is it really a no? If time does exist, wouldn’t that mean it will expire? Should a rich man be jealous of a wealthy man? Is the Universe envious of you, or is it simply trying to warn, and protect you from the actions that excite you? Doesn’t it seem like you’re interrupted by the universe when you begin to indulge into any form of pleasure? (Example: your engage in a deep conversation with your significant other, and your finally about to get your point across when suddenly the phone rings. Or you’re watching a football game and right when the ball is being intersected the power shuts off. Perhaps its midnight and your about to make love to your mate when suddenly you hear a knock at your bedroom door. It is your child saying he/she can’t sleep.) If it’s not the devil playing tricks on us, or the universe trying to warn us. Then how do we explain this?
Could god be the devil, and the devil be god? And if this was the case, would you still praise god knowing he was the devil? And if your answer is no! Wouldn’t that mean you chose to praise something other than your creator? Are you scared when you read these words in fear of cursing your god? “Ask yourself” is your creator good or bad? Or should the real question be which one is which? Is there really an opposite of everything? Could there really be two gods? Does the war that started in the heavens, continues in front of our eyes, right at this very moment? Are the god of good and the god of bad seriously fighting over the dominion of people? Or are the good and bad people creating a war between the gods? Perhaps there is no war in heaven, just a lot of speculation. Perhaps the faith of mankind is already written, and life really is about patience.
If a man accidentally committed murder because he was hungry. Should he considered a bad man sentenced to life in prison for his crime? Or are the people who sentence this man really bad because they had the resources to feed this man, but they did not? Perhaps, human kind is filled with greed and could never get enough. If all a poor man know is poverty, how could he want more? How could he want wealth? And when a poor man says he wants more, perhaps he is not specific enough, and in return he gets more poverty. Perhaps a poor man must be in a wealthy man position in order to want more wealth.
Since the beginning, were we loosing when we thought we were winning? If the world seems still, how could it be spinning? Could death really be what we know as life, and life only occurs after death? Instead of a period, shouldn’t a comma be at the bottom of a question mark, if the questions are consistent? Is Adam the female, and eve really the male? Perhaps Adam really convinced Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. Perhaps the fruit was really a vegetable from the plant of no knowledge…
Are the left handed people left handed people? Is their left hand really their right hand? Should their dominant hand be automatically considered the right hand? When a lefty write, is it really with their right hand? Could the part of their brain that originally make them right handed people be in the opposite position of what makes them left handed people? Do we see the world upside down instead of right side up? Is the sky really the ground, and is the ground really the end of the sky? Should we wear our shoes on the opposite feet, and our socks inside out? Or should we wear no shoes? Should we wear no clothes as well? Was clothes created to create more temptation, or was clothes created to provide comfort?
Doesn’t it make since to be born wealthy, and die poor? Shouldn’t we marry as kids but date as adults? Shouldn’t it be take and you shall receive? Did somebody switch the word take, with the word ask? Would taking be too easy? Therefore is there a valuable meaning behind Jesus Christ being crucified with the two thief? Were the two thief’s actually just as innocent as Jesus Christ was? Was the biblical government trying to hold man back from their true nature in order to maintain control of their power? Could that one small little detail of the thief’s be so boldly overlooked by Christianity followers that it is thrown under the rug? The true question is why would a thief steal? And how often does the wealthy steal? (Likely but rarely compare to the poor)
The devil did not want to worship Human kind. Did god say O.K. let them worship you and call you god? Could that be the devils punishment? Why would god punish the devil by allowing the earth to be his play ground? Wouldn’t that be dangerous for mankind? (It just doesn’t add up) if you could disagree with god but be punished for it, why do it? What is the difference between hope and faith, faith and confidence, hope and insecurity? What power rest in the number thirteen, and is Jesus and the twelve disciples a coincidence? Did god really feel like he/she really like us better than the creation of angels? If god said we could eat from any tree except from the tree of knowledge, what’s the purpose of the tree being there in the first place?
Should what be giving to you, taking from you? Should a good person do bad things to bad people? Should a bad person look at what is good to a good person as bad? Shouldn’t what is bad to a good person be good to a bad person? Are we really slaves misinterpreting the word free? Can what you see as back really be front? Can left really be right? Can up really be down? Can good really be bad? Can right really be wrong? Can rich really be poor? Dreams really be reality, light really be dark, east really be west?
Should we walk outside in the nude, should we think of wearing clothes only after we are outside? Should you have two marital partners to prove their love through competitive competition (winner takes all) the more we see, the more we as human beings want. The more we want the more we human beings are rejected. Humankind been rewriting the bible since the beginning of time, and it all seem like were playing a game of whisper down the alley (by the time the message gets to the last person, it’s a completely different message) therefore truth must resign with in the hearts of the beholders (you)
The bible, astrology, numerology, tarot reading, psychic reading, phrenology, sub atomic calendar, palm reading, are mere pieces of who and what you really are .Buddhist, Muslims , Christians all believe in one true god. However, fight and kill one another over who is the true Messenger. (God bless the messiah, Buddha, and Allah, put your differences behind you, sit down with one another and praise. However, in this parallel universe, if you’re killing, how could you be praising the god of good? If all religions come together wouldn’t that destroy one of the two gods? If there is one true god, we are creating another by not understanding to forces of evil)
Perhaps, ask and you shall receive do not mean that at all: perhaps, asking is not asking. If you could do nothing in every life situation, what will be the consequences? Would it be smarter to go to an auto place that tell you what’s wrong with your car. Then go to a mechanic to get it repaired? Are we Human beings victims of living in the negative?




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