Attack From The Beyond (2)
Michael Harris


Many people throughout the planet located in the Earthly metropolises were herded into protective sheltering structures, all of which had been evacuated from Castillia when the Aelkighted had zeroed in on the capital city of the Merridion home world. The Merridions had indeed done their best to protect human beings, but they were in reality fighting against time, and time wound inexplicably in the Aelkighted’s favor.

In the duration it took to the subduing of the capital city of Merridion, Castillia, to the galactic battle being waged around Earth, one month had passed. Today would forever be known to those Earthlings who referred back to it as the Attack from the Beyond…


They are carpeting the sky, Adrian thought as he stood below the Aelkighted Swarm with his Earthly brethren Ashley and Christopher. The three of them along with Lucas and a host of Merridion warriors and Earthly soldiers stood in the megalopolis that was Los Angeles, with Merridion weapons at the ready as the opposing fighters slugged it out in the atmosphere. It was—in essence—utter chaos.

Suddenly, one such fighter was blown out of the sky (a fighter of Merridion make) and came crashing down into the tall building of this avenue where the combined warriors were situated. Debris cascaded down among them and Ashley instinctively called upon her newfound abilities and raised her arms creating a transparent energy shield which would protect a host of soldiers. She maintained the shield with ease and then shot the debris high into the sky by expanding the shield exceedingly fast, which propelled the debris to land somewhere safe.

Lucas (who was the commander of this amalgamated human and Merridion force) held her gaze. “Good job,” he said. “We’ll need an amazing amount of outcomes like that if we’re going to get through this…” Ashley looked as if she was steeling herself. They all did, in fact, Adrian realized.

The pandemonium continued above. Adrian was arrested as a mammoth ship was being attacked incessantly by Merridion fighters. It was huge, a gargantuan of construction, blotting out the very light from the sun, and casting a dim shadow on the Earthly and Merridion warriors.

“That’s an Aelkighted drop ship,” said Lucas over the chaotic clangor. “If we can manage to take it out then it would prove a small victory in the coming ground war.” But the thing was so colossal in size, that the sleek Merridion fighters were only scarring the surface of the hull, as pieces of the transport would plummet down to the metropolis. To Adrian it looked as if that hope was about to be extinguished.

The drop ship positioned itself ponderously over a spacious park about distance with the horizon and a plethora of shafts of light continuously streamed out of the bottom of the thing, producing large, hulking creatures outfitted in protective garments and carrying about them weapons that seemed to match their girth. They moved about as one, sweeping the area and advancing towards the human and Merridion positions.

“It begins!” said Lucas. “If you need to, take another one of those calming leafs. We’ll need every head clear as it can possibly get. Follow me and stay alert.” Adrian followed after Lucas, shadowed by Christopher and Ashley. They cut corners as a unit, using the skyscrapers as buffers in case any Aelkighted should catch them unawares. The trio moved about as if they had trained for this mission for years, like they were the top recruits in some secret black ops military task force. It was the effect of the gene manipulator, no doubt, working its refulgent magic as it infused them with all kinds of military peculiars and particulars, those of ancient times and tactics of more modern conflicts. The Merridion scientist had said that they would have to learn in the midst of warfare, and that’s exactly what they were doing.

They came upon a grouping of Aelkighted infantry and let loose the laser fire of their Merridion rifles. The Aelkighted returned fire, lifting their weighty weapons which shot out proton blasts that were strong enough to leave gaping holes in the buildings used for cover. Adrian intuitively threw himself away from a proton blast as it took away a great deal of his hiding place. He reengaged himself back into the devastation that was gathering around him with rapidity.

The Aelkighted saw that they were pushing the Earthlings and Merridions back, and began to show more bravado, advancing and forcing them to retreat even more so.

