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Short Stories

Lost In Space...Beagle 2 by Harvey Kennett The true story of Beagle 2 ? Apologies to Yanks in general... [1,105 words]
The Happy Housewife by April Griffin A short but powerfull tale of a battered woman. [980 words]
Mind's Shadow by J Shartzer A teenager is engrossed in the search for the reason of his girlfriend's sudden suicide. [8,115 words]
Melancholy Polly by J Shartzer A young woman with a bizzare history is deeply affected by her mother's death. [1,579 words]
Your Little God Is Pooh And Creepy Too by Xoggoth Only the innocent find salvation. In the run up to the revelation the ki... [1,442 words]
The Three Rotten Sisters by Christopher W Sorenson A funny short story about three snoody women who marry three fine gentlemen. In the e... [789 words]
The Markings Of An Angle by Narinder Bhambra A short story. [1,398 words]
The Fly And... by Xoggoth That Geoff Goldblum had it easy! One fly?? I should have been so lucky! [483 words]
The Difference-1 by Sukesh Srivastava An emotional story of sacrifices made for each other in the family. [4,595 words]
The Diary Of Mystery by Hazli Ghazali Collection of Hazli's short stories under the topic of mystery, a lot to think and discove... [3,982 words]
The Come Back by Bryan Meckley About a successful overdose. [2,157 words]
Ripple Effect by E Rocco Caldwell A scientist has discovered time travel or maybe his own descent into insanity. [838 words]
Providing For Sarah by Xoggoth A desolate man finds comfort in an imaginary (?) companion. But who will care for her when ... [883 words]
Pakistani Feast by Jerry Pat Bolton A man, alone in the jungles of Pakistani, become surrounded by a pride of tigers. [1,681 words]
Night Ride by P J Lawton A tired young man accepts a ride from a mysterious stranger. [1,463 words]
My Eternal Triangle by Erasmus Flynt - [710 words]
Monica's Pie by Paul B Kramer Reklon Harponip, a Turkish lad on his own in America, identifies with Monica Lewinsky's plight as ... [3,062 words]
Man Skin by Harvey Kennett When you sleep, what happens to your dreams ? [776 words]
Hell Is A Personal Place by Erasmus Flynt Each of us has a personal idea of Hell! [1,043 words]
Goodnight Sweet Kevin by Harvey Kennett It concerns me that we, as a species, follow trends and "buzzwords", and anyone who dares... [603 words]
God's Trainees by Xoggoth Him upstairs is thinking of retiring, all he needs to do is train up some suitable replacements.... [1,570 words]
Fury Of Steele by Robert E Tadlock The drug lords of Hong Kong are trying to take over L.A. But Hong Kong itself will feel the fury... [2,686 words]
Free Road by Deon Coetzee The possibility that life may be ended with a happy parting of one's shadow, ie. suicide, that is not... [194 words]
Food For Thought by P J Lawton Ever wonder where the food of the future will come from? [973 words]
Do You Remember Now? by E Daugherty - [703 words]
Did You Hear The One About The Three Icelandic Bishops by Gypsey Teague When you invite a guest into your home, be prepared for ... [493 words]
Death Walk by P J Lawton A space ship crashes on a lonely planet leaving the crew a long walk to safety. [1,147 words]
Changing To Go Out by Xoggoth In the aftermath of the genetic bomb, a simple night at the pictures with the missus is no e... [444 words]
Business Card by E Rocco Caldwell Madness can be in a simple telephone call. [723 words]
Back To The Garden by Xoggoth Depressing the extent to which everything is being dumbed down these days. Poor state educat... [527 words]
A Conversation With God by Kevin Myrick Basically, its a short story with sort of a twisted view on the whole walking with god ... [1,230 words]
The Music I Held by E Daugherty - [802 words]
Licorice Tea by Shelley J Alongi This is a story I havent' worked into my novel yet; it's how Rachel makes a decision to fall in lo... [3,590 words]
Victim by Gypsey Teague By the full of the moon, and the cloak of the night. There are some things that are better Kept in the l... [1,372 words]
Twisted Figures by Rae Just wrote it down as it came to mind.. no sense or anything :) [294 words]
