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Short Stories

The Blues And The Greens by Steven Gilbreath A story of waking up from under the electric blanket of modern life. [1,804 words]
Missing - A Short Story by Steven Gilbreath Passing your days by doing only enough to satisfy what is expected can lead to a life n... [1,475 words]
The Man Who Walked Unseen by Michael Harris An account in the exploits of the life of the unseen... [1,457 words]
Salvation by Krige Van Rensburg Salvation is a story that deals with everyday emotions but also the severity thereof in different con... [2,123 words]
Solef by Wolfa Genetically modified monster escapes onto the surface of a harsh alien planet. More sci-fi. Wee. Consi... [1,684 words]
What A Night by Stephanie Ostrov This is a short story I wrote about a fraternity guy and the trouble he is going through with this... [1,260 words]
Victory City 2 by Matthew Little In the future, an enemy from Cool's past decides to turn the civilians of Victory City into his ... [5,645 words]
Veiled Enigmas by Reagan Rothe Vieled Enigmas is a twisting, turning mystery with surprise lurking around every corner. The rea... [4,972 words]
The Trinity by Silas Montgomery The galaxy is in chaos, systems at war with systems, and revolution within systems. The Lord of a p... [2,360 words]
The Spark by Sue (Sooz) Simpson - [557 words]
The Rosary by Sue (Sooz) Simpson May cause offense. [422 words]
The Parallels by Jason Richard Mercer - [1,247 words]
The Marching Man by Norman A Rubin A holocaust survivor driven to madness in search of his family lost in the melee of the second... [2,001 words]
The Beloved Child by Julissa Gayle Raven A short story about vampires. I made up my own rules. Hope you like it, it's probably going... [1,287 words]
The Beloved Child (Chapter 2) by Julissa Gayle Raven Chapter 2 my story. It should open upa world of comprehension to the readers. [1,210 words]
Terrarium Life by Wolfa Surrealistic dystopia. More sci-fi. Needs improvement, of course, but I decided to post so you... [1,684 words]
Solitaire by David B Doc Byron An abused child seeks solace in her own little world. [952 words]
Sally by Sue (Sooz) Simpson - [2,268 words]
Rush Hour by Sue (Sooz) Simpson - [419 words]
Play With Me Please. by Sue (Sooz) Simpson - [322 words]
Octavia's Obsession by Michael Harris This story is about... Octavia's obsession... [2,237 words]
My Other Mother by C Crawford Very short story on my thoughts of adoption. Written in 10 minutes. [619 words]
Money Shot - Chapter 1 by Rob Nhim Old con and bank robber extrordinaire Fred Cantrell just can't resist trouble. Doing th... [1,082 words]
Lookingthrough The Window by Sue (Sooz) Simpson - [401 words]
I Dreamed... by Ami I dreamed this bizarre, surreal scene, and when I woke up, I ran from my bed to write it down. I ... [1,886 words]
Hearts by David B Doc Byron - [264 words]
Glory Days by Kelley Sullivan A short story about a father who loks back to his childhood years of football and now he is watching... [862 words]
Cold Wonder by Julissa Gayle Raven Another short story I wrote on whim. Its written from a man's point of view just to let you know. ... [427 words]
You Have Been Pre Selected... by August Bondi The dream that everyone has about "the one that got away." [673 words]
Wheatley's Last Wish Chapter Two by Drakeman Robert Kincaide - [1,013 words]
Uncle Marty by David B Doc Byron An invalid Uncle pays another visit to his favorite nephew. [1,165 words]
The Long Ride Home by David B Doc Byron An alien from another world gets captured and examined. [574 words]
The Colonel by Dustin Rhodes The tale of a Confederate Officer at the battle of Fredricksburg. [2,729 words]
The Accident On Lane 17 by Steven T Andy Clannons friends Sharon and Maggie are causing chaos during a field trip to a bowl... [4,154 words]
Tears Of Red. by Julissa Gayle Raven Originally a school assignment, but I took it a step farther. All my friends (and that's a lot) ... [3,565 words]
Sister by Cass About a girl who loses the person who she adored the most-her sister, during a war but when her sister r... [1,594 words]
Our Trip To California by Michala McMonagle This is a short story about my family trip to California [431 words]
My Summer Vacation by S Spencer This story is about a child's special vacation with his family. [366 words]
My Inspiration by Amy Mondure Lioncourt About how in the end the smallest things can mend the biggest wounds. [247 words]
Mold My Brain by Ana Soto The following story illustrates how a child needs to be molded in order to become a successful ad... [324 words]