Proton bursts were coming at them from almost every angle. This didn’t bother Christopher, who was like a madman. He pulled a plasma grenade from out of a looped belt strapped across his shoulders, (ducked and dodged and shimmied and flipped and cartwheeled) to avoid any and all proton bursts and finally sent the plasma grenade hurtling through the air towards congregated Aelkighted. The thing exploded outward, enveloping them in an almost liquid kind of embrace, and when it finally settled those Aelkighted caught in its range were not moving.

The combined militaries of the American government and the Merridions were holding their own against the Aelkighted, despite being vastly outnumbered. Adrian caught snatches of conversation between Lucas and other ranking Merridions amongst the bedlam. While they had lost a good deal of soldiers they were also dealing a blow to the Aelkighted ground force in this quadrant of the metropolis. Both sides had been reinforced (the Aelkighted through the dropship and there were other conflicts throughout the city that had ended well for the Merridions; when that happened, they were resupplied). It was possible that they could make it to the other side of at least this engagement, Lucas acknowledged.

Then something happened. Adrian began to feel a weight imposing its will upon him. He stood near the corner of a skyscraper, leaning against it, using it for cover. The chaos was enmeshed all around him. Some oppressive force was exerting a burdening influence upon his mental processes. He was hemmed in. He appeared to be in a standstill, caught between two opposing unthinkable destinies. It was as if he had caught glance of some nameless horror out of a work of Lovecraft. He placed his hand on his head to steady himself. Why is this happening? I can’t think straight.

“I—can’t make it!” he finally droned as proton bursts speeded past him. Lucas heard him and hustled in his direction.

“Take one of those calming leafs,” he said. “It’s too much to process.” Adrian pulled out one of the many sided and splendiferous leafs from his crisscrossed belt on his body and immediately swallowed one of them. The calming effect it had on his mind was immense and he found that he could go on fighting. Lucas spoke to him.

“Like I said, it’s too much,” he remarked. “We may have conceived of gene manipulation, but even the gene manipulator cannot take into account what is enfolding before us. You three will just have to make do with the calming agents when things get rough.”

“What if we run out?” was Adrian’s reply. Lucas looked nonplussed for a time.

“We’ll just have to worry about that when the time comes.”

Adrian steadied himself, determining not to be overly concerned about possibilities (or were they eventualities?) when they hadn’t gotten here yet. The calming leaf had done its job, he was reoriented for battle.

With this newfound composure Adrian purposed in himself to send as many Aelkighted to meet their Maker as he could manage. Protected through cover, he glanced in the general direction of the enemy. There was a great deal of Aelkighted positioned under the shelter of one skyscraper. A thought occurred to him. If I can do that then…is it possible? He was about to find out.

He concentrated, extending his arm and focusing his energies on the medium sized building. It took everything that was in him and proved a strenuous effort, but supporting beams began to cave in, steel girders went lax and the structure collapsed on the massed Aelkighted, doing away with their concealing place. It fell down sideways like collapsed dominoes, cluttering the far avenue with wreckage, and sending a sustained shiver all throughout the area. This was just too much for the remaining few, who became disoriented after this happening. It didn’t take long for the combined might of Earth and Merridion to eliminate the Aelkighted threat in this city quadrant.

The Earthly soldiers erupted into riotous celebration, ecstatic for what had just transpired. The skies too were clearing up of Merridion and Aelkighted war ships, as only stragglers remained. Ashley and Christopher approached Adrian from concealment, huffing and puffing, at the point of exhaustion.

You did that?” was Ashley’s reply. It took a while before Adrian could get ahold of himself and even then he was still trying to catch his breath.

“I didn’t think it was possible—a thought just occurred to me—I can’t believe I did that!”

Lucas joined himself to the trio and expressed the side of caution.

“While it was impressive, we don’t want to get ahead of ourselves. You will certainly be discovering that you can do more things as the war progresses, but we’re just getting started, there’s no telling how long this conflict will last.” They all nodded their assent. Lucas seemed like he was concentrating on something now, something afar off. He spoke in his alien dialect to it appeared no one. Puzzled expressions populated the trio’s faces, until he finally spoke in English.

