Coherst Coherst Live.Com News Letter Coherst Coherst Live News letter. “May –July” Of 2012 From/for: Coherst Coherst Making Health better: In these day’s and time we see the substitution of health,relevant though there are morals and aspects, That are created backwards in this statement. We have a lot of new programs available today with-in the world. I have to give shout’s out to Google for allowing all online word’s to be highlighted for humans to receive educational info threw wikipedia and search engines. Coherst Movement: Coherst Coherst Live has an new event coming up in Cincinnati with USPS - The Postal Customer Council® (PCC®) program is a valuable resource for business mailers, large and small. Local PCCs serve as an open channel for USPS-to-business communication, providing information and best practices for cost-effective and profitable mailing, education and training, and solving local challenges. Though most PCC members include large business mailers, government agencies, and business mail service providers, small businesses can benefit from PCC membership, too.” And we have several options of repping Hard Assets conferences. The nature of the next ethics we’re using are not strictly based on marketing. The thesis is based on a way of being normal and common to the things we do and say as far as being a celebrity: no. As far as being famous and having celebrity aspects: yes. Securing a Better way: As we secure better habits and delicateness in our local and national habit’s. We have seen some of our people that works with us, looking forward to meeting us, and or meeting with us again. In the last few months of the last news letter. We have talked to the Dayton Ohio BBB on registering Coherst Coherst Live. At this Moment C.E.O. Harry Devon Johnson Has decided to keep the BBB registration pushed back to a later date with in 2012 and or the begging first months of 2013. Harry Devon Johnson stated in a press release. “We’re already independent to deaf and having things and looking good as hell on the internet, so why do we even need proof from the BBB.” Though one of Harry Devon Johnson’s colleagues have been talking to Devon and trying to get him focused on this option. We’re right now working on direct mailing threw "usps" to have our newsletters delivered to certain address’s when their mail is delivered; Threw every day direct mail services. Were attempted to use usps1111 East 5th Street Dayton, OH (800) 275-8777 Which is the head branch of Dayton Ohio Customer council. “Ethicks” Of Coherst Now for the ethics on how and why we’re a company. We love to get out and cherish the world and promoting our selves is the most valuable technique. We’re designed to make the entertainment thing work. We can not stress how deep we feel about promotion. We want to be independent and that’s not that hard to do. We also have donated several books to the Dayton Metro Library in Dayton Ohio to accomplish more publicity. New New’s about Harry Devon: Recently other news is: Harry Devon Johnson and his son going to Ashworth college/High school, some instances is for step son measures. Harry Devon Johnson Said in a meeting in Downtown Dayton, Ohio that he plans on going to Harvard business school, sometime in 2013. Though he stated, the only reason why he may not go Too Harvard Business school is because, he need’s to be able to pass the courses and grades quicker, than Harvard would allow. That and with that - he wants’ more education quicker. So His analogy is Local colleges and home schools @ the same time. This is the second news letter that Coherst Coherst Live has produced. Once again they come out every three months and are E-Mailed threw an E- mail campaign to millions of selected emails here is an example to one of the company’s that we’ve used before. The process have been congratulated. The exposure is more for fame why we send the E-mail campaigns. Though we understand spam and the recession. Astrological Readings From Coherst Coherst Live: For May June and July 2012: These are life horoscope: things that may go on threw out the life of each Zodiac Sign: These Horoscope reading’s are for entertainment. We don’t endorse, if you should do something or not in your life. And these readings may not apply to your life. And they may be about you also. Some how our goal is to be on the net in a good fashion, and the fashion focus’s on creating idea’s and making things available to the public Threw Marketing. These reading are guaranteed to go on in someone’s life, though it doesn’t effect every one and every sign. Coherts Coherst Live is a private website company that focus’s on our self – oh my god and you if you’re reading this “ damn I knew I should’ve stated that. Were trying to keep it moving – work with us now! Aries March 21 - April 19 Aries are to forgiving and they are more friendlier of other Signs. They are liable to get married. And they are liable to get divorced. And they are also ready to get talky talky talky. They are the type that like mixing race’s. They are right now worried that this horoscope reading is not about them, that’s average. Taurus April 20 - May 20 Taurus are strong, They’re also weak. Some Taurus’s are lazy. They respect, But they are actually smarter than other signs. They are reel good at card tricks, math and braiding hair. and drawing. They are the type That