Your Kiss, A Collection Of Verse POEM 1: YOUR KISS Your Kiss; was like sensuous droplets of fresh rain water; magnificently caressing the petals of the majestically blossoming rose, Your Kiss; was like the marvelously young fledglings pecking on their mothers compassionately silken breast; enveloping my frigidly trembling countenance with the warmth of miraculously Omniscient togetherness, Your Kiss; was like untamed streaks of flamboyant thunder in fathomless sky; igniting sparks of unparalleled enchantment on every step that I nimbly transgressed, Your Kiss; was like a splendidly burgeoning inferno of everlasting happiness; engulfing even the most traumatically anguished cranny of my life with unfathomably unending triumph, Your Kiss; was like an avalanche of unsurpassably augmenting yearning; triggering me to take a countless more births to relish its wonderful softness again and again, Your Kiss; was like a mirror which solely reflected the mesmerizing entrenchment of resplendent paradise; blissfully inundating even the most famished pore of my existence with unbelievably gorgeous exultation, Your Kiss; was like a fairy dancing tirelessly in the aisles of tantalizing graciousness; painting the lugubriously remorseful canvas of my life with; vivaciously magical colors of symbiotic existence, Your Kiss; was like the Omnipresently eternal blessings of Almighty Lord; holistically replenishing each aspect of my life with the aristocratically supreme embellishment of; unconquerable mankind, Your Kiss; was like a romantically poignant expedition that never ended; uncontrollably metamorphosing me more and more into a cloud of insatiable fantasy; as the Sun rolled down the hills, Your Kiss; was like a relentlessly marching unflinching soldier who never knew what it was to look back; perpetuating each element of my bedraggled visage with the vibrantly charismatic melody of enchanting life, Your Kiss; was like an uninhibited bird soaring through the endless cosmos; celestially liberating even the most insidiously lambasted vein of body; into a cloudburst of limitless ecstasy, Your Kiss; was like gregariously unfurling dewdrop of beauty; handsomely transpiring me to blend with even the most mercurial rudiments of my past time, Your Kiss; was like the royally galloping panther with a mischievous smile; making me gorgeously reminisce all my moments of exuberant childhood; flirtatiously rollicking in the caverns of timelessness, Your Kiss; was like unassailable flames of blazingly crimson fire in the heart of the deadened lake; irrefutably making me realize that life was to be led each moment like a prince; no matter what adversities did acrimoniously stab me in my way, Your Kiss; was like the vividly eclectic feathers of the ravishingly titillating pea*****; superbly deluging the fabric of my morbidly vengeful life with inimitable dexterity and astoundingly undefeated charm, Your Kiss; was like the most unshakably heavenly walls of sparkling truth that spawned on this gigantic Universe; Omnipotently substituting even the most parsimonious fraction of lechery in my demeanor with the mantra of humanitarian righteousness, Your Kiss; was like an ebulliently tangy wave which never crashed; transporting every pore of my flesh higher and higher into the clouds of exotic ecstasy as each instant rapidly unleashed into a wholesome minute, Your Kiss; was like a priceless forest of aristocratically panoramic breath; perpetually ensuring that the beats of my existence forever blended with the chapters of proliferation; even as hell blended with earth at every step, And Your Kiss; was like the ingratiating cry of immortal love; unbelievably emancipating me of all my loneliness in mystical life; making me experience the everlasting shine of the divine; on even the most disparagingly obfuscated path of mine.. POEM 2: JUST A PAIR OF BONES !!!! Beneath my shirt; the gaudy clothes that engulfed my body, Beneath the infinite mass of hair; that sprouted from my scalp and skin, Beneath the exorbitantly costly rings; scintillating majestically from my finger, Beneath the golden sweat that oozed profusely down my nape; cooling my agitated senses, Beneath the aroma of musk perfume; diffusing from my armpits, Beneath the mesmerizing black mascara; painted intricately on my eyelashes, Beneath the spanish watch; luminating royally from my wrist, Beneath the snake leather footwear; fitted to designer perfection on my toes, Beneath all the delectable food dumped in my stomach; sleeping blissfully inside, Beneath the voluptuous lipstick; embossed glossily on my lips, Beneath the mystical lines of my palm; portraying me to the world as a king, I was just a pair of bones.... {1} Beneath swanky cars; which I drove at rocketing velocities through through the streets, Beneath all the wine that I had consumed; which was extracted from the tangiest of herbs, Beneath dungeons of wealth; which I had stashed upto the brim with glittering gold, Beneath all the fantasies revolving pompously in my brain; engendering the entire world to spin on my fingertips, Beneath the feather coated couch on which I slept; gleefully tossing my mountain of jewels, Beneath all the Business clients who saluted me; opening their mouth in open mouthed admiration, Beneath the billion kilometers of land I possesed; on which philandered women of my very own choice, Beneath all the intricate figurines and scents lined on my mantelpiece; the boundless leopard skins suspended from walls of my palace, Beneath all the princely languages; that flowed out at ease from my tongue, Beneath several tales of love and enchantment; that I had executed out with my beloved, Beneath all the pretentions I had