Just Me by Stormy The story of a little girl home from the hospital. You would think her parents would be happy to see he... [888 words]
Gulf by Ed Bruce How the Gulf Stream united two families from different continents, only to find that their family problems... [3,862 words]
Good As Gold by Stormy Getting good grades in high school shouldn't have been a bad thing. [2,359 words]
Gamepoint - A Short Short by David B Doc Byron a fighter narrates a story about his life in the ring. [546 words]
Ekim by Katherine Gehl Donovan A short story about a guy at my school who I am really close to. Or was. [1,061 words]
Day In The Life Of The Clinically Insane by Jessica Ann Zidik For: All of those who thought they knew me. [2,232 words]
Cuban Term Paper Crisis by Kurt Kitasaki A satire on Cuban-American relations. [2,845 words]
Celebrating Life by Rowan Davies A collection of stories through the viewpoints of different people that interlink to show how ... [6,755 words]
Blood Is Thicker Than Water by David B Doc Byron Two vampire siblings learn how to help each other in their time of need. [674 words]
When Its Not Set In Stone by Alla Lapidus A 3-part historical fantasy set at Stonehenge. [8,546 words]
What Are You Thinking About? by Darcy K Metz Has your girlfriend ever asked you that question before? The usual response from a... [1,028 words]
Victory City by Matthew Little Many years after a hero fell to his death, his legacy will continue on in a child to fight a deadl... [5,719 words]
Treats From Heaven by Ashley Cook Lily dies and goes to Heaven. She has to decide between two doors. This is a sort of Alice i... [2,533 words]
The Myriad Slip by Salai G Prit Narcotics, sensuality, cruelty and a flat full of people asleep... the musings of a christmas m... [695 words]
The Mark Of Jack by Sue (Sooz) Simpson The start of something maybe. [1,044 words]
The Jax (Episodes 1-5) by Matthew Little Creatures taking over the human race and only few people know of the impending doom. Us... [4,382 words]
The Fear Within by Musau A former hit man goes back home to reflect on his career, and then he is thrown aback! [1,740 words]
The Butterfield Stagecoach Mystery by D Donely This is actually a story written by my father. It is based on the legends of... [698 words]
The Birth Of My Baby Brother by J Labarre A college student looking back and remembering what it was like to have a new baby... [972 words]
Teeth by Fergus O'Ferguson Sometimes, with regard to the imagination, it is frighteningly easy to become a fool. One man here become... [1,344 words]
Sleeping Silently
Simple Jack by Norman A Rubin A backward youth had been jailed for the accidental death of his mother he committed by crushing he... [3,144 words]
Signs by Gina Smith - [1,005 words]
Pandora's Bottle by Judith Goff First love, last love... [5,004 words]
One Night In Bangkok by A Johnson A partial chapter of my unfinished novel of the same name, this story relates the protago... [1,670 words]
Of Peppermints And White Knights by Stormy I took my first drink at age 10. [2,179 words]
No One To No Where by Alina Marquez Short story about a woman on a greyhound bus to El Paso. [1,269 words]
My Life And Some Stuff by Jerry Puryear - [740 words]
My Best Friend by S Spencer "My Best Friend" is my twin sister. I share with you the joy and uniqueness of baing a twin and ... [567 words]
My Best Friend Colleen by Mary Belletatto How two people meet and become best friends through college. [1,478 words]
Ivan's Out Of This World Odyssey by Alex M Sam Young boy elf and friends travel to the land of the dragons. In order to retur... [1,941 words]
Image by Beth Foley A short story. [574 words]
I Have A Problem by Christina Soderberg I was addicted to diet pills. [928 words]
High Tension by Norman A Rubin The short story tell of an elderly woman who thinks light bulbs leak. The copy will give the backg... [1,901 words]
Girl Scout Adventures by Sarah This piece was written for my Reading and Literature in Elementary schools class that I a... [729 words]
Dine In... Or Take Out by D Donely This is a short little story I wrote when I was bored. It's about a Detective trying to ... [1,597 words]
Cape May by Bastiani - [612 words]
Agony 2 by Sue (Sooz) Simpson Morew from the irrepresible Aunt Nasty (May be deemed offensive). [1,077 words]
A True Best Friend by Colleen Klose Story about the impact of my sister on my life. [537 words]
A Mermaid's Heart by Teresa R Lucas The tale of a mermaid's love and how it was lost and found. [1,984 words]

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Sleeping Silently
A girl tries to discover who killed her best friend.
