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Jane And You And The Warm Summer Rain( Poem) by Terry Collett - [482 words]
In The Fields Of France
(Touch Me Not) Touchez-Moi-Pas by Kar Velasco It's my own work base on my own experience.. [564 words]
Yesterday Is A Maze. by Terry Collett - [183 words]
Wishful Thinking To Travel The World by Sarah Lipton Sidibeh A poem which expresses the author's great love of travel. [179 words]
Unwanted Wealth by Terry Collett - [258 words]
Two Souls In Limbo by Terry Collett - [354 words]
The Showing by Mia Angello Poem about house for sale [75 words]
The Phone Gift. by Terry Collett - [345 words]
The Exercise Walk by Terry Collett - [382 words]
The Bombed Out Butcher's Shop. by Terry Collett - [522 words]
That Year 1998 by Terry Collett - [110 words]
Scavenging For Coal by Terry Collett - [279 words]
Portrait Of A Whore by Jonathan Soriano - [120 words]
Polly Strips His Bed. by Terry Collett - [229 words]
My Beautiful Mother by Sarah Lipton Sidibeh A poem which expresses the special relationship between a mother and her child. [112 words]
More's The Pity by Terry Collett - [399 words]
Marks Of Sin. by Terry Collett - [491 words]
Man Overboard by Terry Collett - [334 words]
Mad Weather by Sarah Lipton Sidibeh A poemm which is an expression of the unpredictable nature of the weather owing to global warming. [139 words]
Judo Practice. by Terry Collett - [181 words]
Judith And Her Thoughts On Death by Terry Collett - [285 words]
Judith And A Wedding Day. by Terry Collett - [344 words]
Jane And Bullfinch Eggs. by Terry Collett - [289 words]
In Mr Atkinson's Room. by Terry Collett - [439 words]
Helen And You And A Bag Of Chips by Terry Collett - [465 words]
Good Deed Done. by Terry Collett - [258 words]
For The Meeting Of Hearts And Lips. by Terry Collett - [425 words]
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Ezra Pound's Canto And The Girl's Behind. by Terry Collett - [202 words]
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Doppelganger Or Such Like. by Terry Collett - [159 words]
Christina And You And Home For Lunch. by Terry Collett - [547 words]
Beneath A Hot Sun On A Morrocan Beach. by Terry Collett - [295 words]
Auntie And Hand Washing by Terry Collett - [267 words]
Anne's Phantom Leg And You. by Terry Collett - [281 words]
Alone With My Sin (A Collection) by Michael Harris This is a collection of poems wherein I express the stinging loneliness that s... [2,477 words]

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In The Fields Of France
A Poem inspired by a photo I saw, of a poppy next to barbed wire in a field.The poem is about The Poppy Fields of France, where many a young soldier laid down his life, for our freedom reminding us to use that freedom well..
[176 words]
R Duncan
[November 2012]
A Lost Love Is Hard To Find (Poetry) This is about a broken heart, trying to find it's lost love. [109 words]
A New Flower In The Garden (Poetry) A poem about my sister Helen who passed away this year.And how God had picked her for his garden as she is a special person. [87 words]
An Addict, Not Me (Poetry) I wrote this on the aftermath of the death of singer Amy Winehouse from a drug over dose on the 23rd July 2011 [272 words]
And Then I Cried Out ''Why'' (Poetry) This is about the addicts cry "WHY" when they realise the depths that they have sunk to through having an addiction [175 words]
Come Buy A Poppy (Poetry) A poem about an old soldier standing on a street corner with a collection can and a tray of poppy's and how people walk by and ignore him. [111 words]
Crying Without Tears (Poetry) Poem about suffering from a broken heart, and being alone and all dried out. [85 words]
Enough Enough Enough (Poetry) A Short poem about the need to stop the destruction of our planet. [86 words]
In His Brilliance (Poetry) A short poem about how we look at God but can't see him for his brilliance because we look with our eyes and not our souls [129 words]
Lest We Forget (Poetry) This is a poem about remembrance day, and why we would should never forget the reason. [91 words]
Look In The Mirror (Poetry) A poem about addicts and how they see themselves when they look in the mirror at their reflection. [116 words]
Mother Hear Me. (Poetry) A short poem about saying your last goodbyes to your mother [80 words]
The Fallen (Poetry) This is for all our fallen soldiers [141 words]
The Owl & The Cat (Poetry) This was written between two soulmates over the internet each writing a line in turn, we have never met personaly, but our souls are entwined in eternity. Rikki Duncan & Irene Bruce [393 words]
The Pain Of Seeing You Leave, Is Less Than The Pain Of Watching You Suffer (Poetry) I wrote this after my sister Helen died, we had fallen out for 4 months over something trivial and hadn't talked or saw each other. and I spent the last seven days of her life, looking at her laying i... [162 words]
The Tears I Cry (Poetry) I was inspired to write this, when I saw a photo of an old soldier, who was wiping a tear away from his eyes. [81 words]
The Words Are Not Enough (Poetry) A short emotional poem about our fallen soldiers [52 words]
Their Memories Must Live On (Poetry) A poem about keeping the soldiers memories alive after they are dead. [164 words]
Why Did You Take That Knife To Town? (Poetry) A poem about the knife culture that we live/die with. [134 words]
In The Fields Of France
R Duncan

In The Fields Of France

In the fields of France, they still lie in deaths deep sleep
We prayed the Lord for mercy, and their souls to keep
Those young brave soldiers, who's names we do not know
Gave up their lives, for our freedom, when they were told to go.

In the fields of France the poppies, sway gently in the breeze
Old frail comrades visit, and get down on their knees
They've returned to the battlefield, that is now a soldiers grave
As they remember those young men, so loyal and so brave.

In the fields of France, when the rain falls, like tear drops from the sky
Onto the poppy covered ground, where those young men had to die
We remember it was for us they went, to fight for freedoms cause
I pray these lives are not a waste, these lives are not a loss.

In the fields of France, the soil once was red with blood
As those young men followed orders' and struggled through the mud
Some lie where they had fallen, never to be found
That loyal unknown soldier, beneath the poppy covered ground.



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© 2012 R Duncan
November 2012

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