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Well, Then Rise Up! by Victoria Tangan Ruiz For those who are looking for motivation, soul -searching, and reflection. [475 words]
We Aren't Saints by Wael El-Manzalawy - [189 words]
My Paper Writer by Paper Writer When you cannot write your own paper then the paper writer will help you to write your papers f... [36 words]
How Not To Start A Revolution by Joseph D Smith Don't worry, this is only political satire commentary on starting an American Rev... [310 words]
Don't Underestimate Anyone by Wael El-Manzalawy - [120 words]
Will Eu Remain Spectators In Arms Race by Wael El-Manzalawy - [355 words]
Who Can Do My Homework For Me? by Tyler Phelps - [323 words]
The World After Coronavirus by Wael El-Manzalawy - [510 words]
The German People Is A Genius Not A Superior One by Wael El-Manzalawy - [179 words]
What Makes You Angry? by Saranekha Saravanan - [197 words]
What Makes A Good Leader? by Saranekha Saravanan - [207 words]
Too Much Money Is A Bad Thing by Saranekha Saravanan - [256 words]
Should You Punish Students For Bad Grades? by Saranekha Saravanan - [213 words]
Should Teachers Be Graded By Students? by Saranekha Saravanan - [179 words]
Pros And Cons Of Mobile Phones by Saranekha Saravanan - [218 words]
Pertwee Perished
My Wonderful Life With Cats by Shelley J Alongi - [2,340 words]
Is Prom A Good Thing Or A Bad Thing? by Saranekha Saravanan - [218 words]
Is It Good To Forgive Someone? by Saranekha Saravanan - [194 words]
How To Stop Bullying? by Saranekha Saravanan - [204 words]
How Do You And Your Friends Communicate? by Saranekha Saravanan - [422 words]
Fashion Is Good Or Bad? by Saranekha Saravanan - [321 words]
Do You Like The Way You Look? by Saranekha Saravanan - [302 words]
Are Video Games Good? by Saranekha Saravanan - [194 words]
Adventures In Opinion by Shelley J Alongi About a month ago, someone asked me if there was anything I didn't have an opinion about.... [1,125 words]
A Beacon Of Hope by Shelley J Alongi How I've decided to share my faith in Jesus Christ online. A message of hope for 2020 and beyo... [1,390 words]
Wireless Energy Transmission Via Ac Plug by Joseph Julius The Jules Imagine a standalone AC Plug, which would send electricity into the wa... [143 words]
Why Peace Will Forever Elude Us by Robert Levin Although the guises may differ, people who study history are no less doomed to ... [769 words]
The Juleokin Army by Julius The Jules Find out how to spot a Juleokin, because you never know where we are hiding, other than, well... [126 words]
The Armed Islamic Groups by Wael El-Manzalawy How did the activities of the armed Islamic groups develop? We are sometimes involved ... [412 words]
Juleokin Syndrome: When Multiple Mental Illnesses Combine by Rev Joseph D Smith Juleokin Syndrome is a type of genetic patterns, wher... [216 words]
Jupiter by Saranekha Saravanan - [1,512 words]
I Am Special Because...... by Saranekha Saravanan - [1,478 words]
Angel Hug: Images And A Journey To A Story by Shelley J Alongi Childhood never meant so much as the images that led here: Hands, ey... [2,280 words]

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Pertwee Perished
Dedicated to Jon Pertwee (1919-1996)
[119 words]
Randy Johnson
[November 2022]
A 2nd Poem About Anthony Ainley (Poetry) DEDICATED TO ANTHONY AINLEY WHO DIED MAY 3, 2004. [88 words]
Attack Of The Sans (Short Stories) A Space Warrior named Fland travels to a planet called Narburg and battles intelligent Slug creatures. [3,022 words] [Science Fiction]
Bush (Poetry) - [130 words]
Christmas Isn't About The Gifts (Poetry) - [62 words]
Cruel Twist Of Fate (Poetry) - [107 words] [Drama]
Farewell Mr.Ainley (Poetry) Dedicated to Anthony Ainley who died May 3, 2004. [144 words]
Goodbye Ronald Reagan (Poetry) Dedicated to President Reagan. [91 words]
He Shot His Daughter (Poetry) THIS IS A TRUE STORY. [68 words] [Drama]
I Voted Against Phil Bredesen (Non-Fiction) - [97 words]
In Memory Of Burley Johnson (Poetry) This poem was published in Quill Books and the International library of Poetry. I've made a slight change. Originally the poem said that my Grandpa was refined. I've changed the word refined to divine... [132 words]
Insulted (Poetry) - [79 words]
Joe Biden And Other Democrats (Non-Fiction) Joe Biden and other democrats are using scare tactics. [153 words]
John Brown's Drug Use (Non-Fiction) Dedicated to John W. Brown (1970-2019) [161 words]
Loveless Marriage (Poetry) - [299 words] [Humor]
Manborg Menace (Short Stories) An intelligent alien and his girlfriend travel to thirty-first century Earth and help the humans battle evil cyborgs. [2,786 words] [Science Fiction]
My Grandpa (Poetry) Dedicated to my late Grandpa. May 1, 1910 - February 7, 1998. [108 words]
Norman (Poetry) This poem is about Norman Greene. He died of lung cancer on June 12, 2001. [44 words]
Poochie (Poetry) This poem is about my dog. He died July 14, 1994. [105 words] [Animal]
Rest In Peace, Mom (Poetry) Dedicated to Agnes Johnson who passed away March 6, 2013. (1948-2013) [186 words]
Stacy (Poetry) Dedicated to the late Stacy Brooks. [109 words]
Sylvester (Poetry) This poem is about my cat. He's two years old. [57 words] [Animal]
The American Way (Poetry) - [109 words]
The Majority Of The Mentally Ill Are Harmless (Non-Fiction) - [216 words]
Twister (Poetry) This is a fictional poem about a man and a tornado. [63 words]
You Don't Care Who You Hurt (Poetry) - [76 words]
Pertwee Perished
Randy Johnson

Jon Pertwee died twenty-four years ago today. He died on May 20, 1996 at the age of seventy-six. He died of a heart attack in his sleep. For those who may not know, Pertwee was a British actor who starred in Doctor Who. He starred in twenty-four episodes from 1970-1974. He died while visiting the USA.

One of Pertwee's teachers told him that he would never make it as an actor. It just goes to show you how wrong people can be. Five years after he quit starring in Doctor Who, he began to star in Worzel Gummidge. He starred as a stupid scarecrow in thirty-one episodes from 1979-1981. Jon was a fantastic actor and he is still missed.


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© 2020 Randy Johnson
May 2020

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