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States Of Mind.(Poem) by Terry Collett - [331 words]
There, On The Ground, Her Poor Body Lay, Dead. by Abracadabra It's a villanelle about a girl who died on her way to a funeral.... [159 words]
Your Love by Lamar Cole - [52 words]
Where Are They Going? by Terry Collett - [82 words]
Walking With Ghost. by Terry Collett - [168 words]
Waiting For The Phone To Ring. by Terry Collett - [169 words]
Waiting For Harrison. by Terry Collett - [188 words]
Unwelcome Attention In An Asylum. by Terry Collett - [212 words]
To Start Anew
The Truth About Lies by Kira Carlee The process of all your lies becoming your truths [83 words]
The Evening Red by T J Rintoull Do you drink....wine? [46 words]
Sometimes Always. by Terry Collett - [125 words]
Some Days The Sunlight. by Terry Collett - [196 words]
Shalom At Sheepshead Bay. by Terry Collett - [233 words]
Save My Daughter by Z Dimuu *For women all over the world who have been treated unjustly based on rediculous predjudices a... [318 words]
Not Just Distance. by Terry Collett - [159 words]
Not Camera Shy. by Terry Collett - [150 words]
No Great Escape. by Terry Collett - [188 words]
Misunderstood Freedom by Kira Carlee - [53 words]
Missy's 1966. by Terry Collett - [250 words]
Lost Opportunity. by Terry Collett - [287 words]
Limericks: The Creature From Venus And The Pierrot Who Danced by Abracadabra A couple of nice limericks. Guarantee: They follo... [50 words]
Last Visitation To Coney Island. by Terry Collett - [198 words]
Inside Her Head. by Terry Collett - [175 words]
Hey, Girl by Angel Of Hope Goes to the tune of "Hey, Jude" by The Beatles. [57 words]
Guess How Old I Am by Angel Of Hope Read some of my other poems, and tell me how old you think I am. [107 words]
Fishing At Lowell Lake. by Terry Collett - [143 words]
Favourite Place. by Terry Collett - [172 words]
Death Of Daughter. by Terry Collett - [302 words]
Dead On Arrival by Abracadabra Nonsense, but a pleasure to read because of the nice rhymes. No idea why it disappeared last ti... [171 words]
Cliches Are Still Feelings by T J Rintoull The entire poem is one big cliche nowadays, or so I'm told. Is it still relevant? Is... [90 words]
Child At A Bus Window by Terry Collett - [162 words]
Bramshaw & Brassieres. by Terry Collett - [192 words]
Began With That Kiss.. by Terry Collett - [184 words]
Because What Happened There. by Terry Collett - [179 words]
Bag Lady. by Terry Collett - [225 words]
As An Encore. by Terry Collett - [177 words]
An Awareness Of Being. by Terry Collett - [236 words]
An Apple A Day (Poem) by Terry Collett - [215 words]
Always Seeing Him. by Terry Collett - [257 words]
All In The Cards. by Terry Collett - [173 words]
The Branches Of The Palm by Abracadabra Short poem. Enjoy. [214 words]
You Surmised He Did. by Terry Collett - [135 words]
When I'm With You by Angel Of Hope - [154 words]
Too Many Pretty Things by Angel Of Hope - [81 words]
The Asylum Has Gone. by Terry Collett - [230 words]
Sonia Sleeps. by Terry Collett - [72 words]
Some Evenings Near Death. by Terry Collett - [176 words]
On Waking One Morning. by Terry Collett - [281 words]
My Release by Jasmine P Batey a small poem about cutting (as you probably guessed) I know some one cutting and thats what inspired... [75 words]
My Love Lives Forever by Lamar Cole - [35 words]
Lost Thoughts Of Chairman Mao. by Terry Collett - [128 words]
Ling Say. by Terry Collett - [44 words]
Kiss On Cheek Or Brow. by Terry Collett - [92 words]
Hate Days. by Terry Collett - [234 words]
Discover Breath by Angel Of Hope - [131 words]
Crumbled Cookie. by Terry Collett - [123 words]
Christ In Central Park. by Terry Collett - [66 words]
Cafe Waitress. by Terry Collett - [97 words]
Breaking And Entering by Zebrastar A little about how i felt one day.. [120 words]
Bo Lee & Now. by Terry Collett - [59 words]
Birds Of Depression. by Terry Collett - [74 words]
Berthe's Blues. by Terry Collett - [89 words]
A Little Colorful Art by Angel Of Hope If you're gonna read it, you might as well just tell me what you think of it...honestly. [78 words]
Better Times. by Terry Collett - [76 words]
You Will Smile Again by Joshwa Leigh This Is A Poem About How Much Hurt Love Causes But Also How Much Joy It Can Bring. [192 words]
