Mr Randy Sez
Randall Barfield


Hi. This is a new diary. Hope you like reading it. It will contain comments about anything in the world I wish to comment on. Why Mr Randy? Its a nickname that has been used by many people down through the years. It seems to fit my personality, I guess. Why dont I make use of it? Okay, lets go and happy reading.

Helen. She was a country girl in the beginning. Later, she moved to a small city. There, she got married to a very handsome young man and had children. She had five children. She liked to cook and bake(for her family) and was a very good cook. She loved to read. She also loved flowers and working in her flower gardens.

Ive always considered myself a late bloomer, but the way things are going at present, I may just never bloom at all. What do we call that? Oh well, we cant have it all. Just look at some of those CEOs in the news. Some of them might be wishing THEY had never bloomed at all.

Mike. He had curly black hair and wore thick glasses. His dad worked as a house painter and general carpenter. Mike had a sister named Beverly and a little brother named Tim. They lived in a neat little house that had very green pine trees in the front and back yards. Mikes dad liked to drink beer and had a fat belly. Mikes mom was a nice person and wore very red lipstick.

Larry. He was an active boy. He had trouble reading in school, so paying attention in class wasnt easy for him. He loved to take all his toys apart. He was curious about what was inside the toys. Later, he disassembled the engines of his cars and put them back together. He also liked hunting and fishing. He especially liked deer hunting.

Robert. He was a tall, heavy man. He wasnt handsome. He was a storekeeper who liked to go away 4 or 5 days to hunt deer. He never talked a lot but his friendly wife talked all the time! They had one daughter who had red hair and freckles. One day Robert went away deer hunting again. After about 4 days I suppose, his wife became worried and called the police. They searched the area, found his truck, then found him. He had died sitting under a tree. Hed been waiting for a deer. At least he died doing something he liked.

Its sad to see one of our own against us. It isnt new, just sad. How full of hatred this kind of person must be, I think. How heavy a price will our country pay for all the broken homes weve seen?

No one is right all the time, but neither is one wrong all the time. Even the President is right sometimes. One of those times is when he urges our fellow citizens to straighten up,Eto get off drugs, etc. Weve a beautiful country, but inside it weve got some super-shitty people. Just watch a few so-called talk shows and youll see. All that I fell in love with my daughters husband,Eor My husband fell in love with my sons girlfriend,Ecrap.

God is a bit stingy when it concerns giving out brains. So many have so few. Even I, one of your favorite authors, could use a few more! I think that one of the reasons there is so much misery in the world(but only one) is this lack of brains. People with good brains dont sit around lethargic and without hope. They dont whine so. Theyre always too busy.

Some people have no malice or appreciation of history. Maybe its why they dont become Presidents or Prime Ministers. Some priest wrote Bush a letter saying we should be meek and mild and other things characteristic of the great Messiah. These things sound splendid on paper, but should the President follow through, wed be praying in Arabic in a few short years. The airplane was considered far-fetched, too, in its beginnings.

Lets not call names! From what I understand, a certain, well-known religious personality is calling Mohammed a terrorist and/or revolutionary. Well, well, well. Was there more of a revolutionary than our Jesus? And with names attached like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, et al, the word revolutionary isnt negative, but positive, right?

I dont know how everyone pays for all these cell phones and calls, but I think theyre great and Ill be glad when prices fall even more. Cant we all boycott or something to force prices down?

Id like to return to D.C. one day(Ive been there once.) to see all the changes and new things. However, I wouldnt want to go without time and money. Same for Europe. I dont want any guide waking me up, rushing me through breakfast, and telling me what were gonna see that day. Tough luck if I never get there.

Thank God for the Buddhists, Hindues, Taoists, etc. Can you imagine if we were a world of only 2 religions? The hatred, envy, and conflict that would probably exist on even a greater scale than now?

My first original joke ever: The angry mom slammed the potatoes down onto the table. My eye!E said one. To which the woman replied, Just try keeping your jacket on and close that trap!E

Hi folks. Beat Alzheimer. Die from heart failure instead.

Ive lived abroad so long that sometimes I think that if I went home to get a job, theyd think I was a terrorist or some similar spectre.

The USA cant take chances that in some uncertain future the knight in shining armor will appear or step right up to save it. It IS the Knight. May its armor not tarnish very soon. With friends like some of the EU members...