“Now that this battle is over, Ser Armanas Delforia Jaltai wishes to confer with me. A hovering transport will take us to the nearest holdfast.” The hovering transport was indeed approaching even as he spoke and the all of them loaded up and left the battlefield.


Those first instances of resistance were always the most fierce, Clev reflected as he observed the defense that had been erected by these Earthlings. He and High Commander

Xeriot were currently watching a holo representation of the battle being waged over California. They’d switch from engagements taking place from city to city, state to state, insuring that things were going effortlessly. The viewing room was filled with holographic images of the Merridion and the Aelkighted crafts (both fighters and star ships) through use of a multitude of camouflaged probes that populated and peppered the expanse of the various battlefields, offering a host of strategic models of the engagements. They were even able to peek in on the progress of the ground war. All of this took place on a sweeping oval dais situated in the very center of the room.

It was true; the Earthlings had been reaping the benefits of some preparatory lessons with Merridia. They were fighting with everything that they knew how; in fact with things that were just coming to them, and yet, it would still prove not to be enough.

High Commander Xeriot would bellow out the name of a city (or sector) and Monfurth would change the holo representation. At this moment they were viewing San Diego. He called for a change in the holo representation to San Francisco. Monfurth obliged and the circumstances of the dais changed to another conflict.

Clev seemed pleased with himself as the observation went on. He was one of the many Aelkighted who had amalgamated themselves into human society so that the Aelkighted could be better ready to subdue Earth. All the work put into mapping the various regions proved immensely valuable, though High Commander Xeriot appeared agitated.

He called for Los Angeles. Monfurth did so, and the representation changed all at once.

“Ground engagements,” said High Commander Xeriot in the alien tongue.

“Ground engagements,” replied Monfurth. The trio observed as one young woman protected her troop from imminent disaster by calling forth a defensive shield which sent debris erupting hundreds of feet into the air and away from them completely.

They continued observing until they watched as a young African American male managed to avoid the proton bursts of their heavy weaponry with an array of acrobatic negotiations and eliminate Aelkighted with a Merridion plasma grenade.

And finally they watched on as one young man bought a building down on top of the heads of Aelkighted infantry, scattering those left remaining and flustering them so to the point that their mindsets became one of mystification, and their spirits sunk, causing them to become expired.

All throughout these blasted encounters (from San Diego, to New York, from New York, to Chicago, from Chicago to Los Angeles) one word was expressed by High Commander Xeriot.


He appeared to be incensed, and rightfully so. How dare the Merridions get in the way of the Supreme Ones goals for Earth? How dare they try to thwart his plans? Didn’t they know that Earth was destined to be the next Telkwinora? Hadn’t they seen what happened to their own glorious capital city, Castillia? He turned to Clev, and spoke in the alien language, surprisingly calm despite the previous outburst.

“Clev, it seems our Merridion interlopers have been supplying the Earthlings with weapons and techniques that even we did not know of. They’ve been hiding things from us and the Galactic Council, these Merridions, certain…scientific breakthroughs. It would bring me so much relief if we could discover the secret of whatever it was those humans were engaged in. I want you to bring one of them to our Interrogating Chambers and find out exactly what it is that makes this possible. Understood?”

“I understand completely, High Commander. I will execute your order with swiftness.”
“Good. Now go.” Clev walked towards the exit of the holo representation room. How very exhilarating, a mission. Clev did his best work in the field of espionage; it’s where his true talents came to the fore.