You Thirst, My Pain by Veronica Habib - [107 words]
You Are The Beat by Jasmine P Batey This could also be transformed into a song...? About ome one famous -- see if you can guess ... [84 words]
You And The Dog. by Terry Collett - [145 words]
When Summer Comes Again by Jasmine P Batey a small HAPPY poem :) [97 words]
When Lights Were Out. by Terry Collett - [106 words]
The Weak Worker Of Steel by Kira Carlee when everyone is a stranger [110 words]
The Sun (Creation) by Misery About nature and the sun. [73 words]
The Only Person I Want To Be by Veronica Habib - [69 words]
The Nightmares (Why) by Jasmine P Batey - [61 words]
The Far Side Of The Room by Piper Davenport - [228 words]
The Far Side Of My Room by Piper Davenport A writer's journey. [228 words]
The Cloud by Jasmine P Batey again, a challenge I accepted from Frankie, the beginning is a bit bodgy, (the first stanza) anyway,... [121 words]
That Summer by Misery About a sad summer [138 words]
Sweet Genell by Lamar Cole - [87 words]
Something About Him. by Terry Collett - [105 words]
Satisfied by Misery A bath of oils and lust [79 words]
Remembering Miss Fleavage. by Terry Collett - [141 words]
Psalm 23 (New Labour's Psalm) by Colin Baker - [108 words]
Playing The Game by Veronica Habib To stop anyone to get affended, this is not about men. this is about Sleazes, cheaters, player... [81 words]
Morning Has Broken. by Terry Collett - [90 words]
Jack The Ripper by Jasmine P Batey a small jokey poem, written for fun as a tongue-in-cheek thing. as the title says, It's about J... [77 words]
I've Been Dreaming by Georgia Lauren Theasby This is about falling in love, and trying to show it. [59 words]
It All Began. by Terry Collett - [87 words]
In Dreams by T J Rintoull Poem written at work, for nothing more than disillusioned ambition. [69 words]
Hers Was The First by Terry Collett - [157 words]
He Lost At Sea. by Terry Collett - [135 words]
Graveside Musing. by Terry Collett - [213 words]
Girl At A Bar. by Terry Collett - [229 words]
Disappearing Mask by Veronica Habib - [89 words]
Child's Grave. by Terry Collett - [94 words]
Battered Mothers. by Terry Collett - [109 words]
911 Blues. by Terry Collett - [184 words]

Go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 [80] 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
To Start Anew
[121 words]
Angel Of Hope
[December 2010]
101 Steps (Poetry) I was feeling very angry when I wrote this. [103 words] [Horror]
A Disarray (Songs) - [96 words]
A Little Colorful Art (Poetry) If you're gonna read it, you might as well just tell me what you think of it...honestly. [78 words]
A Pretty Girl (Essays) - [1,592 words]
A Tree's Significance (Poetry) I can't stand a part of myself...but I can't control it. [227 words]
Above And Beyond (Poetry) Discover something you love to do, and then go above and beyond. [81 words] [Motivational]
Acting Accordingly (Poetry) This is about how one person sometimes isn't complete without their other half. Oh-please review this. [63 words]
Ain't Understood (Poetry) The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton had a big impact on my life. So I wrote a poem about one of my favorite characters-Johnny. Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [122 words] [Drama]
Allow (Poetry) Feeling invisible sucks. [144 words]
Alone 2 (Poetry) IDk how to explain this one. [94 words]
Already My Curse (Poetry) - [63 words]
Animated Chica (Poetry) This is dedicated to my good friend, Kendall. Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [94 words] [Humor]
Annoyingted One (Essays) A vignette about my name. [170 words]
At Night, I'd Look At It (Poetry) - [109 words]
Attack (Poetry) - [40 words]
Baby Honey Sweetheart (Poetry) - [140 words]
Baby...Head Over Heels (Poetry) A sloppy, love poem... [147 words] [Romance]
Bad Marks My Spot (Poetry) "X marks the spot." Well, "Bad marks my spot." [130 words] [Suspense]
Be With Your Family (Poetry) A short poem about a new life. [32 words] [Motivational]
Beat: Musik (Poetry) - [78 words]
Beating Heart (Poetry) - [158 words]
Beautiful Side (Poetry) I dedicate this to all those people that have a bad reputation just because other people don't want to really get to know them. [103 words]