He said, Give me liberty or give me death.E Bravo, olEand hurrah!

What God thinks of us will always be more important than what our peers or some public think of us.

Looks like Whitney needs a dose or 2 of Og Mandino. If she cant handle having all that money, maybe giving it away a lEHafid would help to solve matters.

When are the wasteful fast-food people gonna learn that if the orders a take-out to take HOME, we dont need any plastic spoons, forks, etc. thank you. Dont most people have flatware at home in the kitchen?

Not preventing these car bombs are sometimes our own fault because we continue to let any vehicle go anywhere its driver wants. Can we not learn?

It keeps ringing in my ears what the President said about you-know-who not bringing this country down. As if a person could do so. Why did he say it that way? What was on his mind? What is on the minds of all of us? What additional steps do we all need to take in order to prevent more decadence? Is your own house in order? Can you find the ability to put it in order if is isn't?

Whatever happened to the Nicole Simpson thing? Did any leads get discovered? Mr S was gonna work on that, wasn't he? Is the murder always gonna be mysterious like Kennedy's?

This week I learned that respect is not only earned, it's demanded as well. So, it's a combo. Some people will say they already knew that. Maybe they did, but we all know too well those who act as if respect is demanded ONLY, with zero regard as to the earned part.

Enron and those other large "problem" companies reflect a moral bankruptcy in our society. We need to get back to prayer in schools. The deterrent to crime, both white and blue collar, is that conscience we developed when we were small. That question: "What would God think about little boys or girls who do things like that?" A question we faced over and over in Sunday schools or catechism. Do we need more catastrophes to force us to realize this?

I've always found myself in conflict with the American Heart Association's ads and advice. Its an organization that means well, of course, yet their ads mislead. They give us the idea that all will be well if and when we reduce our chances of attacks. Okay, let's reduce. Then what? A little cancer here and there? Blindness? You see, there aren't any guarantees. So, it may be we're better off with the massive attach(not some crippling stroke, etc.) and avoid the other crap. So there, AHA. Do good works, but don't mislead in your ads.

I have faith in us and in our country because, for one reason, we are a nation of such diverse ethnic groups. We are fortunate to have the ingeniousness and talents of Italians, English, French, Germans, Japanese, Hindues, Egyptians, and too many other nationalities to name here. We're all rolled into one--one nation, indivisible, and, for the most part, still under God. Who can be better than we are? What country with only one culture, one way of thinking and/or seeing things can be our serious foe? We are more united than some people realize. And when it's really time to fight, we will and well.

Good governments should do everything possible to ensure near-universal, functioning telephone service. They say they want the participation of their citizens in crime prevention, etc., but, in some cases, people are allowed to be deprived of a working telephone for weeks or months. Ones phone is a vital means of communicating whatever message, and, therefore, life or death sometimes.

If we have all these problems at present in a world of 6-plus billion souls, whats it gonna be like with 12 or 15 billiona horror show for real? Something to think about before you conceive that 2nd or 3rd kiddie.

Mr Putins case seems to be damned if you do and damned if you dont, but one doesnt know enough to pass judgement(regarding Chechnya, for example); nevertheless, one cant have negotiations popping up all around the globe. It would become an unmanageable situation, not to mention unaffordable. Also, what paid negotiators would think of hurrying, anyway? Of course, in some ways, the globe already seems unmanageable, doesnt it?

An article appeared in the news about a majority of Britons who would like to live elsewhere(out of Britain). I was surprised by it and still wonder if the article is accurate. What about the French or Spaniards? Id find it hard to believe a majority of them would like to live abroad! Talk about a changing world.

Just about everything the talented Ted Rall writes is interesting and offers one another point of view that can serve for comparison and second thought, but perhaps he goes a bit too far in implying that the President or even those nasty Republicans may be murderers of one or more of their Congressional peers. Isnt this implication disrespecting the office of the Presidency, not to mention its occupant as a citizen, person, and his entire family? Lets remember that Bush IS a US citizen(by birth and choice), same as Mr Rall; that he isnt infallible; and that it wasnt his fault or doing that the Congress was fullEof Republicans in November, 2000. Or will Mr Rall blame this, too, on the ranch-loving President? One wants to urge Rall not to be too harsh in his judgements of others and to remind him that God(in His infiniteEhas His own way of collecting debts. Does Mr Rall have any offspring or plans for such, by any chance? Lastly, if anyone in our cherished country projects an image of sanity, it is the Presidents mother, and Im willing to bet that the image is true to form.