Adrian, Christopher, and Ashley were participating in a discussion with a Merridion scientist over the effects gene manipulation had on their combat abilities as well as the overall progress of the ongoing conflict with the Aelkighted. They were situated at one of the many gargantuan cubic floating facilities that had left the capital city of Merridia (Castillia) when the planet was evacuated. This one hovered commandingly over Southern California, a multi-leveled super structure filled to the brim with humans and the Merridions who served them. Some human beings who were rescued from massed metropolitan cities were milling about in congregated groups and were in states of awestruck wonder at the command and technological might of these Merridions; that they could house as many people as they have and protect them in these giant cubes was astounding, Adrian guessed as to their thought processes as they talked back and forth with Merridion men and women. The remaining soldiers were being instructed in more Merridion weaponry in a fielding area.

No doubt the Aelkighted were reconstituting their forces in this region at this very juncture providing Earth and Merridia with a brief respite (though the battle in the heavenly atmosphere was still raging). This gave the Merridions a chance to coordinate the next phase of Earth’s defense, which is where Lucas was currently, conversing with Ser Armanas Delforia Jaltai about this very issue.

The trio all spoke in excited and engaged tones, thoroughly amazed at the kinds of abilities, military suggestions, and battle strategies granted them because of the gene manipulator. The Merridion scientist who trained them (whose name was Telafar) expostulated on their progress thus far.

“I must say, that I am impressed,” said Telafar. “Even with the benefits of gene manipulation, I did not think that with the advent of an intergalactic invasion that you three would display such adeptness in battle; that learning in the midst of warfare would prove so favorable to our current grim circumstances, but you have surprised me. And in fact, I am hearing of similar accounts amongst the others. I dare say that this will go a long way in staying the hand of the Aelkighted, and it may be the added element that was needed to repel them from this planet.” Adrian and the others were visibly enthused. To hear that actions taken by their own selves could tip the scales in an intergalactic conflict was beyond humbling. Adrian had remarked on this very thing when they were trying to decide whether they should have their genes manipulated. He had said that the possibility of protecting and saving the ones they love should be the impetus for wanting to beat back the Aelkighted.

“Everything just seems to come so easy,” remarked Christopher. “It’s almost like I have a new nature.” The others agreed. It was true, Adrian thought in consideration. When he was fighting he felt like he was infused with so many insinuations and innuendos in terms of target strategies, avoiding enemy fire, and the like; ideas and suggestions that seemed to form from some hidden mental vantage point. While these tactics had presented themselves to a degree while they were training using the holosimulation when war began in truth they came almost unbidden, just about every scenario that arrived was answered by a swift response. The humans seemed to be at the peak of their power on the battlefield, and it showed; all this without even mentioning the mental telepathy, energy projection, and martial and aerial abilities that the three showcased in their own seasons. These separate abilities (said Lucas) would grow as time went by; right now they were in their embryonic stages.

“That’s not to say,” said Telafar, “that we should all be without concerns. The things that are happening to your planet are all real and heavy burdens, and if we did not have on hand the Tiavanna leafs then things would have developed far more differently than they have. It is almost like a weakness. How could we Merridions have foreseen gene manipulation being used in conjunction with an intergalactic invasion? We couldn’t. Anytime we have used it in the past, it was always employed in a time of peace, not war. We have gambled that manipulating the genes of enough humans to aid us to drive back the Aelkighted would increase our chances in saving this planet, and so far, we have been right. But remember, anything can happen in the midst of warfare. Keep that in mind as we formulate new patterns of defense and we should come out victorious against this antagonism.”

The sobering words of Telafar had the trio thinking; especially Adrian who had experienced what it was like to have the calming leaf expire on him. He thought back to those moments when it seemed like some stalking fear was about to seize upon him and rip his very essence apart. So much sorrow and torment enclosed about him that he did not think he would take another step this side of existence. The fear was palpable, like a nameless otherworldly entity about to reveal itself in ways human beings should not have to imagine or even think realizable. He did not want to think about what would happen if that occurred at some critical portion of a battle, or if they all ran out of the Tiavanna leafs. Things could turn the other way very fast if the calming leafs efficacy was exhausted with none to replace them. There was indeed—said Lucas—no telling how long this conflict would last.