Black, Purple, And Blue (Poetry) I was recently used by someone I thought I loved. [134 words] [Drama]
Blood And Spit (Poetry) Um...the title sorta shows the feeling of the poem. It's not necessarily all fact, but some parts of it are based on reality. It may be depressing, but it's one of my best pieces and possibly my best. [342 words] [Teenage]
Boring... (Poetry) School can be pretty boring! Who doesn't know that?! Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [70 words] [Humor]
Borrowing My Laughter (Poetry) - [208 words]
Boston Tea Party, World Of Warcraft, Gangster, Liquor Store (Poetry) Four random nouns put together in a poem. [44 words]
Bow Down To Me Below (Poetry) Health care for us. Not for the one with the fat wallets. [148 words]
Break Free (Poetry) Notice your chance to break free. [79 words] [Motivational]
Breaking The System (Poetry) This is about a man in a relationship who is playing with his girlfriend's mind. [72 words] [Relationships]
Breaking Through Crust (Poetry) This is about starting a new, better life. Oh- please review this. [32 words]
Breathe Out Again (Poetry) A simple lovey dovey poem. [70 words] [Romance]
Bringing Out My Good Side (Poetry) This is about how believed lies can make you happy. Please review this. [129 words]
Bump On Your Daughter's Belly (Poetry) One of my best pieces. Reviews and feedback is highly appreciated. [252 words] [Drama]
Burning Over Ice (Poetry) Warning: Only read this if you are in the mood for something angry. Please review this. [66 words]
Bush, Obama, House, Building (Poetry) Four random nouns put together in one poem. [54 words]
Celebration Of Building (Poetry) A person can change so much in so little time. About an old friend... [172 words]
Charge Through The Future (Poetry) Some people just need an extra motivational push to make them self-confident. I hope this piece helps with that. Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [107 words] [Motivational]
Claustrophobia (Poetry) - [130 words]
Cleanliness Through The Debris (Poetry) Sometimes, a boyfriend could only be with you to step up his pride. This is my best piece so far! Reviews and feedback are NEEDED! [166 words] [Drama]
Coexist In Peace (Poetry) My utopia. [143 words]
Controlled By Music (Poetry) - [192 words]
Could It Be (Songs) - [115 words]
Cowboy (Poetry) I wanna marry a cowboy! [96 words] [Western]
Crashing To The Floor (Poetry) This is about how trying hard to find what you want could hurt you. Please review this. [99 words]
Cries Of Angels (Poetry) This is about how angels always warn me a little too late about when something bad is about to happen.Please review this. [77 words]
Criminal (Poetry) - [145 words]
Deadly, Dangerous Deal (Poetry) - [119 words]
Death By A Girly Voice (Poetry) What I think will be on Justin Bieber's tombstone. [39 words]
Death By Constipation (Poetry) What I think should be on Elvis Presley's tombstone. [10 words]
Death By Gunshot (Poetry) What I think will be on my friend's tombstone. [22 words]
Death By Laughter (Poetry) What I think will be on my tombstone. [33 words]
Demarco (Poetry) A limerick about a friend. For funsiez. [24 words]
Dim Christmas Lights (Poetry) A ghost can be a best friend. [95 words]
Discover Breath (Poetry) - [131 words] [Motivational]
Do You Got Gut? (Poetry) This is one of my few attempts at writing a rap song. haha...What do you think? [198 words] [Teenage]
Dominions (Poetry) Why I feel sympathy for the homeless. [96 words]
Dominoes In Mike's Confusion (Poetry) - [211 words]
Don't Start Beggin' (Poetry) Don't start beggin' for me to come home. [89 words] [Relationships]
Don't Understand Why (Poetry) Warning: I wrote this when I was extremely mad so I guess you could say that uh this ain't exactly a happy-go-lucky poem. [214 words] [Horror]
Drink Up (Poetry) This is about how irresistable alcohol is to some people. [90 words] [Psychology]
Drugs, Drugs (Poetry) FYI: I have never done drugs before. I'm just basing this poem off of a book I read. [77 words]
Dry Up All My Tears (Poetry) A mother sacrifices her life to prove she loves her daughter. [415 words]
During Any Confession (Poetry) - [140 words]