Why don't Winona's friends take up a collection and buy enough clothes for her to the point of saturation. Maybe this would cause her to feel quite bored with clothing in the future. Remember Hepburn's outfits? Also Winona, why don't you go to Africa or something as did the other Hepburn, Audrey, and do a good deed or 2? Do I qualify for any Old Grouch award?

Why are we afraid of dying out on earth? By that I mean leaving no trace, no name, etc. Why do we even need to leave a trace if where we are going is superior? In Georgia we have the Crawford Long Hospital, the Robert Woodruff this and that, the Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital, etc. Okay, so there's a Helen Jones this, and an Alan Smith that, a Joe Blow the other. What are these names gonna mean 50 years from now? All our lives we've seen these names. Have you even given one of them a 2nd thought? Of course not. Not unless one was your grandfather or great-great grandmother, etc. It would be nice to see a reversal of this trend. When you leave some money, why not just scrap the name crap and let them call the building(or whatever) Hickory Hill or Pasadena Pass? They're much prettier, aren't they? Maybe I should call this scratching No Name Sez.

My mom died 2 years ago this month(Oct) and it's funny how I still feel very close to her, how I carry her inside me. Guess it's from all those chats we had and all her teachings I absorbed. It's also the result of being close to your parents, isn't it? Anyway, having been so close to death, I now try to keep my own little bagsEpacked for one never knows.

I think I'll never forget the Ethel Mertz line to Mrs Ricardo(Lucy) that it's either his(little Ricky's) little heart or her little head. The racehorse show.

Royce. He was mentally retarded(like me?) and lived next door to us kids. We were gonna get the wasps in the shed to sting him. I don't remember whose cruel idea it was, but I was a participant I hate and have to admit. So, we stirred up the hornets' nest, so to speak, and lo and beholdnot a single wasp, flying around angrily as they were doing, would sting him. Do you think for a minute that would've happened to one of us so-called mentally-normal kids? Forget it. Still today, I see it as the hand of God. Isn't that beautifulthe hand of God?

Some people think one has to be all sweet and holy with hands clasped all the time to possess any degree of religion. I say hell no you don't have to. I think Jesus rolls His eyes at those kind. And we all know some of those super angelsEwho, even if you wrestled them to the ground, wouldn't give a needy soul a dirty dime if their life depended on it.

I'm not too ashamed to say I was moved when Ann Landers passed away. I mean, all those years and all that advice. Many of us devoured her columns at different epochs in our lives. Her demise wasn't unlike that of, say, John Wayne's or Michael Landon's in terms of popularity. At least she had a life she seemed to enjoy fully. How many of us will be able to say the same when we kick the befuddled bucket?

Reading a WSJ article about Bert Sacks, who went to Ira q, I wonder: If were a free country, how can our government tell us not to visit certain countries such as Iraq or Cuba(which J Carter visited this year)? Or how free are we really?

For what its worth(I know, not much), I dont like one minute our governments asking other governments to extradict narcos and what-have-you to live in our prisons years and years at our taxpayersEexpense. Anyway, theres an unlimited supply of these notorious capos. Besides, its giving the great problemEa treatment from without, not from within. Which should be more effective?

Example is the only way to teach Christianity, not talking someone to death.

Where are the famed bounty hunters of yesteryear? Its not as if all heads out there have no price. A few heads have record prices, as everybody knows.

Those CEOs and their cronies who have stolen so much money from the little peopleEshould be forced to give it back by any means. We pretend to be so superior to less-developed countries who experience such theft all the time yet here we are doing the same shit. If we cant(and dont, fortunately) cut off thievesEhands, we can certainly cut off some of their cash flow or gravyE

One wonders who earns more these daysundertakers or plastic surgeons?(!)