Things To Do Before I Die by Gypsey Teague Everyone makes lists. Some mean more than others. [1,045 words]
The Waitress Fom Hell by Richard Koss The story of a patron's ongoing feud with an over-the-hill waitress. [750 words]
The Soldier by Solo A darkly lyrical tale of an old soldier seperated from his men behind enemy lines who takes on a mi... [8,019 words]
The Siege Of Tar Ebon by Dayne Edmondson This is a story of human kind's greatest hour of need. [2,501 words]
The Man I Call My Dad by Justin M Chapman A story about my dad that I wrote for a class. It tells about him. [979 words]
The Gatekeeper Of The Heaven by Partha Pratim Majumder Theme : Hypothetically, the concept of God,heaven etc. are all created by and pr... [2,419 words]
The Divine Inside Of Thoughts by Elroy Jamoke Lloyd Auto-bio piece... [4,442 words]
The Clearing by E Rocco Caldwell A simple ghost story that happens to be true. [783 words]
Spirits Revolt by Jack Roland Butter When Donna moves to her new Californian house she can't believe her luck. Soon she discovers tha... [1,079 words]
Simon Says: The Case Of The Singing Lady Blues by P J Lawton A hard-boiled private detective makes a fatal mistake. He can't ... [3,757 words]
Simon Says: Case Of Vengeance By The Letter by P J Lawton A hard-boiled private detective's past comes back to haunt him. [3,972 words]
Simon Says: Case Of The Deadly Diamond Dupe by P J Lawton A hard-boiled private detective reluctantly gets involved in a terr... [3,813 words]
Shadow Cat by John Caruso On a cold winter day a feral kitten wandered out of the wooded paradise surrounding our home in west... [22,470 words]
Roundabout Love
Pyscho Librarian by Sarah Beresh About a librarian who was a Physco killer and told all her lil library kids about her past the... [1,849 words]
Not Much Like Christmas by Stephanie A Erickson A short story based on the song "Christmas By The Phone" by Good Charlotte. Also based ... [2,616 words]
Neighbors by Shelley J Alongi Aviation story. This story takes place before Andrew meets Anne in his spactacular early morning lan... [1,523 words]
Mom's Color Code by Partha Pratim Majumder Relationship between mother and son. The very intricate relationship that needs no description... [1,287 words]
Managing by Shelley J Alongi Twenty years after marriage, and despite life, Anne and Andrew still manage to hold everything togethe... [2,329 words]
Last Day by Shelley J Alongi Aviation Story 18. Anne and Andrew, a sinus headache, troublesome passengers, a frantic boss, and the ... [2,335 words]
Landing Part Two by Shelley J Alongi Aviation story. Relationship conflict. Melanie talks to Laura about Jeff. [1,765 words]
Landing Part Three by Shelley J Alongi Origins of the accident. Pleasant flight. [1,176 words]
Landing Part One by Shelley J Alongi Anaviation story. A pilot is caught between a rock and a hard place, literally, leading to a ... [1,637 words]
Landing Part Four by Shelley J Alongi Melanie is afraid. [1,480 words]
Landing Part Five by Shelley J Alongi Jeff's dream. [1,033 words]
Jolly John's Last Laugh by Partha Pratim Majumder In 1963 , A young Englishman bought an old Bunglow at the foothills of Himalayas near ... [2,437 words]
Is It Real Or Is It Memorex? by D G Williford You tell me... [82 words]
Billy And Jason by Ashley A Selsing Jason meets a new kid, Billy, who steals his things. At first they are enemies, but they then ... [1,382 words]
Back Page News by E Rocco Caldwell The thoughts of a dying US soldier on the road to baghdad. [805 words]
Attack Of The Sans by Randy Johnson A Space Warrior named Fland travels to a planet called Narburg and battles intelligent Slug ... [3,022 words]
An Encounter With Evil by P J Lawton A young man's search for the bizarre gets him a little more than he bargined for. [1,761 words]
A Season For Figs by Geraldine Winters A short story. [3,255 words]
A Hike by Jennifer Winter A short story. [875 words]
A Friend by Peter Izdebski I was like clay, so soft and yellow. I listened and followed because I didn't know that I could talk ... [917 words]

