Hypothetical Dialogs With Christ
Shelley Alongi


“Hello. What would you have me do for you, today?”




“Are you nervous?”


“Why? (Gently.) Don’t be nervous.” (Comforting.)

“I guess just because, well, um, I admire you. A lot. You know how I am with people I admire.”

“Yes. I know. You do more than admire me.”

“A crush. It feels like a crush. Why did I just say that?”

“Because, you’re comfortable with me.”

“You know me. That’s why I’m comfortable telling you that.”

“From the day you were made in your mother’s womb I’ve known you. Even before that. What’s going on?”

“Oh, I just have questions. Some of them are not so serious.”

“Okay. Where do you want to start?”

"Can we start with a headache?”


"A headache? I know about headaches."

"I bet you do. My first question is about medicine for a headache. Just curious, I guess."

"What's your question?"

"Did they have aspirin in your day?"

"Aspirin. Hmm, well, maybe not like you're thinking."

"What do you mean?"
"We had wine mixed with myrrh in my day."

"Wine mixed with any kind of plant thing doesn’t sound good. I don’t' know much about herbs and things like that."

“Pretty awful tasting stuff if I say so myself.”

"Wine and myrrh? You mean vinegar, don’t' you?"

"Same thing, really."

"Who would drink that? And well did it really help?”

"Wine and myrrh? Sure. A lot of people drank it.”

"I read it helped ease pain.”

"It depended on the pain."

"You mean it didn’t' always work?"

"It worked if you didn't spit it out.”

"Well, I don’t' know if you're brave or crazy."

“I’ve been called "both. That was a long time ago. In my day..."

"I know. you walked a mile to school, right?"

"two miles."

"In the snow."

"Well, if it was snowing I suppose.”

(Light laughter).

“Your question about wine and myrrh was easy to answer. It wasn't about creation."

"A question about creation wouldn't be so hard for you to answer."

"I don't think it would be hard for me to answer."

"Well, I don’t' think so either so I guess that's a no brainer for both of us. I’ll just tell you that whatever you say makes sense to me. I mean you make sense."

“That’s because my father brought you to me.”

“It doesn’t mean I don’t have questions.”

“Don’t be afraid of questions.”

"Okay. I want to ask you something else.”

“So many questions.”

(Eyes dance.)

"What about food?"

"What about it? Food is a good thing."

“I agree. Food is a great thing. What is this thing about you and fish? I mean what is so great? I prefer beef and pork, sometimes. I know you probably have a problem with pork."

"No. Not anymore, anyway. You know the answer to that. I see you reading those books. I know you know how I feel about pork. Besides I made it. I made all of it.”

“Okay you’re right. But what about the fish thing. I mean I really don’t' like fish."

"That's what you keep telling everyone. I hear you talking to people telling them you don't like fish."

"I don't. I mean sometimes it's just..."



"Yes. Fishy. But sometimes it’s good. Don’t tell anyone I said that."

“Don't tell them you think fish is good, sometimes? Your secret is safe with me. But just one thing about fish."

"What is it about fish?"

"You've never had it the way I make it. I think you would like it."

"Oh? How do you make it? Lemon juice? dill?"

"No no no."
(Another smile.)
"No, dear."

"Well, what gives. Tell me then."

"You know. “A fire of coals and the beach. That’s all it takes."

"No salt?"

"Well, maybe a little if you have it. Not necessary, though.”

"I agree with you on the salt thing. I don't like much salt. Except…"

"Except salt and light?"

"Yeah. you’ve got the idea. but not too much salt."

"This sounds like a discussion for philosophers or chefs."

"It's much simpler than that, really. Salt is important."

"I think I know what you're going to say. If salt loses its flavor you can just trod it underfoot. That's a waste of salt."

"You’ve been reading your rabbi’s teachings have you?”
“It’s not a waste to step on it if it’s no longer good salt. Salt is just something to enhance flavor."

"I should be salty. Pleasant.”

"You've got it."

"That reminds me."

"What does it remind you of?"

"Well, I don’t' always act the way I should. I mean sometimes I misbehave."

"I know that. I know."
"But here's an idea. Take some advice, will you? I know you don’t' like advice much."

"Well, I’ll take it from you. What's your advice."

"Don’t' be so quick to decide. Here's the advice. Look at me."

"Look at you? Am I in trouble?”

“No, dear.
“Not today, anyway.”

(Two smiles.)

“It never is a bad thing to look at me. Unless you don't want your deeds to be made known by the light."