The PreachersEWives. There were 4 or 5 in my life cause I wasnt a Baptist, southern or otherwise. The first one was Vilma and she was love personified. We were inseparable for some years and, although she went away when I was only 5 or 6, Ive never forgotten her love and support. I was her kid, period. Later she got her own kid to fill the void. The second was Doris. She had 2 boys of her own, but she loved me and let me hug and kiss her as if I were the third(I needed lots of love and assurance. One of those!) She had the loveliest smile and voice. She stayed with us about 8 years, fortunately. The 3rd well have to call Mrs Mack. Thats close enough. Im not sure I ever knew her first name. She, too, was a love. She was also serious and level-headed. Im sure she was her easy-to-excite husbands anchor. Then I graduated from high school and community college and it was I, finally, who went away. The fourth wife was in and out of my life at different times. Well call her Hilda. She was the prettiest of the 4 and, too, had a lovely, winning smile. A daughter of hers was one of my puppy lovesE Overall, these were great wives and great spiritual supporters. I hope their preacher husbands always appreciated them properly. You see, there are advantages when our children grow up in a church.

AmericaEcan improve its image with the Muslims by being itself, by striving for honesty and fairness. It doesnt need to spend millions to achieve this. Are Muslims, in turn, spending millions to improve their image among Americans?

Does anyone think for 3 minutes that we would listen if some nation asked or told us what to televise and/or what not to televise? Of course not. The problem is not that Egyptian state TV would broadcast anti-Semitic programs. The problem is that Egyptians would want to watch and/or would enjoy such shows. Hopefully, not a majority of them.

Dr N put up a sign for us teachers saying something to the effect that we should be/act the same day after day. In other words, be predictable for the kids and not show too much emotion. Of course, if students have the same teacher all year, they fairly well get to the point that they can predictEthe teacher in terms of reactions such as praise, scolding, etc. I didnt have a problem with that part, but I did with not showing too much emotion. I think teachers SHOULD show emotions. All of themanger, joy, surprise,care, whatever. Teachers should be real and natural, not untouchablesEas seemingly were our great historical figuresWashington, Lincoln, et al. The old way of learning about these figures made them seem anything but human. Im glad we finally have information available about their foibles as well as their great talents. Dont you agree?

Charleen had fiery red hair and freckles. She became a nice-looking woman. In her teens, she married Rob, who was from Iowa(It seemed so far.) They went there to live and had two boys together. Today, those boys are men, of course. Charleen and one son are hairdressers and have their own shop.

The past month has been Ramadan for the Muslims. I've been watching my 11-year-old Muslim student and got to see how strong he is. He's held out most of the month(They can eat when evening comes.) while watching every classmate gulp down her/his lunch, some days delicious, some days not. I wonder how many of us Americans could be as strong. If all the Muslims in the Islamic world were as strong as my student, we Christians, I'd say, would be in deep trouble. But I'm willing to wager they are not. I think they're a lot like us or the Chinese or the Finns--some strong and some weak--some honest and some corrupt--some tall and some short. I hope I'm right for while I respect every religion or try to, I don't have any urge to change. I like Jesus C just fine.

Although Hugo Chavez in Venezuela was elected properly, it's sad to see that he is so TYPICAL a "leader" in that he cares only about himself, and not his beautiful country that, because of his stubborn, dictatorial presence, bleeds today. Don't all nations need heads of state who feel horror at the mere thought that their country would suffer reverses because of something they say, do, or even fail to do?

When that refrigerator of yours is packed so full that you dont even know whats in it, why, I guess youre fairly rich. Right?

I dont quite understand. When Iraq(and if) gets unarmed,Ethats one country that supposedly(and very likely) had nuclear arms. There are all those other countries, however, like India, Pakistan, N and S Korea, etc. Some friends but some enemies at the moment. And we know that in politics friends and enemies seemingly change with the wind. So whats one less? We cant and wouldnt be allowed to disarm them all. Theres always China, too. Isnt China basically the one to woo(and we do)? Who can say how all this nuclear business is going to end, if it does, but it doesnt look very promising, does it?

Yes, Mr Mandela, the USA has committed atrocities, its for sure, but so have Germany, the UK, Japan, Russia, and a number of other groups of people including the Palestinians and the Israelis. So what else is new? We are all totally sure that no African has ever been cruel to another brother. Idi Amin probably wasnt really an African. Any more history lessons, Mr M?

A lot of people dont understand that if and when the USA goes down, there wont be any UN, OAS, NATO, even a Holland or a France, just to name and include some groups of people. Many shallow Europeans dont see very far. Didnt some of their countries almost disappear 60-odd years ago? What we really need in the USA is a population similar to that of India or China; then, we could say, Okay guys, whos gonna do us under?E So, INS, let them in!