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Roundabout Love
The story of two people who shouldn't be able to fall in love, but came together.
[1,187 words]
Kevin Myrick

K Myrick

I'm currently a College Student enrolled at Auburn University in Auburn, AL. I'm studying Political Science, but thinking of changing my major to English, or double majoring. I'm interested in computers, the outdoors and of course, writing. I read a lot instead of watching TV, because in truth there is nothing more of value to watch on TV anymore.
[December 2003]
A Conversation With God (Short Stories) Basically, its a short story with sort of a twisted view on the whole walking with god on the beach theme that you see around. I dunno, it was sort of one of those late night writes. Yeah, I'm an athe... [1,230 words]
A Gunslinger's Death Is Always Best (Short Stories) The Sixth in the Sierra Madre Stories, finally typed up for your enjoyment. [3,668 words] [Crime]
Chapter One: A Stiff Shot Of Southern Comfort (Novels) It's an idea I had for a novel, no title yet. No worries though, I'm sure I'll have something by chapter two. Enjoy! [1,314 words] [Literary Fiction]
Fireworks At Christmas (Short Stories) This is the fifth story in the continuing series called the Sierra Madre Stories. [3,274 words] [Literary Fiction]
Headboards And Tombstones (Short Stories) The fourth story in the Sierra Madre Series/Stories, this one is about the boyfriend mostly. Some backstory, some flashback. Hope everyone enjoys. [2,898 words] [Literary Fiction]
How To Read This Diatribe (Essays) The very beginning letter from myself to you about a new series of essays, stories, and miscellaneous things I'm writing about. [317 words] [Mind]
In The Beginning (Short Stories) The followup to "The Last Two Minutes of an Insane Man's Life", which takes the reader back to the beginning, retracing the steps to how he has a gun to his head. [1,225 words] [Literary Fiction]
Last Two Minutes Of An Insane Man's Life (Short Stories) The story of a man who is insane and has his inner demons leave him after trying to commit suicide. It ends ironically, I guess. Note: Strong Language and some sexual content. Not safe for children's ... [914 words] [Literary Fiction]
No Longer A Smoking America (Essays) I wrote this paper for my college english comp class, and decided it was worthy enough to publish. Maybe. Anyhow, take it with a grain of salt folks, and if you see something you think is wrong, pleas... [1,483 words] [Mind]
Sail Away (Short Stories) An autobiographical story that ends with a point about the quest for the meaning of life, and what the meaning of life is to me, the author. [1,295 words]
Six Of Hearts (Essays) First Post in my 52 series of essays on how I dislike social websites like thefacebook.com, and my adventures in online dating. [654 words] [Mind]
Something About Good Decisions (Novels) Chapter two of something else I've been working on. Taking the last chapter's comments into view, I've decided to shift away from the whole "writer as a main character" theme to "who are those two guy... [2,322 words]
Southern Roadtrips- Part One (Novels) The Prologue and First Two chapters of a novella I'm writing called "Southern Roadtrips". At least, that's what I'm calling it right now. Characters and Stories are based on fact, but I've taken creat... [3,315 words] [Travel]
Southern Roadtrips-Chapter Four (Novels) This chapter, while describing a small portion of my time in Chattanooga, does better to describe my feelings about myself and my parent's divorce. [1,442 words] [Travel]
The Death Of Smith And Jones In Sierra Madre (Short Stories) The next story in the "Sierra Madre Stories" series in which describes the death of Smith and Jones, two of the four who are responsible for the death of Mary. It also includes an interesting anecdote... [3,072 words] [Literary Fiction]
The Family Of Four (Non-Fiction) For my friends at college. [1,014 words]
The First Joker In The Deck (Essays) This is an essay about my personal philosophy, or lack thereof. [1,098 words] [Mind]
The Four Of Clubs (Essays) Second part to the Four of Diamonds. It has been called "a bible." [2,726 words] [Mind]
The Four Of Diamonds (Essays) A bit of a rant about my generation's debt, prescription drugs, healthcare, and George W. Bush. Just read, I swear it's interesting. [1,963 words] [Mind]
The Man From Sierra Madre (Short Stories) The second in the "Sierra Madre Series" with more death and an interesting plot twist at the end. Or, at least I think it's interesting. [3,659 words] [Literary Fiction]
The Massacre Of Sierra Madre (Short Stories) The beginning of a series I'm calling "The Sierra Madre Stories", this is the first one in a long list of stories. It involves everyone's favorite subjects: Drugs, death and money. [3,637 words] [Literary Fiction]
Thinking About My Father (Short Stories) A Sort of Essay/Short Story about the relationship with my father. [979 words] [Literary Fiction]
Roundabout Love
Kevin Myrick