[3,429 words]
D Donely
*****sitting here "trying" to write....
[June 2003]
A Poem (Poetry) Just a poem I wrote; it doesn't really have any specific point to it. The words just came to me. [40 words]
A Ruined Land (Poetry) - [56 words]
A Vampire's Attack (Poetry) A short poem about a vampire getting set to attack a victim. I can't help it, i've always been mesmerized by vampires... [34 words]
All Alone... Just Me (Poetry) - [65 words]
All I Wanted Was... (Poetry) Just r/r. [43 words] [Relationships]
Are You Deaf? (Poetry) About people who don't seem to notice... who don't seem to see... who don't seem to hear.. [65 words]
Being Perfect (Poetry) This poem is mostly about trying to be perfect; you'll just have to read it ur'self, & come to your own conclusion. If u want; i'd appreciate some feed back, thanx [57 words]
Confusion Of Life (Poetry) I had no clue what to call this one..but, anyways, any/all reviews are GREATLY appreciated!!:) [65 words]
Dancing In The Rain (Poetry) Yay! Finally a poem that's not morbid! [40 words]
Deaf Ears (Poetry) Well, I think this is good. Read and enjoy (reviews would be nice also) [115 words]
Dear God (Poetry) A poem about a girl who makes the fatal mistake of driving drunk... these are her dying thoughts. [97 words]
Death (Poetry) A poem about death. I enjoyed writing it. I'd appreciate feedback on this. [56 words]
Death Wish (Poetry) This one was easy to write. Read and Review, that'd brighten my day a bit. [100 words]
Dine In... Or Take Out (Short Stories) This is a short little story I wrote when I was bored. It's about a Detective trying to solve a murder case. [1,597 words] [Crime]
Don't Bother (Poetry) Break-ups should be permanent. Ever had a guy (girl) come crawling on their knees begging for your forgiveness? Well... this is what inspired this poem. [76 words] [Relationships]
Don't Pity Me (Poetry) - [42 words]
Fading Ember (Poetry) This is a poem that I've always liked. I wrote it about my depressed boyfriend. [126 words]
False Hope (Poetry) Definitely NOT the best, but these words were just floating around in my head, drivng me crazy. So... I wrote it down. [57 words]
Fierce Waves (Poetry) Not much to say... [52 words]
Flying Monkeys! (Poetry) I'm not quite sure what I was on when I wrote this... it's sort of a joke between my friends and I. [40 words]
Globes Of Light (Poetry) Wow... this is... different for me.... I haven't written one like this in a while... well, stop at the review box on your way out! C'mon you know you wanna clicky! Click, click! [57 words]
Hell Or Life? (Poetry) I've hit a bit of a writer's block... so... read with caution. [70 words]
Her True Side (Poetry) This is a poem about a girl who doesn't let the world see her emotions. She hides behind lies and a false mask. I'm only 14, so I'd like some feedback on this, thanks. [59 words]
Hourglass (Poetry) I've revised it, so that I think it sounds better. I liked this poem, hopefully you will too. Please read and review, ty. [68 words]
I Can't Have You... (Poetry) Dude... the title kinda speaks for itself... btw, I love any kind of feedback, even bad. So, come on... you know you wanna read... just one little click, come one, one little clicky... [40 words]
I Hate You!! (Poetry) Just a poem about how I felt when my boyfriend and I broke up. It's not too well written, but, it's honest. [115 words]
I Left You (Poetry) My friend wanted me to write her a poem about how she felt... so here it is. It's hard though, since I don't know first hand her emotions. [74 words]
I Smiled Again (Poetry) - [93 words]
I Was Bored... (Poetry) I swear I wasn't high when I wrote this. Don't ask.. [124 words] [Humor]
I Won't Break (Poetry) - [63 words]
I'd Ask For You (Poetry) "If I could have one wish, one wish come true, I'd ask...", well, I'm not going to give it ALL away, so you'll just have to read... [26 words] [Romance]