of presuming myself to be some sort of God; although without the ability of even knowing what would happen a few seconds after, I was just a light weight and worthless skeleton; JUST A PAIR OF DEAD BONES... POEM 3: IMMORTAL SOLDIERS ! We aren't afraid of the treacherous ountains; infact keep them in our back side pockets, We aren't afraid of the freezing winds; infact sheltered them in a solitary whisker of our profusely poignant moustache, We aren't afraid of the lethal bullets flying horrendously around; infact we face them with our chests escalating unflinchingly and handsome towards the azure sky, We aren't afraid of the acrimoniously sweltering sands; infact caress them like a prince marching uninhibitedly towards the corridors of victory, We aren't afraid of overwhelming thirst; infact posses the capacity to remain without a droplet of water; it the situation so demands, We aren't afraid of mighty avalanches of snow; infact treated them like insipid broomsticks sticking innocuously to our valiant eyelashes, We aren't afraid of indiscriminate abuse; infact let them pass like pieces of disdainful shit; from one ear of ours to the other, We aren't afraid of the most ominous of crocodile; infact carried his live skin intrepidly; with a profound sense of equanimity on our shoulders, We aren't afraid of tumultuously vindictive storm; infact inhaled its merciless winds with astronomical ease through our fearless nostrils, We aren't afraid of perpetual blackness; infact stared at it in its uncouth eye; till it wholesomely disappeared into infinitesimal wisps of non-existent sky, We aren't afraid of truckloads of blood; infact shed it with insurmountably supreme pride; to defend the soil on which we tread since our first cry, We aren't afraid of the battalion of satanic swords gushing towards our head; infact held them like peanuts in our palms; inscribing our names with their tips on our belligerently barren chests, We aren't afraid of excruciating pain; infact smiled indefatigably whilst in the heart of it; and till the time our mission was blissfully accomplished, We aren't afraid of inexplicable spirits loitering in the atmosphere; infact coined our own destinies; with sweat of sweet perseverance; flowing gloriously from our audaciously muscled shoulders, We aren't afraid of lecherous politics; infact blow the manipulative leaders involved; with minuscule draughts of our drearily languid breath, We aren't afraid of the most horrifically traumatic aftermaths; infact accept them with an invincible glow radiating resiliently from our eyes, We aren't afraid of sacrificing our lives at the slightest intimation; infact ardently waited for our chance to relinquish breath; and blend our impeccable souls with the Almighty Creator, We aren't afraid of losing our loved ones; infact had bid them adieu forever; when we plunged wholeheartedly on our path towards irrefutable righteousness, Just one minute; before you start thinking that we were God's; let me clarify that we were not; but we definitely take unfathomable pleasure in proclaiming ourselves to be the immortal soldiers of our MOTHERLAND. POEM 4:: HEARTBEAT !!!! Honest and Heartfelt, Passionate and Princely, Immaculate and Innocent, Flamboyant and Fantastic, Surreal and Soothing, Voluptuous and Victorious, Bonding and Benevolent, Gregarious and Gallivanting, Marvelous and Mitigating, Alluring and Alleviating, Wholesome and Wonderful, Triumphant and Trustworthy, Truthful and Tangy, Adorning and Adorable, Rejuvenating and Rhapsodic, Ingratiating and Immaculate, Incarcerating and Illustrious, Picturesque and Phlegmatic, Congenial and Charismatic, Seductive and Sedating, Playful and Profuse, Dynamic and Delectable, Colorful and Culminating, Blistering and Benign, Beautiful and Believing, Nostalgic and Naughty, Emphatic and Ecclesiastical, Eloquent and Enduring, Mystical and Majestic, Handsome and Honorable, Insatiable and Incredulous, Enchanting and Enormous, Sweet and Smiling, Tantalizing and Tumultuous, Vibrant and Vivacious, Prudent and Piquant, Fortified and Fulminating, Pleasant and Perspicacious, Sagacious and Sacrosanct, Placating and Philanthropic, Pulsating and Palpitating, Intricate and Indispensable, Swanky and Serene, Continuous and Camaraderie, Infinite and Inexplicable, Affable and Astronomical Immortal and Imminent, Divinely and Devotional, Appetizing and Aboriginal, Rudimentary and Rustic, Silken and Salubrious, Courageous and Cascading, Living and Lightening, Evolving and Eternal, Was the tiny little and Godly Heartbeat. POEM 5: LIFE - AN IMMORTAL POETRY !!!! Life is unconquerably; resplendent poetry of the most highest degree; incredibly pacifying every infinitesimal urge of the miserably unfinished soul, Life is perpetually; majestic poetry of the most highest degree; royally gifting countless impoverished souls; with insatiably unending fantasy, Life is ubiquitously; vibrant poetry of the most highest degree; triumphantly metamorphosing each ethereal trace of misery; into a fireball of ingratiatingly untamed happiness, Life is marvelously; bountiful poetry of the most highest degree; beautifully placating every hedonistically traumatized agony; with the exuberance of untainted breath, Life is indomitably; enchanting poetry of the most highest degree; harmoniously coalescing every organism irrespective of caste; creed; color or tribe; into the religion of Omnipresent oneness, Life is unceasingly; triumphant poetry of the most highest degree; wholesomely massacring every speck of the horrifically parasitic devil; with the scepter of unshakable righteousness, Life is tirelessly; fantastic poetry of the most highest degree; iridescently glimmering like the