like to work and work. And they better off having they on house’s ahead of time. And yes there are some Taurus’s that have been homeless. And some of them don’t like working. Anything that’s stated in these horoscopes are possible for some people to do and for some not to do ;any way it goes. Nothing can be one hundred percent exact with horoscopes. Gemini May 21 - June 20 Gemini’s rep church and go against they own kind. They are the type to get blamed for things that they might not even be up too. They are the type who are believed to have two sides. Far as we’re concerned @ Coherst Coherst Live is that all people may have two sides. So does animals. Gemini’s Are liable to have more baby fathers than others. And they are intimidated by using humans for money - male’s and women are intimidated. They are some how trustworthy. When things are trust worthy that keeps a problem of not being trustworthy no matter what - somewhere in the world. The Gemini’s are the rulers of the world. At least to their selves. Cancer June 21 - July 22 For the cancer’s you might get cursed and can’t escape it. Or you might not never feel cursed at all. How ever you may be real kind hearted but that still don’t stop criminal behavior or being gangsta. Also god keep’s cancer’s in his heart more than others. God’s also is very jealous of cancers because of their intuition and aspect of being clairvoyant. Even though all cancers are not clairvoyant they are liable to feel that they did nothing wrong. And stay to they self more. And the cancer is attracted to Virgo better than other’s. And they are more attracted to multiple family members because of the family’s life line hormones in each family. Leo July 23 - August 22 Leo’s are real controlling and they have to have they way. And if they don’t get they way, they may flip out into negativity. I don’t think that Leo’s is the most negative. You just gotta leave them alone so they won’t hurt you or kill you. You may die messing with a true Leo. How ever Leo’s are more likely to drop out of high school. Then go back to school or maybe not. Virgo August 23 - September 22 Virgo’s are outgoing and they are trend setters. They are more willing to take care of a loved one and don’t care if they do anything that some may think someone should have to do to be in a good relationship. Yes they are care takers. And they are also very choosey. And they are different and they’re ready to except not being in prison for - 4 prison numbers. But they will shake a baby to deaf – yes they going violent – anything stringing you up like a violin. And they are ready to say sorry - watch if you date one, they gone end up sorry. Libra September 23 - October 22 Libras are cleaning freaks at least some of them. Some of them are just plane nasty, ewe yuck!!! They are in reality the type that want someone to stay out of problems more instead of encouraging them to go hurt one, for a problem. But they are still a little shaky they are in the mood to see into the street’s longer than others. They are very nomadic. And some are supper depressed and they might not even realize that they are depressed. Scorpio October 23 - November 21 Scorpios are wild they are real freaky even though some of them are scared to show they sexuality. They are the type that when they feel played by a lover who they haven’t seen in a while. They come back with crazy behavior. But don’t think that that stops other zodiac signs from doing the same thing. They are really from the earth and they are their for they other, they won’t them to feel happy sexually. They are the insect that will bite you. The strength in these are more attracted to Sagittarius. Sagittarius November 22 - December 21 Sagittarius Are business minded, they be into they work more than you for one reason or another. They are also the type that will make a kid for you with an agreement that they can have another lover and you can have another lover yourself. They are into the sabbatical. Some stay in the life of the victims for the same reason just stated. They really need these kid’s so bad. Sagittarius are the type that likes helping other people with jobs. Sagittarius are overwhelmed with astonishment pretty easy. Sagittarius sometime’s wishes it was Christmas, but they’ll have to wait later in the month! Capricorn December 22 - January 19 Capricorn is the jealous type they are really on that bring up: that you been looking at another person or jumping to conclusion. They are the type to tell it all. They are also the type to hide they feelings. They commence the real for the fake and the fake for the real. The Capricorn is a beast at Comments. They are also very light hearted about someone doing the same thing that they have done. They could care less about other people’s feelings when they get to that down right level of not caring. Aquarius January 20 - February 18 This is what they do; always dream a lot - but they accomplish they dreams. Some of them leave their dreams behind for an understanding of the world that some can not see. They are going to have more than one baby momma or only one kid all together. They can makeshift things that aren’t normally good. They can decide on what morals are and throw them in your face. Aquarius like to hide the fact that they’re violent and they like to hid the fact that they aint violent. They get very twisted