I'll Be There For You (Poetry) Just a lil' something my (ex) bf wrote me one time... I love it. [44 words]
In Shock (Poetry) R/R, ty. :):) [51 words]
It Hurts (Poetry) This poem is written about my mother, and the pain she has caused me. Out of all I have written, this is my favorite, and expresses my feelings deeply. [125 words]
It's Time To Say Good-Bye (Poetry) Yet another one of my poems -- it's about how relationships come to an end. [73 words]
Just Don't... (Poetry) The title I wanted was already taken.... Dont' hold my hand, if you won't hold it forever... r & r. [58 words]
Kill Me (Poetry) - [51 words]
Leave Me To Die (Poetry) I entered this one into a poetry competition actually, and I've been told that it has good verse. It's a bit morbid, but it's one of my favorites and one of the first that I wrote. [49 words]
Like Hell (Poetry) Lalalala... oh... um... just read, k? I love reviews by the way, so why not leave me a lil note? And... while you're at it... why not take a look at some of my other work?Eh?:):) [136 words]
Live (Poetry) This... isn't exactly the best that I've written... but... oh well. [46 words]
Lost Time (Poetry) I didn't write this actually, a friend of mine did. Just read and review. [54 words]
Love Is Suicide (Poetry) Read and Review! Come on! You know you want to! My writing's worth your time! It only takes a second, and it would sure brighten this writer's day a bit! [153 words]
Magic And Wizards (Poetry) Just a weird little poem. I was on a fantasy kick... by the way, I love any/all feedback!thanks:) [116 words]
Magical Mushrooms (Poetry) A stupid, pointless poem about "magical mushrooms". [55 words]
Moonlight Enchantress (Poetry) You know what I always thought would be fun? Is if we did a CHAIN STORY. You know, one person starts, and everyone else adds...Well, here's the chance. Have fun. :) [300 words]
Moonlight Enchantress Part 4 (Short Stories) Here we have it, the 4th installment of this CHAIN STORY. C'mon, you know you want to read and add your own unique twist! [330 words]
My Insomnia (Poetry) I'm suffering through insomnia at the moment, so I as inspired to write about it. Joy. [41 words]
My Way (Poetry) A poem about not following the "crowd", doing things my way. [69 words]
My 'lil Pink Foo Foo (Poetry) This is a poem I wrote for my foo foo, who sadly, passed away this past winter. Please, give me some feed back on this, thank you. [96 words] [Drama]
Not Like You (Poetry) I'm not quite sure what I was trying to say... just read/reviews, and come up with your own interpretation. [42 words]
Nothing,Nothing (Poetry) This is a cool poem written my a FRIEND of mine. So, please, read and review. thanks. [44 words]
Oh Shit (Poetry) About a night that I spent with my friend, the drugee. heh. Well, you just have to read it. I'm not really very good at summaries. [958 words]
Oh Shit (Pt 2) (Short Stories) Just the ending of the first part. About a night with my "stoner" friend. hehe. Don't ask... [808 words]
One Bad Choice... (Poetry) A poem about how doing just ONE thing wrong, can ruin everything. I'm sure every1 can relate. I'm trying a new style of writing, it's different from what I usually do. I wouldn't mind getting feed bac... [48 words]
Only Me (Poetry) This poem was WRITTEN by a FRIEND of mine. She is the same person who wrote "nothing,nothing". so r/r.ty. [37 words]
Orbs Of Our Soul (Poetry) This I like.hehe. r/r. [33 words]
Pieces Of My Soul (Poetry) Finally! I wrote a poem! Yay! The writer's block is gone! [55 words]
Poison (Poetry) Just a short lil poem. And, as always, I love love love reviews. :) [48 words]
Reaching (Poetry) Just read/review, that'd make the author very happy :) [38 words]
