

The Authors

Shmuel Yacobi 60 Words about the Author: Shmuel Yacobi MA philosophy writer and director is prayerfully looking to build...
Cristina Yacovone I am 8 years old. My sister is Alyssa Arteaga. My favorite band is Simple Plan. I also like to listen t...
Vivek Yadav i am a student learning things about lfe and taking down notes and sharing them with every one.
Gift Yahaya -
Gift Yahaya -
Vyacheslav Yampolsky -
Masab Yaseen Srs is a singer
Ammar Yasir im songwriter.i write about differ sitautions and anyything thats comes in mind.
Chacky Yen -
Rachel Thian Yeng -
Joseph Yenkavitch Retired Teacher. Most writing has been articles, but have published some short stories, poems and essa
John Yeohann just a basic guy writing basic poems about basically everything!
John J Yezman -
Yg younggoldie
Jqg Yibslog -
Nevermind You i kill
Erica Young I started writing songs and poems about 2 years ago, and I will admit, most of them sucked. After a while, I ...
Iain Young Very few facts are known about the author and only one known photograph. Iain Young is rumoured to have been ...
J A Young -
Jessica L Young I am 18 years old from Arkansas. I love the Lord with all my heart and hope one day to make it to heaven....
Kathrine Young -
Pj Young
Younggoldie Younggoldie yg
Natasha Youngman From carmi, Illinois
Youngpilgrim -
Young -
Matthew Mark Your Rich http://pepsithieves.blogspot.com
Yuel Yuel Boyce Myself is Yuel Boyce.
Yufli ' -
Matthew Mark Gill Yummy Baby speaking his mind and being cute like always! http://matthewmark46410.tripod.com Complimen...
Y -

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Pj Young
36 year old man from England
[June 2015]
Hopeless Lover (Songs) A song about a man who cannot hold down a relationship and blames everyone but himself. [189 words] [Relationships] [June 2015] (HITS 1106, REVS. 0)


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