Rockfort Island - Chapter Five
C M S Sharpe


Chapter 5
“Chelsea, wait!” Amberly cried out but she was
too late. She was already out the door and
zipping off like a bullet shot. She stared at the
door for a few seconds, not knowing how to react.
Then, she looked over to the wooden desk near the
cabinet and fright shook her heart to find out
that Chelsea had left behind her shotgun. The
same gun she accidentally tried to use on me
earlier. 'God damn it! She’s going to get herself
killed out there. I got to go save her before
it’s too late!' Within seconds, she had Chelsea’s
gun and was practically soaring after her.

It really helped her out a lot that every door
she went through was left open and everywhere her
foot touched, left a skid mark from her oversized
Converse sneakers. The surroundings showed clues
of getting closer and closer to the Watchdogs’
Training Grounds. 'Oh fucking God please be safe!'
Suddenly, she found Chelsea.

She was stiff, trembling on her back. One dog had
her down by her neck, pinning her down. The other
three were snapping their jaws at her. Amberly
didn’t even put forth much thinking before she
shot a bullet into each and every one of their
skulls. One by one, down they fell. Chelsea
jumped in surprise but slowly; she pushed the dog
off her chest and stood up all dizzily, grabbing
at her neck in pain.

“Oh my god, are you okay?” Amberly almost
shrieked and covered her gaping mouth. Her eyes
watered up with tears a little, staring at her
wound. She watched her staggered over backwards,
landing on her butt. She was over by her side,
wrapping an arm around her waist in no time,
pulling her up to her feet.

Her stomach knotted up as she leaned heavily
against her covered her mouth and coughed. She
squinted her eyes in agony from her neck as it
was starting to swell. There was a splatter of
blood in her palm the next time she coughed.

Amberly looked at her with an expression of deep
concern, “Are you alright?” She asked, studying
her uncertainly.

Chelsea wanted to tell her that she was screwed;
that she could the T-virus working itself into
her body system and that it was too late. She
wanted so badly to confess of liking her as for
more than a friend but none of that came out.
Instead she said, “I don’t know. I-I don’t . . .
I-I think so.” She managed a half smile, not
wanting to make her worry too much.

But Amberly could tell she was hiding something,
“No seriously, are you okay?

She sighed and her voice croaked, “I don’t know
how much longer I have left actually.” By the
time, she had answered, Chelsea had finally
realized that she was securely attached to
Amberly’s back and that they were more than half
way back to the office that held the duplicating
machine. For what reason, she couldn’t ever guess.
Her vision was beginning to distort. Before her
sight gave way, she watched the floor rise up to
her head but didn’t feel the fall. The last thing
she would remember hearing was Amberly’s sweet
voice reassuring her that they were going to make
this out alive together. They were going to pull
this off together and that nobody was going to

Amberly gently laid her down on the floor and
went to work on making copies of the cure that
she found. “Come on, stick with me Chels,” she
whispered begging.

“Not . . . . . . Much . . . . . . . Time,” Chelsea
managed to mumble to nobody with her eyes heavily

Two sprays popped out the duplicator, and she
grabbed one to use. She left the other one to
make copies of. She hurriedly sprayed it on her
wound located on her neck. In no time, the
duplicator had created two more, then four, then
eight, and then sixteen. It would have made more
but Amberly stopped the progress. Rushing herself,
she used up six sprays now.

Suddenly, Chelsea started reacting to the
chemical mixture. Her neck began twitching and
throbbing while tightening up. She turned her
head to the side; a mixture of blood, saliva, and
some bubbly thing squirted from her lips onto the
floor. Opening her mouth as wide as it could get,
she gasped for air. Her eyes remained shut but
now she was opening and closing her mouth like a
fish out of water.

“Nooooooooooooo!” Amberly screamed and was down
on the floor instantly, resting Chelsea’s head
onto her lap. “You can’t leave me yet. No! Not
yet! Please, just hold on.” Gradually, her neck
loosens itself, a liquid oozed out the side of
her neck rapidly. Then out of nowhere, without
warning, her head went limp. “No.. no,” sobs
escaped through Amberly’s lips. “No. . .” Her
eyesight grew blurry, as she leaned her head down
towards hers. Tears flood her cheeks and spilled
onto her.

She wiped the corners of her mouth with her hand
to clean up the stuff she’d spewed up earlier.
“Please don’t give up on me,” she begged as she
brought her lips close to hers. “Please . . .”
and without thinking, she kissed her softly.

Chelsea’s chest rose suddenly as air entered her
nose, filling up her lungs. Her eyes parted open
slowly and she felt herself strangely kissing
someone’s lips as she awoken. Amberly lifted her
head up and stared, not being able to believe her

She cracked a smile up at her, “You’re alive!”
and blinked a couple of times, her eyes adjusting
to the light.

“Hey, that’s my line chicka!” Amberly said a
little confused but extremely relieved.

She looked all around her, checking her
surroundings without lifting her head up. “What
happened?” She arched her eyebrows in confusion.
“I thought I was a goner.”

Amberly placed her index finger over her lips,
silencing her. “Shh.. . You look beautiful right
now,” she whispered. Their eyes connected, gazing
into each other’s souls, while her ears turned
pink for a second. “Like I said, we are going to
pull this off together.”

“Hey Amberly?”


“Can I uh . . . have another kiss?” She asked
kind of shyly and weakly.

“Of course!” and she lowered herself down once

There on the floor of some office in the middle
of nowhere, they kissed each other like no other
one they had before. Pressing their lips against
the others, they hardly wanted to pull back. In
that moment, for once they were able to not think
of anything other than how much they really wanted
more of each other. For once, they let the
nightmare slip out of their minds. And in that
moment, nothing else mattered.