They were all of them discussing this potential problem when Lucas returned from his conference with Ser Armanas Delforia Jaltai. The trio earnestly awaited his report.

“I’ve had productive meetings with Merridion battle strategists. It seems we have at the least given the Aelkighted something to consider. They know now that Earth will not be colonized easily, despite this planet being vastly inferior technologically. Gene manipulation was something that did not factor into their military councils, giving us the potential to outfox them in certain situations. We can plan certain contingencies that were not available because of it in the defense of Earth. Lastly, Ser Jaltai believes that the Aelkighted will try to counter our progress with some unforeseen move, and has communicated as much to other war leaders across the globe. Knowing something of the Aelkighted’s mental processes we should continue to be wary as we go along.”

They talked for a little while longer and the trio expressed that they would remain cautious throughout the whole of the ordeal. Lucas revealed the location of their next engagement. “Now that we’ve had a chance to strategize we will be heading to another offensive. Our sensors show that the Aelkighted are massing near Seattle, Washington, some exploratory mission. We will be sent there to send them in retreat. Let’s go.”


Clev was examining portions of battles, the holo representations that took place in Los Angeles inside of his transport. He would zero in on certain distinctions of the engagements that happened in that city. He was particularly drawn towards a unit of Earthly and Merridion fighters who were being led by none other than Lucalan. Before when viewing this representation, it had escaped him somehow, but the Aelkighted could now tell that it was indeed him; and he had immediately decided that the three humans who dealt most effectively with the Aelkighted Brute Force would be the target of his espionage.

He was able to discover their trail using the multitude of invisible probes, and even discovered a secret Merridion holdfast. They had since abandoned that place and were heading in the general direction of one of the areas in the Americas being established for an Aelkighted Stronghold.

It had not taken him long to make his choice. He had viewed other Merridion battle commanders, and varying humans who were picked by Merridia for these experiments. But Clev had a history with Lucalan. Both operated as agents on other planets known to their respective home worlds and governing agencies. And it had been Lucalan who accused Clev before an assemblage of the Galactic Council, remarking on the Aelkighted’s course of actions in Telkwinora. The events that unfolded around Telkwinora were the beginning of the Aelkighted’s drive to unbridled and unchecked expansion, breaking away from the precepts of the Galactic Council. But Aelkightia could conduct themselves this way simply because they were such a galaxy enslaving force. Even the Galactic Council was hesitant in confronting the Aelkighted Ones. The Supreme One had expostulated all-encompassing, galaxy sprawling visions, the Aelkighted people were just following through and playing their parts in that vision.

Clev reflected on all this as he pursued after the advancing Merridion battle ships, drop ships, and fighters. He patched through his communication terminal and got ahold of those commanding Aelkighted gathering in Seattle. Yes, it would be good to thwart the actions of Lucalan, Clev mused.


They were traveling at amazingly inflated speeds, so accelerated that Adrian could not readily discern any landscape below his observation out of his viewing port inside of the Merridion drop ship, it all seemed a continuous streak or blur of a collection of colors. They had to take another one of the Tiavanna calming leafs to steady themselves in the midst of extreme Merridion flight. It proved efficacious and now there was just the wait for the next encounter with the Aelkighted Ones.

In truth, it did not take long for them to reach the outskirts of Seattle, near Port Orchard. The massed assortment of Merridion drop ships, fighters, and star ships began hovering over rural areas, the tall buildings of the city proper positioned in the distance from such a vast height.

As they hovered about waiting on the directive to land and scout for Aelkighted, Adrian was arrested by a singular structure due west of them, a great distance away. He could only discern the thing because it was so large and unyielding.