stream of ultimate unity; even in the heart of insidiously macabre midnight, Life is blessedly; exotic poetry of the most highest degree; inevitably triggering an unprecedented maelstrom of eclectic fantasy; in every brain on this planet; enigmatically alike, Life is irrefutably; sensuous poetry of the most highest degree; miraculously rekindling every shade of claustrophobically dwindling expression; with a wave of undauntedly perennial heavenliness, Life is astoundingly; impeccable poetry of the most highest degree; forever erasing the wounds of dastardly salaciousness; with its eternal mantra of everlasting mankind, Life is unrestrictedly; divinely poetry of the most highest degree; spell bindingly mollifying every cranny of the planet in hapless distress; with sunrays of unparalleled optimism, Life is fearlessly; aristocratic poetry of the most highest degree; irrevocably inebriating each strangulated nerve of the body with a voluptuousness; impossible to break for infinite more births yet to unravel, Life is intransigently; seductive poetry of the most highest degree; astonishingly proliferating till even beyond the corridors of infinite infinity; into an unassailable entrenchment of newness and untamed euphoria, Life is symbiotically; intrepid poetry of the most highest degree; magnanimously charming every entity expunging air; with its impregnable cisterns of versatility, Life is unsurpassably; gregarious poetry of the most highest degree; evolving a citadel of unflinching camaraderie on every layer of soil that it spawned; with the blessings of the Lord Almighty, Life is boundlessly; tantalizing poetry of the most highest degree; vividly enshrouding every element of the pathetically stuttering heart and soul; with a curtain of radiantly titillating magnetism, Life is inexorably; blossoming poetry of the most highest degree; enlightening every dwelling besieged with inexplicably prurient despair; with the lamp of inextinguishably prosperous togetherness, Life is unlimitedly; mystical poetry of the most highest degree; unveiling a festoon of queenly opportunities to be usurped by every living being; handsomely alike, And Life is endlessly; immortal poetry of the most highest degree; unstoppably culminating into a sky of fathomless freshness every unfurling second of the day and milky night; even after horizons of pragmatic existence had long ended. POEM 6: SWEET SUCCESS !!!! There were no surreptitious secrets to achieve it; bask in its gloriously scintillating laurels for centuries immemorial, There were no clandestine shortcuts to catapult to it; shimmer in its unparalleled cynosure; like no other entity on this astronomically colossal Universe, There were no easy rides to gallop towards it; unequivocally embellish it in your forehead; for countless more births of yours yet to unveil, There were no magical mantras to wholesomely assimilate it; irrefutably ensure that it was solely yours; from amongst infinite more on this unendingly gargantuan planet, There were no incoherent insinuations to perpetually incarcerate it; perennially ensure that it didn't budge even an inconspicuous inch from your invincible custody, There were no ominously nefarious means to blissfully absorb it; witness it become the unfathomably poignant radiance; that reflected profusely from your disastrous soul, There were no dexterously ambiguous methods to lure it; unleash it from the unsurpassably limitless Universe; to make it the bountiful carpet of your stinking household, There were no miraculous rockets to unflinchingly escalate to it; sight the entire planet as an infinitesimal insect; itting on its majestically kingly countenance, There were no ravishingly melodious tunes to seduce it; make it the profoundly aristocratic jewel of your impoverished eyes; while the rest of the globe envied you in utter disbelief, There were no swords to nonchalantly pluck it; bestow it with astronomical ease in the heart of your dwindling palms; for times immemorial, There was no tenacious breeze to swipe it entirely in one single go; proudly solemnize your severely devastated existence; with all stupendous glory that lay in the resplendent cosmos, There were no sleazily titillating colors to tantalize it; uninhibitedly make it the celestial radiance of your frigidly capricious skin; for decades unprecedented, There were no bombastic pools of crocodile tears to melt it; trap its divinely prosperity forever; in the swirl of your insidiously non-existent imagery, There were no ideals of spuriously pathetic business management to grasp it; forever embed its triumphantly glittering flag on the roof of your vengefully dithering dwelling, There were no rigid textbook incantations to seek it; gyrate in the spell of its heavenly ebullience; irrespective of ghastly night or spell bindingly sweltering day, There were no ingeniously scientific formulas to wonderfully evolve it; preserve it without the slightest of effort; for incomprehensibly unstoppable decades on the trot, There were no flash in the pan one-night-stands to reach it; let its marvelously enamoring intensity; descend upon every cranny of your lecherously diminutive visage, There were no bizarrely commercial manipulations to trade it; make it the most unassailably treasured aspect of your despicable life; in exchange of fathomless treasuries of your rotting wealth, And if there was any way to immortally reach it; divinely experience it in every philanthropic smile of your survival; then it was irrefutably and only timeless perseverance; a Sun of blazing hard work; that undisputedly leads you to the heaven of; unconquerably sweet SUCCESS..
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