Even though the kiss only lasted seconds, it was
enough to make one thing certainly clear to both
of them. It hadn’t taken much at all. But it was
clear that they both were falling for each other,
even if they did had only known each other that

Chelsea was the one who broke away from the kiss
in the end. She looked up, “I-I think I love you,”
and she blushed quietly in her ears. Amberly
kissed her forehead lightly and said, “Well, I
know I love you . . .”
She smiled a little, her insides melting with joy
and love. Maybe for once, she felt accepted for
who she really was. She rolled over to her side,
breaking the intense connection between their
eyes and tried to pull herself onto her knees.
Dizziness filled her head and she grabbed a hold
of the table leg to prevent from falling.

“Where are you going? Amberly questioned,
watching her every move.

She shrugged her shoulders; “We can’t stay here
all night, wishing for a miracle.” With one hand
on the edge of the table, the other on the back
of her head, she got herself into a standing

Amberly stood behind her, wrapping her arms
around her rib cage helping her to keep balance
steady. “You’re too weak, Hun. You need to rest,”
she spoke in a low, calm voice, almost in a

“I am perfectly fine, no need to worry about me,”
she said and leaned her chest down against her
arms, trying to break free.

“No you are perfectly not fine! You just nearly
died only a few minutes ago; there is no way that
you are going out there tonight. You are too weak,
you need rest!”

“Do NOT!” She shouted as loud as she dared. She
didn’t care if her voice echoed off the bare
concrete walls. Forgetting about her lightheaded
issues, she thrust all of her weight down on her
arms. It didn’t help her to get free, only caused
Amberly’s grip to tighten and pulled backwards,
keeping her close.

“You are not going anywhere for the rest of
tonight and I mean it! You need rest.”

Chelsea gave up fighting; she stopped squirming
against her will. She put forth no effort in her
legs to stand up; her body limp like one of those
wooden dummies, leaning back on her. “Okay,” she
sighed. “You win, happy?” A nod could be felt
behind her head and she rolled her eyes,
strangely feelings a bit like a battery at it’s
very last portion of energy. Her heart jumped
into her throat when it felt like she was falling
down backwards, but it was only Amberly sitting
back down, bringing her along. “Hey Amberly?”
shifting her weight, trying not to crush her.


“I’m sorry for going off on you earlier.”

“It’s no biggie,” she answered and gave her a
gentle squeeze, hugging her.

“So what are we going to do?”

“About what?”

“For tonight.”

“Oh,” Amberly nodded her head. “I’m going to
barricade the room and then see if I can’t find
something to use as a blanket for us.”

“Well, the prisoner’s cell has blankets in it.
They had me in there. But uh, unless you want
blood-stained sheets, I don’t know what else
you’re going to use,” Chelsea said with a look of

“Uh . . .That’s okay. I guess we can just stick
to body heat,” Amberly suggested.

“Well, wait . . . I have an idea,” she murmured
to herself.

“Yes? Tell me.”

She pointed at her black hoodie underneath her
trench coat, “Think maybe we could duplicate

“Hmm. . . That’s a good idea, didn’t think about
it,” and she placed her hand under her chin,
stroking it like she had an invisible beard.

She pulled her arms out of her coat, threw it off
her back and then tugged her hoodie overtop of
her head. Chills shot up her spine as she felt
the air touch her bare arms and neck; she had her
t-shirt on underneath. She handed it to Amberly,
who was still behind her.

Amberly removed the hoodie from her outstretched
hands and walked over to the duplicator. She took
the original spray copy out and then stuck the
clothing article in, replacing it.

She watched her push a couple of buttons and then
seconds later; she made ten duplicated copies of
her hoodie. She ripped the torso apart, making
the hoodies bigger. With one arm sleeve, she tied
to the other sleeve of a different hoodie. When
she finished tying them all together, it looked
like a big 5x10 sweatshirt blanket. “How’s
this?” Amberly asked, holding up her creation.

Chelsea looked it over and nodded her approval,
“Good job, babe.” She laid her trench coat flat
on the floor so that it wouldn’t hurt their backs
when they lay there to sleep, later on. She sat
in the middle of her coat, Amberly handed her the
blanket and then set off to work on barricading
the room.

She pushed one of the tables into the metal
detector, which could keep any wandering zombies
away. 'I am surprised that none of them have
broken any windows in the hallway by now.'
Chelsea had the blanket wrapped around her,
watching her interestedly.

“Yes?” Amberly peeked over her shoulder at her.

“Nothing, just watching you,” and she kindly
smiled. “You almost done?” She asked as she
yawned and stretched.

“Almost,” and she started sliding the other
table in front of the other door, blocking it.
“There I think we may be good for now because
for one; zombies can’t open doors and two;
they can’t climb or go under tables,” Amberly
explained to her.

She nodded her head, understanding and then
pointed at a light switch that was located
beside the metal detector, “You might want to
turn the lights out,” she commented.

Amberly walked over to it, with one hand, she
flipped the switch and the light disappeared
within the room. The only light in the room was
the ones that were on the scanner and duplicator

Chelsea spread out the blanket, laid on her back
and outstretched her arm for her to join her.
She crept over without making a sound and joined
her side. They both wrapped their arms around
each other, snuggling close. Amberly helped pull
the blanket overtop of as she rested her head on
her chest.



Copyright © 2005 C M S Sharpe
Published on the World Wide Web by ""