when it comes to hate. Meaning they take hate out on the same kinds of people and not just because it’s happening to them. They are rivals and very antagonistic. They complete the hater ordeal. Pisces February 19 - March 20 Pisces Are diligent. They use precautions, before they get to far in. They watch they back more. They study self defense books. They go to karate classes. They achieve school. They make the situation good. They are alright people to some sources. But they may be lazy and not needing certain things. They could find the source of happiness and keep it forever; if they could find that right match: just like any one else. Zodiac matches for : Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, 2012 These matches are more liable to stay together: Pisces and cancer Sagittarius and Capricorn Libra and Leo Scorpio and Aquarius Definitions Definitions too ligacrygist 1. Ligacrygist: A person who habitually lies very constant, and redeems on a powerful recollection of games. Focuses on making a person feel bad, in ways that should have never been crossed.They usually always denighs their on ligacrygist ways. Ligacrygist was in the begging made from three words which are and involve; lies ,game's and cry’s. This means the word lie; we used the first two letters LI,and games - we used the first two letters in games ;which are GA ,and of course we kept the word cry’s. (lie-ja-cry-gist ) 2. Ligacrygist Duplicity: A Pseudonymous case where problems trials and cases of a dialogue constitute. Then This situation Turns into more than one person using ligacrygist aspects, against one or more people.This is now making, ligacrygicy double jeopardy or maybe even several jeopardy. Hurting others and destroying your on kind... Ligacrygist Duplicity also see the Ligacrygist definition..... 3. Ligacrygist Compulsory : When a person finds out their other has been unfaithful. Not just sexual others but also friend others/family others. Now this makes a mandatory compulsory against the other party. Meaning they wouldn’t have proclvitized,with out realizing their others habits... Ligacrygist Compulsory see also Ligacrygist. (lie-ja-cry-gist) ________________________________________ 4. Prosopopeia Ligacrygist : Focuses on trying to hurt their victims, loves seeing them cry, plays games on them cracks on them. Calls them names and destroys your Inner- child… Prosopopeia Ligacrygist. See also Ligacrygist/Prosopopeia. ________________________________________ 5. Psycho Ligacrygist : Are the cut throat kind they may rob you, kill your pets or try to kill you. They may even acronym into suicide,matricide or sororcide(sororicide)...Psycho Ligacrygist see also sororcide ,matricide and psycho. ________________________________________ 6. Center Ligacrygist : A center ligacrygist focuses on you being the center of attention with your other, for things you did wrong or made up things. They may even make a song about you,they may even Wright a periodical about you. They focus on letting it be known, these are the most dangerous ligacrygist to watch out for. Center Ligacrygist also see Ligacrygist ... ________________________________________ 7. Fallacy Ligacrygist : Are week minded, they are the type that always falls victim, too here say. They approach the other person with nonsense and place their selves in situations they should have never been in... Fallacy Ligacrygist: see fallacy also see ligacrygist. ________________________________________ 8. Ligacrygist Econometric: This is one of the most smartest ligacrygist. They can get into your mind; make you believe that you had dreams. Statistically things that you never thought mattered will. They commence jobs for something? They may give you something and then take it back. They may bring you into relationships where kids are already their by other partners and or they already have a girl friend.. Ligacrygist Econometric also see ligacrygist /econometric (lie-ja-cry-gist) ________________________________________ 9. Sexual Ligacrygist: A sexual ligacrygist will do anything they need too do too get the sex,but they're "probly" (probably) never intending to be in a full relationships. The metaphorical belief of cheating on your main,or female: also the sexual addictions of sex with younger people, including minors ect. Also minors coming on to adult people... Sexual Ligacrygist. Check other definitions of ligacrygist.... ________________________________________ 10. Multiple Ligacrygist: Multiple ligacrygist are so file that they're the type that could've never deserved just one ligacrygist definitions. It's either because they've continued, there ligacrygist ways or that they had other ligacrygist ways.Even because they've wanted to be a come down ligacrygist... Multiple Ligacrygist see also ligacrygist key word: ligacrygist.... ________________________________________ 11. Anomous Ligacrygist--- Anomous Ligacrygist are people that some one tells you about, and at that instance you do not realize who they are. Also the person who was telling the other person is an anomous ligacrygist for not telling and or knowing who they're talking about face to face. Anomous Ligacrygist: see other definitions of ligacrygist... anomous is more commonly spelled anonymous; but you can use this definition as anomous/anonymous......
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