I sit on the bricks at the poolside, smoking a
cigarette and wondering about how stupid I could be to
think that a girl like that would ever want to go out
with me. Wondering about the reasons why she couldn't
date me. I wondered how I could stand there and ask
her out without any thought or care in the world, and
have her shoot me down simply because I am not a

The hypocricy of this stunned me for a moment, and
then I sat down for a while in her room, waiting for
some further explanation, which she provides. I'm
still not satisfied to my full ability, and try to
explain to her why the way I was, hoping she would see
some incite and then change her mind. But to no avail,
I was further digging my hole deeper into the soft
earth that would be my proposal for a date. I am,
however, not too disgruntled. I remember that times
before I had counciled her on many occasion about her
beliefs, and why it was prudish to not date someone
for those reasons.

But, like most of my relationships this one would
have been doomed to fail for one reason or another. No
one could live up to my seemingly high standards of a
perfect relationship, which I hold because of events
in my childhood. I always felt cheated somehow by my
parents, and always in need of some sort of
relationship with someone else that would love me for
who I am, and not what I believe in. Alas though,
things have never changed for me, and thus I continue
on, the proverbial bachelor.

And so I sit now, on the bricks of the poolside,
correcting myself under my breath with obscenities and
scathing insults about my ablilty with women. And yet
I am still lonely and feeling unloved. But then,
without any trace of irony she stood behind me and

"So, you're out here instead of in my room trying to
convince me otherwise of my feelings."
"You've made it perfectly obvious about how you feel,
so why should I try to be the one to sway you. You
have to make the decisions for yourself in life, not
other people."
"Yet, I do have feelings for you John. I do care
about you. I just don't know if it would be worth
trying to make a relationship work when my religion
doesn't coincide with your beliefs."
"Screw my beliefs. I told you I would never try to
sway you away from your religious beliefs just because
I feel one way and you don't. You know why I feel the
way I do. You know why I snapped. Hell, I just told
you a few moments ago." She stared back at me for my
use of the word 'hell', even though she knows that the
use of obscenities is just one of my many faults. Yet,
she still stood there in the cold of the winter night
while I finished the last puff of my cigarette and
exhaled into the air.
"So, you're out here because you want me to try to
convince you otherwise, is that it? Look Amy, I'm not
going to make both of us hypocrites just because you
think I should. If it isn't going to work out, then
why should we be bothered with the pretenses of dating
when you and I both know that things just are the way
they are. You feel one way about religion and life,
and I feel the other extreme way. And yet, you still
stand out here in that cute little sweatshirt of yours
making me feel godawful about this whole thing."
"But I don't care so much about the whole religion
thing. Maybe it took you walking away for me to
realize that. Maybe it took your advice, the whole
'fighting for what you believe in even if it hurts the
ones you love' thing. I don't know, and I don't care.
All I know is I want to kiss you, and damnit you're
making it hard for me to do that."
"Why's that?"
"Because you will probably taste like cigarettes, and
that would just ruin the whole thing."
"Fuck it then."
And then I leaned in and kissed her, letting my lips
press gently upon hers while she stood there, her arms
crossed. But then, she started to kiss back, and
parting her lips allowing her tounge to let loose and
explore the casms of our mouth. Her arms fell to her
side as I wrapped my arms around hers, letting her
weight fall onto me. Then she began to hug me, as I
began to brush her face with my hand. Then, she
"What now?" was the only thing she could manage to
say without feeling totally guilty of some horrendous
"I don't know, why don't we just take it one second
at a time, and see how things turn out."

