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Christmas Conundrum by Colin Baker Christmas can be a confusing time for some children. [197 words]
1,2,3 by Andrews - [81 words]
The Western Alpha Bit by Colin Baker Topic of Iraq [182 words]
Singapore Excution Of Mr. Nguyen by Amarjit Bhambra Since last week, l came across the excution news on the Australian Mr. Nguyen.... [149 words]
'why Me?' And 'bruised' And 'for The First Time' by Chloe L Batey I wrote these because i had a few friends who were cutters, i ... [280 words]
Single And Unique by L Jay Something I have been working on for a while and would really like some advice about. [171 words]
Once Again This Year by Connie Kay Hallstrand Written for my grandma who passed away in 2002 and my uncle who passed away in 2004, whose... [112 words]
How It Feels by Briony Carvalho - [141 words]
I Find My Sanity by Randall Barfield - [38 words]
A To Z Of Adolescence by Colin Baker Ever been a parent ? Of three daughters ? [21 words]
Zinnias And Tea by Randall Barfield A poem for Miss Helen Keller, 1880-1968. NOTE: Fifty-percent of the income from the sale of t... [95 words]
Written By His Hand by M Q Walters Today I read a song, written back in '44 [66 words]
Why Is Statue Of Modonna Crying? by Amarjit Bhambra i feel l get the answers from an unusal reading. l call it the Dictionarie re... [247 words]
Who Was That Masked Man by R L Anderson - [88 words]
Unlucky Strike by Randall Barfield - [41 words]
Twisted Analytical Egotistical Freaky Geek by John H Pallister A wierd and bizaree poem [160 words]
Tunnel... by Kola Agunbiade Inspirational [116 words]
Topatoes! by Simone L Dorsey A short funny little poem(which can be sang too) writen for kids to laugh at.This was also written by... [48 words]
Today Not Yesterday by Andrews - [58 words]
To Me From You by Andrews - [30 words]
Thinking by Alia Harold It's a nice little poem. [1 words]
The Nightingale by Chloe L Batey I wrote this after i read the story by Oscar Wilde Please review this and my other two written ... [100 words]
The Mythical Creature by Briony Carvalho Bit cheeky! [94 words]
The Moon by Andrews - [41 words]
The Lot Of The Eagle by Lawson - [99 words]
The International Language by John H Pallister Not really a poem, but it's true in every aspect. [14 words]
The Believer by Andrews - [62 words]
Synonymous Confusion... Thanks For The Help!
Surviving After Loss by R L Anderson about a friend who lost his wife but continues on [78 words]
Spring Of A Dying Soul by Saba Saradaoui Light poem written on a spring day by a sick person [116 words]
Sorrow Anthology by Donald Asambu I am a Kenyan Poet interested in creative writing and poetry.I came across your site sometime ... [9,586 words]
Silent Night by Amethystgreen - [99 words]
Sensual Daydream- by Josh Anderson A sensual daydream? or am I awake? [261 words]
Royal Purpose by R D Partee Love poem. [92 words]
Round And Around by Curious - [118 words]
Peace Of Mind by Andrews - [25 words]
Path by Sara Bernal - [12 words]
Negative Thoughts by Andrews - [43 words]
My First by Sidney Kinney This poem is about my experience with my first [230 words]
Misty by Sara Bernal - [47 words]
Madness & Euphoria by Louise Friedman A collection of scribbles from a manic/depressive mind. Take a ride on my rollercoaster. [1,767 words]
Lost & (Haven't) Found Me by C Stretch I haven't writen in forever.... Just being lost, confused about me as a person. [170 words]
Light A Candle by Andrews - [48 words]
Just Like You by Lady Sashi - [124 words]
Isle Ahoy by Duke Sekhon - [233 words]
In The Image Of My God by Anna Maikavasa The confessions of an arrogant individual [134 words]
In Dreams I Walk Alone by Joeb Van Der Ryn - [49 words]
I'll See Us Through by Cindy Shreve Verse. [363 words]
If I Were There by Lonnie Vannatter A SPIRITUAL POEM [104 words]
I Thought Time Was My Friend by Curious i need one of those 'dummies books', they have them for everything else. [24 words]
How I Feel by Andrews - [62 words]
How I Feel Dor You by Lonnie Vannatter LVE POEM [296 words]
Hating by Katherine Smith - [212 words]
Guys Are Lucky by Curious someone sent this to me so i thought i'd pass it along, so much is true but mostly just a laugh ... [333 words]
Gift Of Greed by Katherine Smith - [140 words]
Fruitless by Curious - [26 words]
Frigid Rain by M Q Walters For those who have said, I love you, but lied. [93 words]
Fragrant In The Air by Ukonu Binyerem Samuel Jr In memory of ken sarowiwa, friend of our habitat. [56 words]
Encore The Tears by M Q Walters - [34 words]
Don't Let This Farewell Be Forever.... by Reema Parwaiz Khan Partings, short or long, to me, have always held a lot of poignancy and ... [231 words]
Destiny by Briony Carvalho Waffly brain fart about how going back is easier than picking yourself up and moving on [153 words]
Deepcut Blackdown Bks by Kevin John Skinner A spell at the camp that has caused media attention. [6,740 words]
Day Of Thanks by R L Anderson brief poem about thanksgiving rituals [94 words]
Damn The Memory by M Q Walters Damn the memory. I was but a child that day. [124 words]
Colors Of Love by Amethystgreen Just a poem I wrote with a more romantic twist than I normally wrote. [77 words]
Can't You See What You're Doing To Me? by Connie Kay Hallstrand My parents divorce was very bitter. It seemed like my father just disapp... [270 words]
Calm Distress by Anubhav Kushwaha Poetry from Across The Wall - http://acrossthewall.blogspot.com [107 words]
Beautiful Land by Dri A new beginning.....just trying to register my experiences of living in a foreign country, the U... [108 words]
A-Z by Iain Spittles Just thought I'd try writing something with words from A to Z in alphabetical order. Not really sur what ca... [26 words]
Asking The Beast by M B Barlow Verse. [118 words]
As Strong As I Am by Kevin John Skinner The shit in life! [285 words]
Another Lover by WilliffordDG What happens when you test the waters of another sex [134 words]
Always Thinking Of You by Alia Harold It's nice better then thinking. [68 words]
Addict In Green by Calvin Scott A love poem about the demon known as addiction, and how one lives or dies as an addict. [278 words]
A Man Called Puck by M B Barlow Verse. [175 words]
A Last Goodbye by Kristen Karlson A poem about the effects of heart-break..please take a look... [118 words]
A Flower Today In Words by Randall Barfield - [40 words]
A Broken Love by Kristen Karlson A poem about love, dependance and loss. I'd really like to know what you think...this is one of m... [236 words]