About these bombs going off around the world, I know Bali and BogotEare far away from the shores of our country, but, if any Dick or Jane can make a bomb these days, nobody will ever be safe again anywhere. Any dissident or person with a grudge can just blow up some chosen place. Just think about it. Of course, we had bombs back in the 70sthose Weathermen and other groups. But nowadays it seems that no one can catch a culprit of any sort.

These writings are not buying me any groceries in a rare case anyone thinks gwowh or differently. However, I enjoy doing them so maybe thatfs reward enough.

Dieting is our feeble attempts to keep from killing ourselves with our big mouths. Itfs like insurancethe necessary evil. If you know you are going soon(kicking the bucket) and can manage it, donft go sadly. Go out eating, drinking, and being merry. Go out happy. Whatfve you to lose?

Sometimes Ifm sick of hearing or reading about povertythat poverty is the reason for this and the reason for that. Poverty isnft that abnormal a world condition, actually. Itfs far more normal than not. If the USA hasnft completely eliminated poverty(and it hasnft), what, then, can we expect from smaller, less-powerful countries? As long as we live in a world with unbridled birth rates, poverty will continue to exist. We can count on our ten little fingers the privileged countries that have zero poverty.

This Robert Bowman sends a letter to the President. Bowman is an ex-Vietnam guy, lieutenant-colonel, and now a Catholic bishop in Florida, according to Church sources. Herefs my little letter to Mr B: Yeah, Mr B, wefve done some bad, bad things, but wefve done much more good things. Why are you picking on the multinationals? Countries donft have to accept them, you know. And the USA isnft the only country with multinationals. The alternative is sometimes only starvation. About your exploitation rant, in many cases multinationals pay better salaries than gnationalh companies. Everybody knows this, itfs never been a big secret. Besides, the biggest exploiters in history always had the participation of onefs own brothers/compatriots. As for Canada, Norway, and Sweden that you mention, they are our gfriendsh and, in my belief, enjoy their good existence because of OUR existence. Ever heard of Adolf Hitler or Attila the Hun, Mr B? Yes, theyfre gone, but there are always others willing to take up where they left off. Had Mr Hitler continued his mad crusade, he would have shown the Swedes and Norwegians a thing or two. As far as nuclear arms are concerned, theyfre ugly and stink, but who with half a brain is going to believe your insinuations for a minute that all would be loving, peaceful, nobody-wants-to-be-in-charge, and hunky-dory were these arms done away with? You say if we are good instead of bad, who would be interested in attacking us? Who would have reason to hate us or a motive to bomb us? Have you forgotten Cain, Mr B? Did he have true motives for hating and murdering his brother, Abel? (Maybe it happened because he had to work hard.) Wasnft Abel sweet and goody-two-shoes? EVIL exists on Earth, Mr B. The Devil also lives and concocts trouble. The American Indians werenft sweet and angelic sitting around then came those big, bad Europeans. (Have you read, gBury My Heart at Wounded Knee?h) No, they were busy killing, maiming, and scalping among their own and other tribes. Same with Asians and Africans, Mr B. As Ann Landers said many times, gWake up and smell the coffee!h Or would Stephen Covey be wrong when he says one acts or is acted upon?

"About Schmidth finally came to town. We paid an arm and a leg to see it because wefd been waiting for it with relish. Fortunately, we werenft disappointed. It was well worth it, as usual with that actor.

How can democracy be established in an eastern country that is Islamic? Wouldnt separation of Church and state be necessary? Arent easterners unaccustomed to such a separation? It all seems so complicated, and it is.

Another of our Presidents was also vastly hated once. He was A. Lincoln. Today he is vastly revered for having done what he considered was the right thing.

I hope, personally, that someone finds something in Iraq to justify all this. No one needs to talk about liberating any peoples for, just think, we dont go liberating any Russians or any Chinese, etc. In 40-odd years we have not liberated any Cubans even! Why do some of the top brass say everything but the word petroleum?

As a decent citizen, I try to defend the President, but it gets harder and harder to do so. Maybe he IS a man of rough sentiments. All that time as governor of Texas and it seems he couldnt find a single death-row inmate to pardon unless it was at the end of the 4-year term. If there was one pardon at that point, it was for sheer political advancement. Yet we see that one of the main teachings in the New Testament is forgiveness and we have the idea that the President is born again. We, who are far from power and wealth, are mere little guys and, with our scant knowledge and official information, can hardly judge whether or not a decision has merit. One thing, however, is clear: Thou shalt not kill. Why, for seemingly the first time in history, has our country chosen to strike first?