I don't really remember what all happened next, only
that Amy and I ended up on her bed making out that
night, and her falling asleep in my arms as I too fell
asleep. The next morning I awoke with the sun, and
watching as the light cascaded on her face. Then, I
began wondering why I had been given such a pretty
face to wake up to. I sat there for a moment,
wondering this, when I felt her stir and look at me.
She whispered, "Hi. I didn't expect you to be here."
"Oh, thanks. I appreciate that a whole bunch Amy."
"Well, you know how hard I try."
"So, ummm, you want me to go then?"
"No, I want you to stay forever."
"I guess I can do that, but if we don't eat, and I
don't have a cigarette, I think both of us will
eventually kill each other laying here like this."
"Oh, right. I just love your mind, you know that?"
"You've told me that before, and I appreciate that."
"You are an idiot though. This could have been sorted
out a couple of months ago, and both of us could have
been happy."
"Well, in that case..." I began to move a little to
get up from the bed. Amy blocked my way and prevented
me from leaving by getting on top of me. She planted a
kiss on my lips, and then once again opened her mouth
allowing for her tounge to slip into mine. I was
beginning to believe that she loved my mouth for some
"Mmmm, Amwowy?"
She stopped for a moment, allowing me to speak. "Yes
"What do you think about when you look into my eyes?"
I had asked the question before, but she really
couldn't answer. I was hoping she would be able to say
something, anything. But it brought the response I was
dreading 'I don't know, I really can't read you that
well John.'
"Well, I think when I look into your eyes John, I see
something unlocked I've never seen before. I see
tenderness. Something that should have been revealed
long ago but never could."
"Wow, Amy. I never thought anyone would ever give me
an answer like that." I had asked the question to a
hundred girls a hundred times before. Nothing was ever
the same. All the answers were phony, as if they had
the ability to look into my eyes and see something
that was there, when it never was. Something like "mad
passion" or "rage" was normally the standard answer,
but never tenderness.
"Yes John?"
"Thank you."
And then she kissed me again, and we continued on
like that for a long time.



"yeah, reading over this now that I've submitted it, I realize their are a few spelling errors. Whoops. Incite should be insight. Hehehe... what a screwup. Oh well, Hope Y'all enjoy." -- Kevin Myrick, Auburn, AL, USA.
"After I wrote this, I thought about it for a while and decided two things: One, this could never, EVER happen in real life. Real life, unfortunately, never works out this way. Therefore, it is more ficticious than I ever expected it to be. More like a fairy tale. Secondly, I've decided that I wrote this with the thought that it might actually mirror a real life situation in my life, and things have gone nowhere in that regard. Therefore, while I still stand by my work, it's not my favorite piece of writing. But, there are character dynamics here, and I'll probably develop more stories with these characters. " -- Kevin Myrick.


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© 2004 Kevin Myrick
January 2004

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