Dying With A Beating Heart (Poetry) This is to all those times when I felt helpless. [116 words] [Thriller]
Economy War (Poetry) Life is different when you're surrounded by dying nature. [117 words] [Nature]
Egg Shuttle Sista (Poetry) This is dedicated to my friend, Megan, who I had to create a small shuttle that could hold an egg with. Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [89 words] [Relationships]
End The Dripping (Poetry) Personification [85 words]
Falling Through Clouds (Poetry) Now I feel no pain at all for I am only falling through clouds. [46 words] [Motivational]
Feeling's Unleashed (Poetry) Listen to my "Feelings Unleashed". [87 words] [Romance]
Flashin' With Passion (Poetry) Sometimes, people can't tell a truth from a lie. Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [88 words] [Mind]
Flo's Falling Fat (Poetry) A limerick. [32 words]
Flyin' High (Poetry) This is what I feel like when I'm in an airplane. [77 words] [Mind]
Forest's Fireplace (Poetry) A haiku about fire. [12 words]
Fragile Heart Survives (Poetry) - [73 words]
Gaining Lost Hope (Poetry) I'm gaining lost hope. [47 words] [Motivational]
Gimme A Hug (Poetry) Neglection can be such a criminal. [143 words] [Motivational]
Girly Brother (Poetry) I love my sister. [90 words]
Gold, Gold, Gold (Poetry) The poem of a young, ambitious, rich man... Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [89 words] [Erotic]
Green Overalls (Poetry) A haiku about summer. [10 words]
Growin' Up Down South (Poetry) I love cowboys! [69 words] [Western]
Guess How Old I Am (Poetry) Read some of my other poems, and tell me how old you think I am. [107 words]
Hamkatramck (Essays) A vignette about Hamtrack, Michigan. [171 words]
Happily Accepting A Soft Cactus (Poetry) We must respect other people's faiths or lack of faith [138 words]
Hear Me, Hear Me (Poetry) This is about a family having trouble with the son. [100 words] [Suspense]
Heavy. What. (Essays) A vignette of my family. [170 words]
Hey, Girl (Poetry) Goes to the tune of "Hey, Jude" by The Beatles. [57 words]
Hide The Truth (Poetry) Can't stand it when my boyfriend's mad at me! [126 words] [Relationships]
Hold Me Closer (Poetry) The description is in the title itself. [88 words] [Science Fiction]
Hold My Hand-Angel Of Hope (Poetry) Nothing special... [51 words]
Honest Lie (Songs) - [100 words]
Honesty Kills A Manly-Man (Poetry) This is about how ruthless the truth is sometimes. [106 words] [Motivational]
Honey Mint (Poetry) For baby Harper. I hope your Christmas is as beautiful as I wish mine would be. [156 words]
How It Feels To Love You (Poetry) - [117 words]
Howdy-Ho (Poetry) I am from down south! Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [52 words] [Western]
I Don't Care (Poetry) You don't know me so your opinion doesn't matter. [88 words]
I Guess I'm Wrong (Poetry) This is about how parents always think they know so much more than their children/child.Please review this. [112 words]
I Have To Step Away (Poetry) Good ending. [89 words]
I Know You, Brother (Poetry) This is about a sister who wants her brother to start showing brotherly love for her. Oh-please review this. [67 words]
I Love You (Poetry) - [202 words]
I Murder To Save Her (Poetry) An insane mother shoots her daughter to save her from her sexually abusive father. [144 words] [Drama]
I Wait-Angel Of Hope (Poetry) I will wait for you. [88 words] [Romance]
I Will Serve (Poetry) To you I will serve. [131 words] [Relationships]
I Wish My Blood (Poetry) - [28 words]
I Won't Give Up (Poetry) I won't give up. [45 words] [Motivational]
I'd Do Anything (Poetry) "I'd Do Anything" for you. [81 words] [Romance]
I'll Be Boss Instead (Poetry) Somewhat a country-lover's favorite. Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [278 words] [Western]
I'll Be Just Fine (Poetry) The title says everything... [194 words] [Motivational]
I'll Just Be Me (Poetry) I'll just be me, and you just be you. [175 words] [Motivational]
I'll Miss You (Poetry) I don't want you to leave, baby. [99 words] [Romance]
I'm In Love Now (Poetry) I'm in love now. [85 words] [Romance]
I'm Living Alone (Poetry) This is just sad. Please review this. [86 words]
I'm So Confused (Poetry) IDK how to explain this one. [96 words]