Different writers keep mentioning North Korea in their columns, etc. Lets look at the map. See? They join. How many of us are truly autonomous? North Korea will do what China says to do or risk losing its head. Or is North Korea ready to take on the Sleeping Giant, which has at least one eye always open? Of course, if both are inseparable friends, then North Korea is quite lucky. What can one do?

Thanks to President Carter for issuing his statement, An Alternative to War, although its date is 31 January, 2003. (And thanks to Yahoo for saving it for me to download at my convenience.) Although war is now going on, the statement still serves to give those of us who were groping for a position something to point at. Some of us will take our chances on betting that Carters and Senator Byrd(Today I Weep for My Country)s are the TRUE U.S. voices of wisdom in the Iraqui matter as opposed to those others which , in the long run, wont convince a fly. Maybe, for the sake of our nations honor, Carter and Byrd will be proved wrong, but is it likely?

About this invasion of Iraq, Im not going to be quiet. When Vietnam occurred, I was as young as a PFC and far less wise in the ways of the world. There seemed to be very little I could say, not to mention that I was caught up in my own personal pursuits. Well, things have changed (a little, anyway). How painful was the ending of Fareed Zakarias Newsweek article in which he infers that we have metamorphosed from the admired role of rescuer/savior of the world to that of present-day nation to be feared much as any old bully should be. We, as a nation, should really do some soul-searching. Is the material part of life(excess oil consumption via SUVs, etc.) really and truly more important than solid, time-tested principles? Unfortunately, it seems to be in this day and time. Rice, Powell, et al have really come to our feet.

Of course, heaven on Earth we are not going to have. Ever. For me, its simply a reality.

I love my country. Thats why I disagree with the invasion. Its like parenting. Those parents who truly love their children are usually the strictest and most watchful. I say usually, you will note.

Get This: My English-speaking, Catholic and responsible friend, whos an engineer and has been working for the same Asian company for 5 years, gets denied a tourist visa to the USA cause, according to the letter he was given, his roots to his own country arent proved to be strong enough. In other words, he might not want to return. (Well boo-hoo, what might a person like him do to our own country? Improve it, thats what!) Anyway, is blood not a kind of root? Some people love their own country, you know(as we have been seeing in Iraq). But people like Atta get inlong term tourism! If they in the INS arent imbeciles, then the breed doesnt exist. And what about the US tourist organizations? They must be a complacent bunch! Mute, perhaps?

Where did I get the idea earlier that there would be little or not much resistance, that those troops over there would welcome us and the long-awaited change? I feel deceived. Of course, how much resistance could invaders expect upon attacking and trying to reassemble OUR country? A hell of a lot, I daresay.

When I was young and people sounded off, as Im doing here, I ignored them or thought they were mere, unhappy misfits(disgruntled). Maybe they were, but now I realize they were the true gems of our society(and any society). We need to hear voicespro and con regarding all matters. So, maybe Im a gem now, albeit a tiny one.

Everybody(at least, many people around the globe) is blaming Bush. Buts lets think. Its too easy to say you bad guy, you. For example, bad Castro, bad Hussein, etc. How did Bush get where he is? Why does Castro stay where he is? Lets not forget, as a highly-read writer pointed out recently, that A Hitler boasted of the support of the German majority. So, for our soul-searching purposes, its us you guys. We, the Americans who must shoulder the blame and dodge accusations for what is happening. Not any individual all by her/his little lonesome.

It is fashionable to say we are ensuring future terrorism more than combatting it. Maybe we are slightly, but THREE other things are ensuring future terrorism far more than can any one country. These things are hunger, unemployment, and overpopulation.

Of course, we were awakened on 9-11 and we stay awake now. That, in itself, would somewhat limit(or should) the severity of a future attack. One suspects the attack itself or attacks is quite certain. How beautiful and noble it could have been, though, to see that 100-plus nations were with us, were behind us 100 percent and aiding us in the counteroffensive carried out against any would-be attacker after the fact instead of the limp support we are witness to in todays reality.




Copyright © 2002 Randall Barfield
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