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Synonymous Confusion... Thanks For The Help!
It is just a jumble of my thoughts at this moment.
[96 words]
Desi Williams
[March 2011]
All I Need (Songs) Depression, wanting love but not finding it, better things to come. Think Evanescence, Linkin Park, Seether. [168 words]
All I Need 2 (Songs) This is a slightly different version of the first one... no swear words. [166 words]
Baptism Testimony (Essays) - [901 words]
Best Friend And Worst Enemy (Songs) Hard Rock lyrics... country sound... those two don't normally go together, huh? :) not my best work ever... I'm sick today LOL... thanks for the reviews. [154 words]
Black Boots (Poetry) This is to my sis. [94 words]
Can You See Me? (Songs) The title is the beginning of each verse. [62 words]
Cast The First Stone (Essays) - [244 words]
Cathartic (Poetry) Contains SI. Is short and choppy in some places for effect. Don't know if it will work. Let me know what you think. [95 words]
Convey (Poetry) It's written to this boy whom I hold very dear. [180 words]
Disappearing Beneath Myself (Songs) It is like "Going Under" by Evanescence. Same tone, anyways. [114 words]
Do It Better (Poetry) Rants to my parents. Again. [212 words]
Dreambook Snapshots (Poetry) - [180 words]
Fading Away With The Rain (Short Stories) I wrote it based on the cover of "Fallen" by Evanescence. [137 words] [Drama]
Fairy Tale Love (Poetry) Sort of a metaphor and at first it trips you up... You'll see. [95 words]
Feather Flowers (Poetry) I wrote this a long time ago, right after I walked to the library from my therapist's office. [55 words]
Fluttering Crush (Poetry) Description of feelings to a special person in my life, who does not return the gesture :( Look and see if you know what I am. [345 words]
For A Moment (Songs) I want someone to hold me close and tell me I'm special. That's what this is about. [136 words]
Forever Will I Love You (Poetry) Old poem... off the top... <3 yall! [58 words]
Hummingbird (Poetry) I wrote this right after seeing the guy I like... it's also just about a hummingbird, my fave bird, and also my two late grandmothers' favorite bird... [59 words]
I Packed My Bags (Songs) About how my parents don't appreciate me for who I am, and how sometimes, it gets to the point where we never wanna see each other again... [252 words]
In Your Awesome Presence (Songs) It's a work in process... I believe in a Goddess too... but I wrote about the God... tell me whatcha think! Love y'all! [183 words] [Spiritual]
Josh (Haiku) (Poetry) What does Josh mean to me? [10 words]
Just A Little, Baby (Songs) How I'm feeling in the moment... [143 words]
Little Girl In Photographs... (Poetry) Self explanatory, really... [180 words]
Live For Your Own Lyrics (Poetry) I was thinking about this one guy I know that is kind of a loner. We went on a community tour with some of our classmates and he just lit his cigarette and walked over to a big rock several hundred y... [82 words]
Love Prayers (Poetry) It's... well, once you read it, it is self explanatory. [113 words]
Love (An Essay On The Matter) (Essays) Maybe love really does exist for those who aren't as fortunate to have good looks or funny personalities. I have my eye on a few prospects... or their words, anyhow. *wink* Love y'all. [368 words] [Romance]
Make Up Your Mind (Poetry) About a complete dick that fucked up my life and ruined a friendship. Glad he's in prison. [259 words]
Math (Poetry) I wrote this in math one day based on a nearby poster combined w/ feelings of my life. [103 words]
Maybe Someday (Poetry) I don't think it's very good.... It's about someone... you don't know them... I think ;) [63 words]
Nunnada'utsun't'yi - The Trail Place Where They Cried (Short Stories) It is about a white girl and her father during the 1800s having to herd the Cherokee out of Georgia because of the Indian Removal Act. It is also told from the point of view of a young Cherokee girl ... [1,675 words] [History]
Pause (Let Me In) (Songs) It is bout mah mudder and fodder controllin mah life. [148 words]
Poem Letter To My Coping Mechanism (Poetry) I've had too much trouble in my life. I don't need this anymore. I have God, like always, and friends, and family. I don't need it!!! [102 words]
Red Faces (Poetry) Think about it. [57 words]
Redundant Oxymoronic Paradox (Poetry) Nuff said. Thought of it in the shower!!! [93 words]