"I don't get it."

"Well, who's the Light?"

"You are."

"Ok then so look at me."

"Look at you? You mean like Behold the Lamb of God?"

“Yeah. You’re getting the picture.”

"But, I might be afraid to look at you."

"Why would you be afraid to look at me?"

"It, well, it might hurt."

"You believe in me. I'm the son of god, I mean you believe that.”

“I believe that. You know I do.”

“So then just look at me."

"But you have eyes like fire."


"You know, I do want to look at you."

"Ok. Then just look at me."

"but I'm still afraid."

"Why are you afraid? That's the second time you've said that."

"Well, if I look at you, I know what's going to happen."

"Ok so tell me what's going to happen."

"things are going to change."

"Probably. Most likely. I’d say your chances are about a hundred in a hundred. That’s the idea, you know. But it’s up to you."

"I know."

"You don't want to change?"

"It's not that. I guess now I'm just being stubborn and just not listening."

"You're listening. You hear me loud and clear."

"So I should just look at you?"

"Yes. Behold the Lamb of God. You said it yourself. Here I am."

“Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”

“and yours. Always.”

"Okay. I'll think about that. It makes sense. Can we talk about something else?”

“Yes. If that’s easier”

“Will you take me walking across water? I always thought that would be kind of fun. You know you've taken me places anyway."

"Well, you have to look at me."

"Oh, that's true. So maybe if I look at you then I'll change and walk across water? Both, I mean."

"Hey, there.”
“Easy. Line upon line. Precept upon precept. one thing at a time. Take my hand."

"Turn your hand this way. Let me see.”

(Almost can’t see for tears.)

“Turn the other one this way. Perfect. “Wow. Those are impressive scars.”


“I believed before I saw the scars." Those look like they hurt. The wine and myrrh thing again. Wouldn't aspirin just have been easier?"

"Probably. Maybe they'd get the proportions right.”

“You know I’ve always imagined your pain.”

“I know you imagine that pain. I know.”

"Could I ask you something else?"

"Of course."

"What was it like to be with that angel in Gethsemane?"

"Painful. You know the story."

"All of that was too much to bear in one human body. Wait, now, what I just said sounds theological."

"It didn’t feel theological to me that night. It was raw, limited human emotion. It was separation from my father. He can't look at sin, you know. It was painful."

"I've always had sympathy for you there. You know that, of course."

"I know. But you can tell me that. Don't be afraid to tell me anything."

“Okay. So, how could you get up from there and go to the cross?”

“The joy. Meeting you.”


(Almost looks.)

"Do I get to meet that angel?"

"I could arrange that."

"But I only want to do one thing when I see you."

"What is that?"

"I want to look into your eyes. You have the best eyes."

"You've already looked into them even if you're afraid to look at me. Well, you say you're afraid, but really you are not afraid to look at me."


“Do you want to go walking on the water? Now?"

"Yes. With you, always. But not without you. you know theoretically I could do it by myself with what we know about water from science. I read this somewhere. They say there's a skin across water. I always wondered why it hurt when I belly flopped as a child. That could just be shocking and painful. (Smiles.) I liked swimming."

"Yes. I remember. You still like swimming."

"I do like swimming. Anyway theory is just theory. I don't know whether there really is the skin or not. But if there is, it should be easy, right?"

"I think it's easy."

"You make it look easy."

"Well, using your theory, try it.”

"Me?” Incredulous. Laughter. “No way. Not without you. I'm a pretty independent thinking person. But I wouldn't try that without you. Besides, I've thought about this a lot. I guess with all that wind Peter got scared though I'm sure he could swim. Who am I to judge? I would just like to do that."

"You're adventurous. I know you thinka bout things very deeply when you want to."

"Can I ask you something else?"

"Of course. How many angels dance on the head of a pin? I don't know that."

"No, nothing that silly. I don't want to know how many angels dance on a pin. I'm just glad the angel was around to help you."

"And they help you."

"Oh, I believe that."

"So what did you want to ask me?"

"The storm. You know a storm is pretty amazing. Cold air meets hot air and well you know. But you were asleep."

"I knew that storm was coming. They come up pretty fast. Those guys didn't have Doppler."

"I know. well, they did have Doppler sort of."

(Points to him. Smiles. Two smiles.)

"So what about the storm?"

"You were really tired on that trip. You weren't worried about storms."

"No no."

"I just always liked that story. I guess I never really had a question about it except maybe why did they take that trip."