It was a construct that was jagged at its crown, not yet completed, but there were many sharp protrusions extended at nightmare inducing levels and configurations that human minds were incapable of architecting. It appeared to be made with a kind of dark crystalline substance that Adrian had to confess he never saw of its like before. He found himself not being able to look away from the thing; it seemed there was some strange otherworldly call being sent forth from it, and it spoke to experiences and Aelkighted protocols so foreign to human patterns of thought they could incite madness even in the very watcher. His heart thumped and thudded in the lining of his chest cavity, as that palpable fear was reintroducing itself unto him. Through some unknown reservoir of courage (it may have been the calming leaf imposing its will in his system) he managed to motion to Lucas and the others imploring them to glance outside of his viewing port.

“What—is—THAT?” said Adrian, grabbing ahold of Lucas’ military Merridion apparel and not letting go until he secured a satisfactory response. Ashley and Christopher also walked over towards Adrian’s viewing port and were just as stricken with horror.

“It…appears the Aelkighted have started to build their Interrogating Chambers,” said Lucas with a tinge of dismay. “Whenever they have made their conquest known and have made productive inroads into certain areas like a world’s continents, then they begin erecting these. They are used as a tool to extract and implant information, as the dark crystals mined on various worlds are harnessed in mystifying ways, allowing this. I must say I have no idea how it works. However I was one of the Merridion agents on a planet called Telkwinora when they first started doing this. If only things would have taken a turn for the better then…” Lucas trailed off, lost in his own private thoughts.

“I feel nauseous just looking at the thing,” said Ashley. Adrian placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. She met his with hers and they shared a mutual look of encouragement.

“It’s the dark crystals,” said Lucas coming out of his musing. “Faint traces of their power can be felt from far distances. I imagine it gets even worse inside of the Interrogation Chamber.”

The hovering transports began to make their descent.

“In any case,” he continued, “we are landing now and about to begin scouting for Aelkighted. Don’t try anything rash, and stick with a Merridion guide at all times. Now we know that they’ve begun building Interrogation Chambers; however I’m sure that’s not all they have planned. Stay alert.” Lucas seemed to drift off and spoke in the alien language again, presumably to those in high echelon of Merridion command.

The massed dropships lowered onto terra firma and humans and Merridions filed out. The gene manipulated trio shadowed after Lucas, along with an escort of both humans and Merridions.

They were moving about stealthily, Lucas taking point and the trio taking up the middle followed by the escorts. As they progressed, to Adrian it almost felt like he was equipped with some military issue suit out of a work of science fiction, small lettering displaying across his helmet visor cluing him in to his surroundings, such was the effect of the gene manipulator on his nonexistent military acumen.

They came to a rise with a scattering of tree and brush and isolated boulders situated in the area and positioned themselves accordingly. Through scoped binoculars figures garbed in black, roving about like ants in an ant farm could be seen. They were busying themselves constructing the remained of the Interrogation Chamber. Lucas explained that this general area would serve as an Aelkighted Stronghold, somewhat similar to what the Merridions had established with their holdfasts, though vaster in scale and something to be seen openly and not concealed. He motioned for them all to maintain the element of surprise as they advanced on the Aelkighted. Then something happened.

Flying creatures began appearing all around them and at varying intervals, equipped with pulsating weapons and possessing exoskeletons and wings that you could see through. They shrieked and shrieked as they fired pulsar blasts towards the unit. It was a trap!

“Take cover!” cried Lucas. The entire unit seemed to instinctively pivot and positioned itself more securely behind screening areas. The winged Aelkighted continued their assault, hovering and moving about gracefully, and were able to eliminate a slew of Merridion and human attackers. When the pulsars made contact with human or Merridion a loud POP could be heard from vast distances, as if a giant bubble was just burst.

The gene manipulated trio was reacting to all this instinctively. A new power was presenting itself unto them in the midst of battle. Adrian found that he could project a kind of miniature whirlwind from an extended hand, and the others were doing the same. They’d extend their arms in the general direction of the winged Aelkighted and the wind would catch them in an updraft sending some crashing into one another, others of which went careening out of shooting range.



Go to part: 1  2  3 



Copyright © 2011 Michael Harris
Published on the World Wide Web by ""