Ruthie (Haiku) (Poetry) What does Ruthie mean to me? (I love my little sissy!) [11 words]
Sam (Haiku) (Poetry) What does Sam mean to me? [7 words]
Sitting All Alone By Myself (Songs) Just something I thought up... Inspired by my life, my friend Carla's song, and Dizzy Up the Girl, an album by The GooGoo Dolls. Love and peace and blessings to y'all! Stay crazy. [163 words]
Speech Blanket (Poetry) Something I wrote in a sleepy state... and although I was almost "out", yes, I did mean to spell emptiness with a "y"... [21 words]
Stay Away From My Way (Songs) It's a hard rock song... maybe not heavy metal... but definitely hard rock... punk... yeah... it's like a poem and a song... Love y'all and your reviews! Peace!!! [134 words]
Surreal Awakening (Songs) My first song on here, but definitely not my first song. Think Travis, Simple Plan. Please review. [86 words]
The Garden Of Edenia - Intro (Novels) It has bisexuality, self harm, and Wiccan terminology. Be careful! [663 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Eight--Bus (Novels) - [297 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Eleven--Donor (Novels) - [652 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Fifteen--Grandfather (Novels) - [410 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Five--Dyke (Novels) - [217 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Four--Secrets (Novels) - [176 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Fourteen--Accident (Novels) - [340 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Nine--Edie (Novels) - [527 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter One--Class (Novels) - [181 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Seven--Ritual (Novels) - [216 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Six--Cut (Novels) - [329 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Sixteen--Kiss (Novels) - [180 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Ten--Mind (Novels) - [420 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Thirteen--Song (Novels) - [933 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Three--Discovery (Novels) - [201 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Twelve--Mom (Novels) - [249 words]
The Garden Of Edenia--Chapter Two--Group (Novels) - [465 words]
The Opposites Of Love (Poetry) Another old poem...I don't think it's very good... <3 yall... [48 words]
Throw Me Away (Like You Did Before) (Songs) It's about a guy I never had. :) [158 words]
Val (Haiku) (Poetry) Who is Val to me? [3 words]
Whatcha Doin'? (Songs) It's sorta Emcee, sorta punk rock. Those don't really coincide, do they? Oh WELL!!! [149 words]
When I Need You Most (Songs) I wrote this on an especially depressed day. A little suicidal, though I'm not, thank God/dess. [188 words]
Where Are We Now? (Songs) Sort of a poem song... wait. all songs are poems LOL... about how trapped I feel sometimes. I'm sick a lot, but my parents never believe me, and I'm trapped in what they believe. [193 words]
Where Does She Go From Here? (Short Stories) It's about my life thus far... in a way. [477 words] [Self-Help]
White Hawk (Poetry) What does my white hawk mean to me? I can't finish it until the bird flies here and lets me know he won't poop on me. [37 words]
Why, Oh Why? (Poetry) A compilation of new and old poems I've written... some are more songs... hope you enjoy... please review... love y'all! [175 words]
Yesterday And Tonight (Poetry) Something old w/ a lil something new... [50 words]
(Especially) Without You (Poetry) slam poem ish bout a friend... or what I want to be MORE than... [170 words]
Synonymous Confusion... Thanks For The Help!
Desi Williams

Give me a sign
To let me know you're here
I need to be told
"There's no need to fear."
I need somebody
Not just anybody
But you.

I'm looking around
Trying to find my place
I am alone in the sea
Of people, the crowd.

I am confused, perplexed and
puzzled, not knowing
Where to turn or what to do

Put your arms around me tight
Tell me everything is gonna be alright
Show me the way, show me the light
Get me out of this hurtful fight.

Only you can save me
Only you can, baby
Only you know how
To lift my spirits off the ground
And place 'em where they need to be


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© 2005 Desi Williams
November 2005

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