"They didn’t' know a storm was coming."

"Okay. Easy enough. I just always remember that story with you sleeping. I think it was the first time I realized you were really a man."

"You mean not just God?"

"Right. I just wanted to tell you that."

"Fair enough."

“You're more than a lamb."

"Yes, I am. What do you see?"

"A baby. A toddler. A twelve-year-old. A happy man at a wedding. That was pretty amazing all that wine."

"Well, someone didn't plan that very well."

"The wine? The water?"

"the whole thing. But yes the wine."

"You sure like your mother."

"Of course."

"Ok that's side tracking me now. Why did I say that?"

"Because you like talking to me. That's why you said it."

"Ok. OH, I remember the question now. I mean I was talking about seeing you. The wedding and a weary man asleep. You sure had a lot of patience with people."

"Which people? anyone specific?"

"Well, you sure have a lot of patience with me. Maybe having patience with everyone is easy for you?"

"Are you talking about someone specific?”

"Well, maybe a whole city. Jerusalem. All those tears. That must have been painful, I mean like sobbing against a tree painful."

"What are you talking about?” (Smiles.) “That’s kind of dramatic. Trees are important, you know."

"Yes, I know. I mean you love this city so much that you came to it even though it was rejecting you and you were there so many times before that one time. I don't think I could do something that painful."

"Sure you could. When you have to, not before. Besides, you know the end of the story."

“The Jerusalem story?”


“They will look on them whom they pierced. That’s what you’re talking about.”


“We’ll all look at you.”

“You see?”
(Smiles. Eyes light.)
“You have it easy, really.”

“that’s kind of a sad story, really.”

“Which one? The Jerusalem story? Rejection?”


“We keep trying.”

(Sad eyes.)

“There’s always hope, Yeshua.”

“Who taught you that?”

“You did. Some will come to you. Happy day.”

“We never give up.”

“Back to seeing you, I see a strong man driving animals from the temple and money and all that. You’re a shepard but not on that day."

“Regrettably, not.”

“That’s one of my favorite stories. It just cleared things up for a while. I’m sure it wasn’t easy.”

“Necessary. Not easy.”


“That was painful. I wish I didn’t have to do that. Especially."

(Sad eyes.)

"What is it?

"That was a hard week. Week sixty-two.

"Oh you mean the prophecy week when you died.

"Yes. That was just a hard week."

"And you took time to serve the twelve. Oh, that reminds me. If you don’t' mind."

"No, I don't mind. You came to be with me today, I am responding to that. You’re the only one."

"You say that to everyone."

"I do say that to everyone. Especially if they come to me and believe in me."

"If they believe in you they receive the father who sent you."

"Yes, that's right. We can talk to everyone at once but you're the only one."

"I feel like the only one. Kind of selfish.”

“No. It’s special. The hairs on your head are all numbered. That’s personal. We know all our followers. Don’t feel like that’s selfish.”

“Ok. I love you so much.”

(they look at each other tenderly.)

(Conversation resumes after a minute.)

“Can I ask you about the twelve?”

“Sure, you can.”

“Was it easier feeding five thousand or twelve?"

"Physically? Five thousand. That was a logic thing we could work out. The twelve that was spiritual. Took more energy."

"I'm thinking complicated thoughts."

"You’ve been thinking complicated thoughts since 70 whatever year you guys want to call it."

"Not me. (Smiles.) I just want to keep things simple. I want a solid theology but I like the personal relationship. There will be time for all your other characteristics.”

(Silence for a moment.)

“I don’t' think I do enough."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I should point more people to you."

"You do. You will. You’ll be surprised, someday."

"I want to be with you. Look into your eyes. I said that before."

"You'll do that at the end. I'll be waiting for you. But you can do that now, too. I want you to do that. Just look at me whenever you like."

"I want to look at you. I really do."

"You already have. And you just did."

"I did?"

"Yes. When you said you loved me you looked at me."

“I did."

"That wasn't so hard, was it? You weren't afraid to look at me."

“I can’t say anything. All I can do is look. "You changed me. I feel. I can’t describe it, really."


"Yes. I wasn't sick."

"No. Not really. But you have pain sometimes you don't know about. Just keep looking at me."

"I'll try. Remind me to look at you."

"Like a shepard, you mean. I will.”

"okay. I have more questions but I have to go. I wish I didn't have to go."

"I'll be waiting for you here."



Copyright © 2017 Shelley Alongi
Published on the World Wide Web by "www.storymania.com"