Regrets (Poetry) A friend of mine wanted me to write her a poem about how she regretted leaving a guy she loved. This was kind of hard, considering I wasn't actually feeling the emotions, so I had nothing to dig from... [80 words]
Rules To Live By (Poetry) Just a short poem that I wrote. I wouldn't mind having feedback. Thanks. [85 words]
Scattered (Poetry) Just a poem, see for yourself. Reviews are realllly appreciated!!!! [35 words]
Screw Me Over (Poetry) Nice title, huh? [90 words]
Senseless (Poetry) Come up w/your own interpretation. [31 words]
September 11th (Poetry) I think the title says enough. [50 words]
Silent Rain (Poetry) A light little piece about my favorite type of weather. [31 words]
Small Town (Poetry) Poem about my "lovely" home town. [54 words]
So Empty (Poetry) Uhm... [47 words]
Stupid Girl (So Unfocused) (Poetry) This is about a friend of mine who... well... doesn't exactly make the best of choices. She's basically making some stupid decisions... Personally I don't like this poem, it sucks. [68 words]
Take Life.... (Poetry) - [73 words]
Tell Me The Way (Poetry) I wouldn't mind some feedback on this, and my other poems, thanks. You readers rock my world!:) [93 words]
That's Life (Poetry) Just a simple poem about life. [41 words]
The Butterfield Stagecoach Mystery (Short Stories) This is actually a story written by my father. It is based on the legends of the Stage Coach Line. [698 words]
The Storm (Poetry) Just a poem; the title is pretty much self explanatory. [27 words] [Nature]
Things Aren't As They Seem (Poetry) Please read and criticize all you want. Thanks. [90 words]
Things I Love About You (Poetry) Err... Umm... just the things I love about... someone. [33 words] [Relationships]
Time Of Fear (Poetry) Just a poem about how time passes so slowly whenever your scared. It's hard to explain this-you just have to read it for yourself. And Please! Feedback!!!hehe. Thanks.:) [50 words]
Too Young (Poetry) Just my ramblings about how people seem to underestimate me just because of my age... *sigh* [90 words]
Trying To Blend (Poetry) Just a poem about trying to be the same as every1 around. [40 words]
Turn Back Time (Poetry) Yet another one of my many poems. Enjoy. And as always, make sure to stop at the review box on your way out. ty. [53 words]
Untitled (For Now) (Poetry) This remains untitles for now, but I'm open for suggested titles. reviews are, as always, appreciated. [64 words]
Wake-Up (Poetry) - [23 words]
Waves (Poetry) - [12 words]
We See Things.... (Poetry) Just r/r. Oh, and for some reason my author's description never changes... even when I try to... so... I dunno, it ticks me off. [67 words]
What Is Love? (Poetry) Eh...I'm not so sure about this one... maybe you all will like it. And, as always, reviews are appreciated. :) [65 words]
What's The Use? (Poetry) Just my usual ramblings about... things. [74 words]
Why Are We Here? (Poetry) Basically just my rambling about why we were given life. This is a completely different style from how I usually write. I'd like some feed back. Thanks.:) [103 words]
Without You (Poetry) Just a lil poem.Hey, at least it's not morbid... hehe... [62 words]
You Think Your Special (Poetry) Just about people who seem to think that they're special, and better than everyone else. [66 words]

"excellent story. a little work needs to be done on it but it can past." -- lori-ann.
"I really enjoyed this story. It was written very well. I especially liked the ending. I don't know, just something about it I liked. I also enjoyed reading your poetry. Quite lovely. " -- WhiteWisp.
"The writing was very good. it had a twist you could'nnt even imagine" -- Melanie.


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© 2002 D Donely
November 2002

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