Imprint, Plunge, Penetrate, Threaten (Poetry) Gun control: YES! [119 words]
In An Airplane Going To San Francisco (Essays) - [133 words]
Inappropriate (Poetry) A limerick. [33 words]
Indestructible And Destructive (Poetry) Wonder what the Devil's like... [125 words] [Horror]
Insomnia Controlled Mind (Poetry) Personification [70 words]
Intact (Songs) - [117 words]
Is It Over Now? (Poetry) A girl's boyfriend is moving, and they doubt they can stay together. Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [148 words] [Relationships]
It Whispers (Poetry) A haiku about the seasons. [9 words]
It's Not About Love (Poetry) - [70 words]
It's Really Steaming (Poetry) Randomness rules my world so I decided to write about someone who jogged outside on a too-hot day and got a lil' sunburned. Haha...Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [127 words] [Humor]
James (Poetry) - [94 words]
Joe (Poetry) - [104 words]
Join Me, Miss (Poetry) Please review this. [86 words]
Juggling's Fun (Poetry) This is from the perspective of a teenage girl on boys. [92 words] [Humor]
Just Another Brick (Poetry) Nobody likes playas(boys who cheat on girls). Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [135 words] [Drama]
Just For Nathaniel (Poetry) This is dedicated to my friend, Nate. I don't live near him anymore, so I'm hoping this poem will be a lil' somethin' that will remind him of me. Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [462 words] [Relationships]
Just Kidding, Baby (Poetry) This is about a boyfriend who takes one joke a little too seriously. [80 words] [Horror]
Just Try (Poetry) Give poetry a try. [156 words]
Just Us (Poetry) We are in this together. [93 words] [Romance]
Karma (Poetry) Please review this. [99 words]
Kisses Of Angels (Poetry) This world really confuses me sometimes. FYI- This is like "Marilyn Manson" style. Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [138 words] [Spiritual]
Lady, It's Morning (Poetry) I don't understand why girls have to hide behind so much make up and crap. [170 words]
Let Her Go (Poetry) This is about an abused girl who is escaping from the world of her boyfreind's abuse. [121 words] [Drama]
Let Me See (Poetry) Let me see what my life could be. [52 words] [Motivational]
Letter One (Poetry) I am letter one. Hahahahah...reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [83 words] [Teenage]
Love Me More (Poetry) - [88 words] [Romance]
Love Me Sweetly (Poetry) Love me sweetly. [60 words] [Romance]
Lucky Is My Middle Name (Poetry) A woman was almost raped by a man, but her parents' advice saved her life. [176 words] [Drama]
Majesty (Poetry) A haiku about prairie dogs. [13 words]
Mama And She (Poetry) A mother's love for her darling girl can go so deep. [107 words]
Mind Of My Own (Poetry) Let me live life with a mind of my own. [71 words] [Motivational]
Mirror Breaking (Poetry) This is about any girl with a bad past. [59 words] [Suspense]
Missed Individual (Poetry) - [112 words]
Monkey In The Middle (Poetry) Why war? [140 words]
Mother, Good-Bye (Poetry) A girl's mother has cancer. :( Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [156 words] [Drama]
My Burden And My Sin (Poetry) I hate holding other people's secrets. [86 words]
My Hero-Angel Of Hope (Poetry) - [95 words]
My Life Isn't Over (Poetry) This is a piece of my writing that kinda shows why I always have hope. [66 words] [Motivational]
My Skinny Ankle Remained Stuck (Poetry) - [110 words]
Nasty Glue (Poetry) Refer to title if confused. [30 words]
Nature's A Family (Poetry) My best poem to date. A collection of seven haikus made into a poem. [75 words]
Need No Sorry (Poetry) If a relationship isn't going well, just seperate and don't feel guilty for what happened. [64 words]
No Satisfaction Guaranteed (Poetry) I won't always make you proud. Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [92 words] [Teenage]
Nothing Is Inevitable (Poetry) This is someone who doesn't exactly believe in the little thing called happiness. [35 words]
Nothing-Angel Of Hope (Poetry) - [63 words]
Oh, Guardian Angel (Poetry) Would you rather live but need somebody or be dead and not need anything? [139 words]
Oh, Professor Steinbeck (Poetry) About the theme of American dreams. For: John Steinbeck. [147 words]
One Way Out (Poetry) There's only one way out when your life is in jeopardy. [82 words] [Motivational]
Our Helplessness (Poetry) - [165 words]
Pandas Turn On Showers (Poetry) Personification [90 words]
Papa, Do You Understand? (Poetry) Dad left home for a while recently. It was horrible, hard to accept, and surprising. This is my attempt to explain the pain it caused me. Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [231 words] [Drama]
Pencil, Scissor, Or Razor (Poetry) I wonder what emo kids feel... They just want love, right??? [130 words]
Pitch Black Abyss (Poetry) This was actually written by my friend, Basler. He is a great writer, and he deserves reviews. [83 words]
Plain Hazel Eyes (Poetry) Give me a chance. [97 words] [Romance]
Please Help (Poetry) A poem of the salem witch trials...Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [83 words] [Horror]
Prize (Poetry) The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton had a big impact on my life. So I wrote a poem about one of my favorite characters-Dally(with a mix of "Steve" in there). Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [130 words] [Drama]
Probable Disrespect (Poetry) collection of seven haikus made into one poem [67 words]
Read It Over (Poetry) Why read poetry? [161 words]
Remember What Your Family Said (Poetry) This is meant to be a rap song. Tell me what you think; Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [271 words] [Drama]
Rosie (Poetry) - [92 words]
Run Away With You (Poetry) I will run away with you; I'll never come back to stay. [87 words] [Motivational]
Saint Of Sugar Kiss (Poetry) A romance built on guilt. [69 words]
Sane Insanity (Poetry) This is about a guy who is afraid of commitment. [40 words] [Relationships]
Save Me Again (Poetry) A typical love poem. [97 words] [Romance]
Shattered Piece Of Glass (Poetry) You're remodeling my heart that was a shattered piece of glass. [102 words] [Romance]
She Said No (Poetry) I saw a book called She Said Yes, so I wanted to write a poem called She Said No...just to be controversial. [143 words]
She Was Everything (Poetry) collection of seven haikus made into one poem [74 words]
Short But Shorter (Poetry) How I have changed. [84 words]
Show Yourself (Poetry) This is for all you people out there who are just waiting for a chance to save someone and be a hero. [77 words] [Motivational]
Silence Is Loud (Poetry) - [21 words]
Sleeping Next To Moonshine (Poetry) - [61 words]
Smiling Eyes (Poetry) This is dedicated to my friend Erika. [86 words]
Soar (Poetry) Personification-I am a leaf. Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [72 words] [Fantasy]
Sorry Boy (Poetry) It's really hard for me to reject a guy and not feel bad about it. Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [79 words] [Relationships]
Star-Angel Of Hope (Poetry) - [96 words]
Stay True (Poetry) Stay true to yourself. [88 words] [Motivational]
Stay Until She Sobers (Songs) Love is drunk and confused, but it will remain between two people until it sobers. [215 words]
Stoney, Fuzzlepuff The Bunny, Cheetah, Puddle (Poetry) Four random nouns put together in a poem. [43 words]
Stop-Don't Lie (Poetry) Fathers...DON'T ABUSE YOUR DAUGHTERS!!!!!!! [78 words] [Horror]
Sucker Blow (Songs) The effects of drugs [210 words]
Tearing (Poetry) - [123 words]
Tell Me The Truth (Poetry) This is about a not so agreeable relationship. [77 words] [Relationships]
That Day Is Today (Poetry) This is about a girl waiting for her lover to say that he feels the same way. Please review this. [147 words]
The Color Blue (Poetry) - [115 words]
The Day Eminem Dies (Poetry) I love Eminem!!! Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [168 words] [Teenage]
The Devil's Watch (Poetry) Please review this. [95 words]
The Duke (Poetry) - [76 words]
The Hidden Purpose (Poetry) There's always something out there. [161 words]
The Positive Energy (Poetry) - [191 words]
The Teen Years (Poetry) Being a teen is pretty hard. [68 words]
The Thing Is A Future (Poetry) This is about a person who is ready to let go of her bad life and start over with a NEW BEGINNING. [53 words] [Health]
The Treasure Sleeps No More (Poetry) What a mother in Hiroshima may have felt before her life as well as her daughter's life was ruined. [126 words]
There Are Pictures (Poetry) "Daddy, come back." Please review this. [76 words]
Think Of Me-Angel Of Hope (Poetry) Think of me. [104 words] [Romance]
This Conversation (Poetry) Fighting sucks. It must stop. [123 words]
This Is My Only (Poetry) I must take what's given for this is my only. [95 words] [Mind]
This Is Not My Dream (Poetry) - [196 words]
This Way (Poetry) Please review this. [78 words]
Those Darndest Packets Of Powder (Essays) An editorial for class. [872 words] [Motivational]
Three Wishes Gone (Poetry) Warning: Only read this if you are in the mood for something angry. Please review this. [59 words]
Timeline Of My Life (Essays) - [569 words]
Tnt... (Poetry) I have changed so much in such a short period of time, and I'm trying to describe just how much I've changed in this poem. Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [60 words] [Teenage]
To Dream Of You (Poetry) I can't wait "To Dream Of You". [105 words] [Romance]
To Escape. To Deafen. To Hide. (Poetry) I cry for a reason. [72 words]
Too Little Of A Stranger (Poetry) I see a broken someone. He is walking to me. He is too familiar. [136 words]
Too Many Pretty Things (Poetry) - [81 words]
Truth Need Be Hidden (Short Stories) - [1,962 words]
Twilight, Jordan, 7-11, Ipod (Poetry) Four random nouns put together in a poem. [45 words]
Unsteady Staple (Poetry) - [121 words] [Drama]
Was This A Mistake (Poetry) NA [84 words] [Relationships]
Waste My Time (Poetry) - [17 words]
We Breathe (Poetry) - [141 words]
Welcome To The Asian Life (Poetry) - [128 words]
What I See In English (Poetry) A description of a face that I think radiates hope. [202 words]
What Makes Me Cool (Poetry) This is one of my best pieces, in my opinion. Do you agree, what do you think? [231 words] [Motivational]
What You Got (Poetry) Please review this. [132 words] [Erotic]
When I'm With You (Poetry) - [154 words] [Romance]
Where I'm From (Poetry) My attempt at describing my place of birth. Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [105 words]
White Angels (Poetry) - [97 words]
Who Americans Are And What They Do (Essays) - [869 words]
Who Are You, Now (Poetry) NA [117 words]
With Me (Poetry) This is a simple love poem with a simple meaning: stay with me, talk to me, hold me, love with me. Reviews and feedback is highly appreciated. [78 words] [Romance]
With Your Family (Poetry) - [31 words]
Within Your Eyes... (Poetry) This is written by my honey, Basler. He wants to know what you think. [42 words] [Mind]
Words Mean Nothing (Poetry) - [94 words]
You Can Try (Poetry) To those who have a heart of stone because of their past, I know how you feel and you don't have to go through it alone. Reviews and feedback is highly appreciated. [96 words]
You Do Well (Poetry) This is dedicated to my best friend, Robyn. I don't live near her anymore, and I'm hoping this poem will be something that reminds her of me. Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated. [262 words] [Relationships]
You Know I'm True (Poetry) - [213 words]
You're Just Different (Poetry) - [88 words] [Romance]
You're What Matters (Poetry) The way you see yourself is more important than the way others see you. Reviews and feedback is highly appreciated. [82 words] [Motivational]
To Start Anew
Angel Of Hope

The white flag waves over her white dress.
The sun has a "mission impossible" mission to impress
upon her skin that she will not die within.
Her heart will not have the need to begin
Her flesh may tan and slowly burn in the heat,
but her insides will lay covered by a sheet
made of the most prosperous material in the world.
Rays of light sneer at such a beautifully white girl.
With blue eyes hidden by thin, pale skin,
the grass on which she "sleeps" dares to open.
Turning from black to gray to brown to green,
the grace of nature is now agreeing to be seen.
No more secrets yet to be told.
No more liars yet to scold.
Just rebirth, innovation, rekindled motivation
to start this world anew.
To start this girl anew.


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© 2009 Angel Of Hope
August 2009

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